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Make crypto safe again

It's not magic, it's math


IT Security is one of the most important concepts that exists and it seems that the mainstream web3 wallets forget this... ¿do you trust in your main wallet? ¿Trust-Wallet? Oh...

I created this mini-tool to generate your public and private key and derived address for use on any EVM-compatible network, completely offline and safe.


This tool ONLY works for Linux/MacOS systems.

Tested in:

  • TailsOS 5.12
  • Linux Mint 21
  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS


IMPORTANT: If you want to stay safe, just download this repository in your online computer, copy it to an USB memory and go to your offline environment.

Clone or download it: git clone

Navigate to the folder and execute the script: cd create-evm-address/ & ./create-evm-address

That's all. Now, you have your EVM cold wallet.

You can use it for:

  • Add your new and safe address in a watch-only service.
  • Use it in a safe-vault concept: Use a not-safe wallet (generated by Metamask or other main wallet) to interact with web3 dapps and send your funds to your cold wallet.
  • Use your wallet in hot mode: Copy your private key and import it in some wallet (see Extra section).

No matter what, don't forget to save securely your private key.


This script only runs the selected commands using openssl and a pre-compiled keccak256 lib to derive the address from the public key.


If you want to use your new and safe address in web3 space, here are a couple of tips that you must consider:


If you're wondering about signing transactions offline and broadcast to the network, I'll do my best to implement it soon.

Happy hacking!