Thank you for considering contributing to Flask-Inertia. You can contribute in many ways. For example:
Did you find a bug ?
Feel free to open a new issue on Github after ensuring there are no open issue addressing the problem. Please include a title and a clear description of the issue in the ticket.
When filling a new issue, make sure to include these information:
- What version of Python, Flask and InertiaJS are you using ?
- What operating System are you using ?
- What did you do ?
- What did you expect to see ?
Do you want to suggest a feature ?
If you find yourself wishing for a feature that doesn't exist please open an issue on our issues list on GitHub which describes the feature you would like to see, why you need it, and how it should work.
Did you write documentation or `how-to` articles and want it referenced here ?
Please open a new Pull Request on Github referencing your work in the README.rst file. If you're not familiar on how to open a PR, please see the documentation at
Did you code a new feature or a bug fix ?
Let us know what you plan in the GitHub Issue tracker so we can provide feedback. Provide tests and documentation whenever possible. It is very unlikely that we will accept new features or functionality without the proper testing and documentation. Open a GitHub Pull Request with your patches and we will review your contribution and respond as quickly as possible.
Please refer to the Guidelines below and be sure your contribution respects it.
Flask-Inertia uses the pre-commit project to ensure its code formatting. Please follow the documentation to install it and enable it in your repository.
If you don't want to install it as a global system package, you can use a Python virtualenv instead:
python3 -m venv <virtualenv_folder> source <virtualenv_folder>/bin/activate pip install pre-commit pre-commit install
It will ensure, using git hook scripts, that your code respects the Flask-Inertia code formatting guidelines.
As mentioned before, it is very unlikely that we will accept code contributions without the proper testing. There are two tests sets in Flask-Inertia concerning respectively the Python codebase and the JavaScript codebase.
The Python codebase use the standard unitest module to execute the tests cases, and the coverage tool for measuring the code coverage.
You can run these tests using the following commands:
python3 -m venv tests_venv source ./tests_venv/bin/activate pip install coverage pip install -r requirements.txt coverage run --source=flask_inertia -m unittest tests.python.test_app coverage report -m --fail-under=90
Your Pull Request will not be accepted if the code coverage falls under 90%.
You can add your tests cases in the file tests/python/ adding new cases to the existing TestInertia class or create a new class for your purposes.
The JavaScript tests concerns exclusively the flask_inertia/router.js file. You should not modify these tests if your patch does not impact this file.
The JavaScript codebase use the jest tool to execute its test cases. You will need nodejs and npm installed to run these tests. A Python script will be used to create the flask-inertia generated JavaScript.
You can run these tests as followed:
python3 -m venv tests_venv source ./tests_venv/bin/activate python3 install python3 tests/js/ npm install npm run test
You can add your tests cases in the file tests/js/unit/test_router.spec.js adding new it methods for your purposes.
Each commit message consists of a header and an optional body. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope and a subject:
<type>(<scope>): <subject> <BLANK LINE> <body>
The header is mandatory and the scope of the header is optional.
The available types are the following:
- new: a commit of the type new introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
- chg: a commit of the type chg introduces a refactoring of the codebase
- fix: a commit of the type fix introduces a bugfix of the codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
- doc: a commit of the type doc introduces a modification of the documentation
No modification of the __version__ variable in the flask_inertia/ file nor the Changelog file will be accepted.