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AWS: aws_elasticsearch_domain_saml_options
Terraform resource for managing SAML authentication options for an AWS Elasticsearch Domain.

Resource: aws_elasticsearch_domain_saml_options

Manages SAML authentication options for an AWS Elasticsearch Domain.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain" "example" {
  domain_name           = "example"
  elasticsearch_version = "1.5"

  cluster_config {
    instance_type = "r4.large.elasticsearch"

  snapshot_options {
    automated_snapshot_start_hour = 23

  tags = {
    Domain = "TestDomain"

resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain_saml_options" "example" {
  domain_name = aws_elasticsearch_domain.example.domain_name
  saml_options {
    enabled = true
    idp {
      entity_id        = ""
      metadata_content = file("./saml-metadata.xml")

Argument Reference

The following arguments are required:

  • domain_name - (Required) Name of the domain.

The following arguments are optional:

  • saml_options - (Optional) The SAML authentication options for an AWS Elasticsearch Domain.


  • enabled - (Required) Whether SAML authentication is enabled.
  • idp - (Optional) Information from your identity provider.
  • master_backend_role - (Optional) This backend role from the SAML IdP receives full permissions to the cluster, equivalent to a new master user.
  • master_user_name - (Optional) This username from the SAML IdP receives full permissions to the cluster, equivalent to a new master user.
  • roles_key - (Optional) Element of the SAML assertion to use for backend roles. Default is roles.
  • session_timeout_minutes - (Optional) Duration of a session in minutes after a user logs in. Default is 60. Maximum value is 1,440.
  • subject_key - (Optional) Custom SAML attribute to use for user names. Default is an empty string - "". This will cause Elasticsearch to use the NameID element of the Subject, which is the default location for name identifiers in the SAML specification.


  • entity_id - (Required) The unique Entity ID of the application in SAML Identity Provider.
  • metadata_content - (Required) The Metadata of the SAML application in xml format.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The name of the domain the SAML options are associated with.


Elasticsearch domains can be imported using the domain_name, e.g.,

$ terraform import aws_elasticsearch_domain_saml_options.example domain_name