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Subscription Management System

Serverless AWS

Serverless solution for comprehensive subscription management with capabilities to:

  • Register events via webhook
  • Automate renewal notifications
  • Securely store data in DynamoDB
  • Send bulk emails with SES

Table of Contents

  1. System Architecture
  2. Technical Requirements
  3. Initial Setup
  4. AWS Deployment
  5. API Endpoints
  6. Data Structure
  7. Workflows
  8. Error Handling
  9. Security
  10. Monitoring
  11. Contribution
  12. License

System Architecture

flowchart TD
    subgraph "."
        D[(🗄️ DynamoDB\nSubscriptions)]
    subgraph "API Gateway Flow"
        A[🍋 Lemon Squeezy\nWebhook] -->|POST /subscriptions| B[🌐 API Gateway]
        B -->|Invokes| C[λ Lambda\nhandlerSubscription]
        C -->|PutItem| D

    subgraph "Scheduled Flow"
        E[⏰ EventBridge\nCron: 0 10 * * *] -->|Triggers| F[λ Lambda\ncheckExpirations]
        F -->|Query| D
        F -->|Send Notification| G[✉️ SES/SMS]

    style A fill:#FFD700,color:black
style B fill:#9C27B0,color:white
style C fill:#00BFFF,color:white
style D fill:#FFA500,color:white
style E fill:#9C27B0,color:white
style F fill:#00BFFF,color:white
style G fill:#34A853,color:white

Technical Requirements

AWS Account with permissions for:

  • Lambda
  • DynamoDB
  • SES
  • IAM
  • CloudFormation

Node.js 18.x+ Serverless Framework 3.x+ Verified SES Email for sending

Initial Setup

Clone repository

Install dependencies:

npm install

Configure variables in serverless.yml:

  deploymentBucket: your-bucket-name
  dynamoTable: Subscriptions

AWS Deployment

Configure AWS credentials:

aws configure

Deploy full stack:

serverless deploy --stage prod --region us-east-2

Verify created resources:

serverless info --stage prod --region us-east-2

API Endpoints

Register Subscription Event


Example Body:

  "data": {
    "id": "sub_ABC123",
    "attributes": {
      "user_email": "",
      "status": "active",
      "variant_name": "premium",
      "created_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "renews_at": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Success Response:

  "operation": "updated",
  "metadata": {
    "subscriptionId": "sub_ABC123",
    "status": "active",
    "nextBillingDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Data Structure

DynamoDB Table: Subscriptions

Attribute Type Description
userId (PK) String User email address
subscriptionId String Unique subscription ID
status String Current status (active/inactive)
plan String Subscription plan name
startDate String Start date (ISO 8601)
endDate String Expiration date (ISO 8601)
cancelled Boolean Cancellation status

Secondary Indexes:

  • status-endDate-index (GSI)
    • Partition Key: status
    • Sort Key: endDate


Notification Process

  • Daily execution at 10:00 UTC via EventBridge
  • DynamoDB query using GSI:
    • "active" subscriptions
    • endDate <= (Current Date + 3 days)
  • Batch email sending via SES
  • CloudWatch metrics logging

Email Template:

<div style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto;">
  <h2 style="color: #2c3e50;">Subscription Renewal</h2>
  <p>Dear user,</p>
    Your subscription <strong>(${plan})</strong> will expire on
    style="background: #3498db; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 5px;"
    Renew Now
  <p style="margin-top: 20px; color: #7f8c8d;">
    Questions? Contact our support team.

Error Handling

HTTP Status Codes

Code Scenario Recommended Action
400 Missing required fields Verify webhook payload
500 Internal server error Check CloudWatch logs
200 No update needed No action required

Error Logging

Detailed logs are stored in CloudWatch under:

  • /aws/lambda/subscription-manager-prod-handlerSubscription
  • /aws/lambda/subscription-manager-prod-checkExpirations


IAM Permissions Model

Service Permissions Scope
DynamoDB UpdateItem, Query Subscriptions table
SES SendEmail, SendRawEmail From verified email
CloudWatch PutMetricData Namespace: Subscriptions

Best Practices

  • SES domain validation
  • AES-256 encryption in DynamoDB
  • Lambda timeout set to 15 seconds
  • Lambda versioning enabled


Key Metrics

Service Metric Alert Threshold
Lambda Invocations > 1000/min
Error Rate > 5%
DynamoDB ConsumedReadCapacityUnits > 80% capacity
SES Bounce Rate > 1%

Example Dashboard

CloudWatch Dashboard: Subscription-System-Monitor

  • Widget 1: Lambda Invocations (Last 24h)
  • Widget 2: DynamoDB Read Capacity
  • Widget 3: SES Delivery Metrics
  • Widget 4: Error Rates by Function


  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create feature branch:

    git checkout -b feature/new-functionality
  3. Commit changes:

    git commit -m "feat: add new functionality"
  4. Push branch:

    git push origin feature/new-functionality
  5. Open Pull Request


Distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE for details.