Extraction of EWK higher-dimensional operators using combine
VBS for TP version
cmsrel CMSSW_7_3_0
cd CMSSW_7_3_0/src/
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git clone https://github.com/jasperlauwers/CMS-CombineEFTAnalysis.git CombineEFT
source CombineEFT/CommonTools/setup/patchToSource.sh
scram b -j
This will convert datacards to EFT config cards, run the EFT framework, combine and calculate and draw the limits from the deltaLL profile likelihood
source CommonTools/scripts/makeEFTcards.sh