Serverless solution for comprehensive subscription management with capabilities to:
- Register events via webhook
- Automate renewal notifications
- Securely store data in DynamoDB
- Send bulk emails with SES
- System Architecture
- Technical Requirements
- Initial Setup
- AWS Deployment
- API Endpoints
- Data Structure
- Workflows
- Error Handling
- Security
- Monitoring
- Contribution
- License
flowchart TD
subgraph "."
D[(🗄️ DynamoDB\nSubscriptions)]
subgraph "API Gateway Flow"
A[🍋 Lemon Squeezy\nWebhook] -->|POST /subscriptions| B[🌐 API Gateway]
B -->|Invokes| C[λ Lambda\nhandlerSubscription]
C -->|PutItem| D
subgraph "Scheduled Flow"
E[⏰ EventBridge\nCron: 0 10 * * *] -->|Triggers| F[λ Lambda\ncheckExpirations]
F -->|Query| D
F -->|Send Notification| G[✉️ SES/SMS]
style A fill:#FFD700,color:black
style B fill:#9C27B0,color:white
style C fill:#00BFFF,color:white
style D fill:#FFA500,color:white
style E fill:#9C27B0,color:white
style F fill:#00BFFF,color:white
style G fill:#34A853,color:white
AWS Account with permissions for:
- Lambda
- DynamoDB
- CloudFormation
Node.js 18.x+ Serverless Framework 3.x+ Verified SES Email for sending
Clone repository
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure variables in serverless.yml
deploymentBucket: your-bucket-name
dynamoTable: Subscriptions
Configure AWS credentials:
aws configure
Deploy full stack:
serverless deploy --stage prod --region us-east-2
Verify created resources:
serverless info --stage prod --region us-east-2
Example Body:
"data": {
"id": "sub_ABC123",
"attributes": {
"user_email": "",
"status": "active",
"variant_name": "premium",
"created_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"renews_at": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z"
Success Response:
"operation": "updated",
"metadata": {
"subscriptionId": "sub_ABC123",
"status": "active",
"nextBillingDate": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z"
Attribute | Type | Description |
userId (PK) | String | User email address |
subscriptionId | String | Unique subscription ID |
status | String | Current status (active/inactive) |
plan | String | Subscription plan name |
startDate | String | Start date (ISO 8601) |
endDate | String | Expiration date (ISO 8601) |
cancelled | Boolean | Cancellation status |
Secondary Indexes:
(GSI)- Partition Key:
- Sort Key:
- Partition Key:
- Daily execution at 10:00 UTC via EventBridge
- DynamoDB query using GSI:
- "active" subscriptions
endDate <= (Current Date + 3 days)
- Batch email sending via SES
- CloudWatch metrics logging
Email Template:
<div style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto;">
<h2 style="color: #2c3e50;">Subscription Renewal</h2>
<p>Dear user,</p>
Your subscription <strong>(${plan})</strong> will expire on
style="background: #3498db; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 5px;"
Renew Now
<p style="margin-top: 20px; color: #7f8c8d;">
Questions? Contact our support team.
Code | Scenario | Recommended Action |
400 | Missing required fields | Verify webhook payload |
500 | Internal server error | Check CloudWatch logs |
200 | No update needed | No action required |
Detailed logs are stored in CloudWatch under:
Service | Permissions | Scope |
DynamoDB | UpdateItem, Query | Subscriptions table |
SES | SendEmail, SendRawEmail | From verified email |
CloudWatch | PutMetricData | Namespace: Subscriptions |
- SES domain validation
- AES-256 encryption in DynamoDB
- Lambda timeout set to 15 seconds
- Lambda versioning enabled
Service | Metric | Alert Threshold |
Lambda | Invocations | > 1000/min |
Error Rate | > 5% | |
DynamoDB | ConsumedReadCapacityUnits | > 80% capacity |
SES | Bounce Rate | > 1% |
CloudWatch Dashboard: Subscription-System-Monitor
- Widget 1: Lambda Invocations (Last 24h)
- Widget 2: DynamoDB Read Capacity
- Widget 3: SES Delivery Metrics
- Widget 4: Error Rates by Function
Fork the repository
Create feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/new-functionality
Commit changes:
git commit -m "feat: add new functionality"
Push branch:
git push origin feature/new-functionality
Open Pull Request
Distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE
for details.