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Running Locally

You can use Docker and docker-compose to test shuttle locally during development. See the Docker install and docker-compose install instructions if you do not have them installed already.

git clone
cd shuttle

You should now be ready to setup a local environment to test code changes to core shuttle packages as follows:

Build the required images with:

make images

Note: The current Makefile does not work on Windows systems by itself - if you want to build the local environment on Windows you could use Windows Subsystem for Linux. Additional Windows considerations are listed at the bottom of this page.

The images get built with cargo-chef and therefore support incremental builds (most of the time). So they will be much faster to re-build after an incremental change in your code - should you wish to deploy it locally straight away.

You can now start a local deployment of shuttle and the required containers with:

make up

Note: Other useful commands can be found within the Makefile.

The API is now accessible on localhost:8000 (for app proxies) and localhost:8001 (for the control plane). When running cargo run --bin cargo-shuttle (in a debug build), the CLI will point itself to localhost for its API calls.

In order to test local changes to the shuttle-service crate, you may want to add the below to a .cargo/config.toml file. (See Overriding Dependencies for more)

shuttle-service = { path = "[base]/shuttle/service" }
shuttle-aws-rds = { path = "[base]/shuttle/resources/aws-rds" }
shuttle-persist = { path = "[base]/shuttle/resources/persist" }
shuttle-shared-db = { path = "[base]/shuttle/resources/shared-db" }
shuttle-secrets = { path = "[base]/shuttle/resources/secrets" }
shuttle-static-folder = { path = "[base]/shuttle/resources/static-folder" }

Prime gateway database with an admin user:

docker compose --file docker-compose.rendered.yml --project-name shuttle-dev exec gateway /usr/local/bin/service --state=/var/lib/shuttle init --name admin --key test-key

Login to shuttle service in a new terminal window from the main shuttle directory:

cargo run --bin cargo-shuttle -- login --api-key "test-key"

cd into one of the examples:

git submodule init
git submodule update
cd examples/rocket/hello-world/

Create a new project, this will start a deployer container:

# the --manifest-path is used to locate the root of the shuttle workspace
cargo run --manifest-path ../../../Cargo.toml --bin cargo-shuttle -- project new

Verify that the deployer is healthy and in the ready state:

cargo run --manifest-path ../../../Cargo.toml --bin cargo-shuttle -- project status

Deploy the example:

cargo run --manifest-path ../../../Cargo.toml --bin cargo-shuttle -- deploy

Test if the deploy is working:

# the Host header should match the Host from the deploy output
curl --header "Host: {app}" localhost:8000/hello

View logs from the current deployment:

# append `--follow` to this command for a live feed of logs
cargo run --manifest-path ../../../Cargo.toml --bin cargo-shuttle -- logs

Testing deployer only

The steps outlined above starts all the services used by shuttle locally (ie. both gateway and deployer). However, sometimes you will want to quickly test changes to deployer only. To do this replace make up with the following:

docker compose -f docker-compose.rendered.yml up provisioner

This prevents gateway from starting up. Now you can start deployer only using:

provisioner_address=$(docker inspect --format '{{(index .NetworkSettings.Networks "shuttle_default").IPAddress}}' shuttle_prod_hello-world-rocket-app_run)
cargo run -p shuttle-deployer -- --provisioner-address $provisioner_address --provisioner-port 8000 --proxy-fqdn --admin-secret test-key --project <project_name>

The --admin-secret can safely be changed to your api-key to make testing easier. While <project_name> needs to match the name of the project that will be deployed to this deployer. This is the Cargo.toml or Shuttle.toml name for the project.

Using Podman instead of Docker

If you are using Podman over Docker, then expose a rootless socket of Podman using the following command:

podman system service --time=0 unix:///tmp/podman.sock

Now make docker-compose use this socket by setting the following environment variable:

export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///tmp/podman.sock

shuttle can now be run locally using the steps shown earlier.

Note: Testing the gateway with a rootless Podman does not work since Podman does not allow access to the deployer containers via IP address!

Running Tests

shuttle has reasonable test coverage - and we are working on improving this every day. We encourage PRs to come with tests. If you're not sure about what a test should look like, feel free to get in touch.

To run the unit tests for a spesific crate, from the root of the repository run:

# replace <crate-name> with the name of the crate to test, e.g. `shuttle-common`
cargo test --package <crate-name> --all-features --lib -- --nocapture

To run the integration tests for a spesific crate (if it has any), from the root of the repository run:

# replace <crate-name> with the name of the crate to test, e.g. `cargo-shuttle`
cargo test --package <crate-name> --all-features --test '*' -- --nocapture

To run the end-to-end tests, from the root of the repository run:

make test

Note: Running all the end-to-end tests may take a long time, so it is recommended to run individual tests shipped as part of each crate in the workspace first.


We use the Angular Commit Guidelines. We expect all commits to conform to these guidelines.

Furthermore, commits should be squashed before being merged to master.

Before committing:

  • Make sure your commits don't trigger any warnings from Clippy by running: cargo clippy --tests --all-targets. If you have a good reason to contradict Clippy, insert an #[allow(clippy::<lint>)] macro, so that it won't complain.
  • Make sure your code is correctly formatted: cargo fmt --all --check.
  • Make sure your Cargo.toml's are sorted: cargo sort --workspace. This command uses the cargo-sort crate to sort the Cargo.toml dependencies alphabetically.
  • If you've made changes to examples, make sure the above commands are ran there as well.

Project Layout

The folders in this repository relate to each other as follow:

graph BT
    classDef default fill:#1f1f1f,stroke-width:0,color:white;
    classDef binary fill:#f25100,font-weight:bolder,stroke-width:0,color:white;
    classDef external fill:#343434,font-style:italic,stroke:#f25100,color:white;

    user([user service]):::external
    gateway --> common
    gateway -.->|starts instances| deployer
    deployer --> proto
    deployer -.->|calls| provisioner
    service ---> common
    deployer --> common
    cargo-shuttle --->|"features = ['loader']"| service
    deployer -->|"features = ['loader']"| service
    cargo-shuttle --> common
    service --> codegen
    proto ---> common
    provisioner --> proto
    e2e -.->|starts up| gateway
    e2e -.->|calls| cargo-shuttle
    user -->|"features = ['codegen']"| service

First, provisioner, gateway, deployer, and cargo-shuttle are binary crates with provisioner, gateway and deployer being backend services. The cargo-shuttle binary is the cargo shuttle command used by users.

The rest are the following libraries:

  • common contains shared models and functions used by the other libraries and binaries.
  • codegen contains our proc-macro code which gets exposed to user services from service by the codegen feature flag. The redirect through service is to make it available under the prettier name of shuttle_service::main.
  • service is where our special Service trait is defined. Anything implementing this Service can be loaded by the deployer and the local runner in cargo-shuttle. The codegen automatically implements the Service trait for any user service.
  • proto contains the gRPC server and client definitions to allow deployer to communicate with provisioner.
  • e2e just contains tests which starts up the deployer in a container and then deploys services to it using cargo-shuttle.

Lastly, the user service is not a folder in this repository, but is the user service that will be deployed by deployer.

Windows Considerations

Currently, if you try to use 'make images' on Windows, you may find that the shell files cannot be read by Bash/WSL. This is due to the fact that Windows may have pulled the files in CRLF format rather than LF1, which causes problems with Bash as to run the commands, Linux needs the file in LF format.

Thankfully, we can fix this problem by simply using the git config core.autocrlf command to change how Git handles line endings. It takes a single argument:

git config --global core.autocrlf input

This should allow you to run make images and other Make commands with no issues.

If you need to change it back for whatever reason, you can just change the last argument from 'input' to 'true' like so:

git config --global core.autocrlf true

After you run this command, you should be able to checkout projects that are maintained using CRLF (Windows) again.

