| 1 | +(PEoPL:,List(PEoPL: An example scenario and case study Implementing delta-oriented SPLs using)) |
| 2 | +(scenario,List(scenario and case study Implementing delta-oriented SPLs using PEoPL: An example)) |
| 3 | +(SPLs,List(SPLs using PEoPL: An example scenario and case study Implementing delta-oriented, SPLs A tool environment for quality assurance of delta-oriented model-based, SPLs An extension of the ABS toolchain with a mechanism for type checking)) |
| 4 | +(integration,List(integration testing of software product lines Delta-oriented test case prioritization for, integration testing of large-scale systems Delta-oriented model-based, integration testing of delta-oriented software product lines Fine-grained test case prioritization for)) |
| 5 | +(checking,List(checking of delta-oriented software product lines Incremental model, checking Delta-Oriented product lines On type, checking in delta-oriented UML-models for automation systems Incremental consistency, checking of delta-oriented software product lines Compositional type, checking of product families Delta modeling and model, checking SPLs An extension of the ABS toolchain with a mechanism for type)) |
| 6 | +(Refactoring,List(Refactoring Delta-Oriented Product Lines to achieve Monotonicity, Refactoring delta-oriented software product lines, Refactoring delta-oriented product lines to enforce guidelines for efficient type-checking)) |
| 7 | +(Feature,List(Feature Attributes into Implementation Artifacts Parametric DeltaJ 1.5: Propagating)) |
| 8 | +(Conflict,List(Conflict Detection in Delta-Oriented Programming)) |
| 9 | +(products:,List(products: A case study Unanticipated evolution in software product lines versus independent)) |
| 10 | +(Row,List(Row types for delta-oriented programming)) |
| 11 | +(UML,List(UML profile for delta-oriented programming to support software product line engineering A)) |
| 12 | +(proof,List(proof system for delta-oriented programming A transformational)) |
| 13 | +(Products,List(Products Lines A Delta Oriented Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software)) |
| 14 | +(Framework,List(Framework for Software Product Line Engineering SiPL - A Delta-Based Modeling)) |
| 15 | +(Evolving,List(Evolving Delta-Oriented Software Product Line Architectures, Evolving Software Product Lines Evaluating Delta-Oriented Programming for)) |
| 16 | +(Implementation,List(Implementation Artifacts Parametric DeltaJ 1.5: Propagating Feature Attributes into)) |
| 17 | +(type,List(type checking Delta-Oriented product lines On, type checking of delta-oriented software product lines Compositional, type checking SPLs An extension of the ABS toolchain with a mechanism for)) |
| 18 | +(Approach,List(Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software Products Lines A Delta Oriented)) |
| 19 | +(with,List(with Delta-Oriented Slicing Verification of Software Product Lines, with a mechanism for type checking SPLs An extension of the ABS toolchain)) |
| 20 | +(Java,List(Java 1.5 DeltaJ 1.5: delta-oriented programming for)) |
| 21 | +(Towards,List(Towards incremental model slicing for delta-oriented software product lines, Towards a development process for maturing delta-oriented software product lines)) |
| 22 | +(data,List(data models of software product lines Incremental variability management in conceptual)) |
| 23 | +(Evaluating,List(Evaluating Delta-Oriented Programming for Evolving Software Product Lines)) |
| 24 | +(ABS,List(ABS language Variability modelling in the, ABS toolchain with a mechanism for type checking SPLs An extension of the)) |
| 25 | +(conceptual,List(conceptual data models of software product lines Incremental variability management in)) |
| 26 | +(incremental,List(incremental model slicing for delta-oriented software product lines Towards)) |
| 27 | +(using,List(using MontiCore Delta-oriented architectural variability, using PEoPL: An example scenario and case study Implementing delta-oriented SPLs)) |
| 28 | +(testing,List(testing of software product lines Delta-oriented test case prioritization for integration, testing of large-scale systems Delta-oriented model-based integration, testing of delta-oriented product lines Refinement-based, testing approach for software product lines A novel model-based, testing of delta-oriented software product lines Fine-grained test case prioritization for integration, testing Requirements-based delta-oriented SPL, testing Delta-oriented model-based SPL regression)) |
| 29 | +(Type,List(Type Safety for Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines Family-Based Analysis of)) |
| 30 | +(architectures,List(architectures Delta modeling for software)) |
| 31 | +(delta,List(delta modeling languages Engineering)) |
| 32 | +(line,List(line engineering A UML profile for delta-oriented programming to support software product)) |
| 33 | +(Safety,List(Safety for Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines Family-Based Analysis of Type)) |
| 34 | +(Principle,List(Principle for Delta-Oriented Programming A Liskov)) |
| 35 | +(1.5,List(1.5 DeltaJ 1.5: delta-oriented programming for Java)) |
| 36 | +(Family-Based,List(Family-Based Analysis of Type Safety for Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines)) |
| 37 | +(consistency,List(consistency checking in delta-oriented UML-models for automation systems Incremental)) |
| 38 | +(variability,List(variability using MontiCore Delta-oriented architectural, variability in software product lines Handling database schema, variability management in conceptual data models of software product lines Incremental)) |
| 39 | +(tool,List(tool environment for quality assurance of delta-oriented model-based SPLs A)) |
| 40 | +(Pure,List(Pure delta-oriented programming)) |
| 41 | +(test,List(test case prioritization for integration testing of software product lines Delta-oriented, test case prioritization for integration testing of delta-oriented software product lines Fine-grained)) |
| 42 | +(FSM-Based,List(FSM-Based Testing Delta-Oriented)) |
| 43 | +(Variability,List(Variability in Delta-Oriented Models Deployment, Variability modelling in the ABS language)) |
| 44 | +(1.5:,List(1.5: Propagating Feature Attributes into Implementation Artifacts Parametric DeltaJ, 1.5: delta-oriented programming for Java 1.5 DeltaJ)) |
| 45 | +(enforce,List(enforce guidelines for efficient type-checking Refactoring delta-oriented product lines to)) |
| 46 | +(example,List(example scenario and case study Implementing delta-oriented SPLs using PEoPL: An)) |
| 47 | +(change,List(change DeltaCCS: A core calculus for behavioral)) |
| 48 | +(Product-Line,List(Product-Line Testing Delta-Oriented Product Prioritization for Similarity-Based)) |
| 49 | +(transformational,List(transformational proof system for delta-oriented programming A)) |
| 50 | +(Delta-Based,List(Delta-Based Modeling Framework for Software Product Line Engineering SiPL - A)) |
| 51 | +(Delta,List(Delta Oriented Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software Products Lines A, Delta modeling for software architectures, Delta modeling and model checking of product families)) |
| 52 | +(Requirements-based,List(Requirements-based delta-oriented SPL testing)) |
| 53 | +(Monotonicity,List(Monotonicity Refactoring Delta-Oriented Product Lines to achieve)) |
| 54 | +(calculus,List(calculus for behavioral change DeltaCCS: A core)) |
| 55 | +(Oriented,List(Oriented Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software Products Lines A Delta)) |
| 56 | +(families,List(families Delta modeling and model checking of product)) |
| 57 | +(Propagating,List(Propagating Feature Attributes into Implementation Artifacts Parametric DeltaJ 1.5:)) |
| 58 | +(Architectures,List(Architectures Evolving Delta-Oriented Software Product Line)) |
| 59 | +(novel,List(novel model-based testing approach for software product lines A)) |
| 60 | +(language,List(language Variability modelling in the ABS)) |
| 61 | +(into,List(into Implementation Artifacts Parametric DeltaJ 1.5: Propagating Feature Attributes)) |
| 62 | +(Models,List(Models Deployment Variability in Delta-Oriented)) |
| 63 | +(large-scale,List(large-scale systems Delta-oriented model-based integration testing of)) |
| 64 | +(DeltaJ,List(DeltaJ 1.5: Propagating Feature Attributes into Implementation Artifacts Parametric, DeltaJ 1.5: delta-oriented programming for Java 1.5)) |
| 65 | +(Line,List(Line Architectures Evolving Delta-Oriented Software Product, Line Engineering SiPL - A Delta-Based Modeling Framework for Software Product)) |
| 66 | +(Parametric,List(Parametric DeltaJ 1.5: Propagating Feature Attributes into Implementation Artifacts)) |
| 67 | +(MontiCore,List(MontiCore Delta-oriented architectural variability using)) |
| 68 | +(Liskov,List(Liskov Principle for Delta-Oriented Programming A)) |
| 69 | +(Incremental,List(Incremental model checking of delta-oriented software product lines, Incremental Model-Based Testing of Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines, Incremental consistency checking in delta-oriented UML-models for automation systems, Incremental variability management in conceptual data models of software product lines)) |
| 70 | +(SiPL,List(SiPL - A Delta-Based Modeling Framework for Software Product Line Engineering)) |
| 71 | +(approach,List(approach for software product lines A novel model-based testing)) |
| 72 | +(Analysis,List(Analysis of Type Safety for Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines Family-Based)) |
| 73 | +(case,List(case prioritization for integration testing of software product lines Delta-oriented test, case prioritization for integration testing of delta-oriented software product lines Fine-grained test, case study Implementing delta-oriented SPLs using PEoPL: An example scenario and, case study Unanticipated evolution in software product lines versus independent products: A)) |
| 74 | +(Testing,List(Testing Delta-Oriented FSM-Based, Testing of Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines Incremental Model-Based, Testing Delta-Oriented Product Prioritization for Similarity-Based Product-Line)) |
| 75 | +(independent,List(independent products: A case study Unanticipated evolution in software product lines versus)) |
| 76 | +(unified,List(unified and formal programming model for deltas and traits A)) |
| 77 | +(models,List(models of software product lines Incremental variability management in conceptual data)) |
| 78 | +(versus,List(versus independent products: A case study Unanticipated evolution in software product lines)) |
| 79 | +(systems,List(systems Delta-oriented model-based integration testing of large-scale, systems Incremental consistency checking in delta-oriented UML-models for automation)) |
| 80 | +(Monitor,List(Monitor Specification Delta-Oriented)) |
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