Modified from GitbookIO lru-diskcache to fix npm audit issues. Test coverage is low on this, recommend using the original lru-diskcache.
A disk cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items. Based on lru-cache.
var LRU = require("lru-diskcache")
var cache = LRU('./cache', {
max: 50
cache.set("", "A string content")
cache.get("file").then(function() { ... }) // Buffer("A string content")
// with a buffer or stream
cache.set("image.png", new Buffer([ ... ]))
cache.set("index.html", request.get(""))
cache.reset() // empty the cache
If you put more stuff in it, then items will fall out.
If you try to put an oversized thing in it, then it'll fall out right away.
// Initialize the cache
// Get content as a buffer (return a promise)
// Get content as a string
cache.get(key, { encoding: 'utf8' })
// Get content as a stream (return a promise)
// Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness or deleting it for being stale.
// Delete a key from the cache
// Return total length of objects in cache taking into account
// Manually iterates over the entire cache proactively pruning old entries