This Python package creates a class named ModularServer, which contains an instance of serial_device2.SerialDevice and adds methods to it, like auto discovery of available modular devices in Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. This class automatically creates methods from available functions reported by the modular device when it is running the appropriate firmware.
Peter Polidoro <>
Example Usage:
from modular_server import ModularServer dev = ModularDevice() # Might automatically finds device if one available # if it is not found automatically, specify port directly dev = ModularDevice(port='/dev/ttyACM0') # Linux specific port dev = ModularDevice(port='/dev/tty.usbmodem262471') # Mac OS X specific port dev = ModularDevice(port='COM3') # Windows specific port dev.get_device_info() dev.get_methods() from modular_device import ModularDevices devs = ModularDevices() # Might automatically find all available devices # if they are not found automatically, specify ports to use devs = ModularDevices(use_ports=['/dev/ttyUSB0','/dev/ttyUSB1']) # Linux devs = ModularDevices(use_ports=['/dev/tty.usbmodem262471','/dev/tty.usbmodem262472']) # Mac OS X devs = ModularDevices(use_ports=['COM3','COM4']) # Windows devs.items() dev = devs[name][serial_number]