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feat: implementation of the new put() function
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BREAKING CHANGE: The API of `put()` changes.

The API docs for it:

> Stores the given IPLD Nodes of a recognized IPLD Format.

 - `nodes` (`Iterable<Object>`): deserialized IPLD nodes that should be inserted.
 - `format` (`multicodec`, required): the multicodec of the format that IPLD Node should be encoded in.
 - `options` is applied to any of the `nodes` and is an object with the following properties:
   - `hashAlg` (`multicodec`, default: hash algorithm of the given multicodec): the hashing algorithm that is used to calculate the CID.
   - `cidVersion` (`boolean`, default: 1): the CID version to use.
   - `onlyHash` (`boolean`, default: false): if true the serialized form of the IPLD Node will not be passed to the underlying block store.

Returns an async iterator with the CIDs of the serialized IPLD Nodes.
  • Loading branch information
vmx committed Mar 21, 2019
1 parent d797667 commit 8b737b1
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Showing 12 changed files with 279 additions and 390 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
"multicodec": "~0.5.0",
"pull-defer": "~0.2.3",
"pull-stream": "^3.6.9",
"pull-traverse": "^1.0.3"
"pull-traverse": "^1.0.3",
"typical": "^3.0.0"
"contributors": [
"Alan Shaw <>",
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93 changes: 68 additions & 25 deletions src/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const ipldDagCbor = require('ipld-dag-cbor')
const ipldDagPb = require('ipld-dag-pb')
const ipldRaw = require('ipld-raw')
const multicodec = require('multicodec')
const typical = require('typical')
const { fancyIterator } = require('./util')

function noop () {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,40 +171,82 @@ class IPLDResolver {

put (node, options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options
return setImmediate(() => callback(
new Error('IPLDResolver.put requires options')
* Stores the given IPLD Nodes of a recognized IPLD Format.
* @param {Iterable.<Object>} nodes - Deserialized IPLD nodes that should be inserted.
* @param {number} format - The multicodec of the format that IPLD Node should be encoded in.
* @param {Object} [userOptions] - Options are applied to any of the `nodes` and is an object with the following properties.
* @param {number} [userOtions.hashAlg=hash algorithm of the given multicodec] - The hashing algorithm that is used to calculate the CID.
* @param {number} [userOptions.cidVersion=1]`- The CID version to use.
* @param {boolean} [userOptions.onlyHash=false] - If true the serialized form of the IPLD Node will not be passed to the underlying block store.
* @returns {Iterable.<Promise.<CID>>} - Returns an async iterator with the CIDs of the serialized IPLD Nodes.
put (nodes, format, userOptions) {
if (!typical.isIterable(nodes) || typical.isString(nodes) ||
Buffer.isBuffer(nodes)) {
throw new Error('`nodes` must be an iterable')
if (format === undefined) {
throw new Error('`put` requires a format')
if (typeof format !== 'number') {
throw new Error('`format` parameter must be number (multicodec)')
callback = callback || noop

if (options.cid && CID.isCID(options.cid)) {
if (options.onlyHash) {
return setImmediate(() => callback(null, options.cid))
let options
let formatImpl

return this._put(options.cid, node, callback)
const next = () => {
// End iteration if there are no more nodes to put
if (nodes.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve({ done: true })

// TODO vmx 2018-12-07: Make this async/await once `put()` returns a
// Promise
this._getFormat(options.format).then((format) => {
format.util.cid(node, options, (err, cid) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// Lazy load the options not when the iterator is initialized, but
// when we hit the first iteration. This way the constructor can be
// a synchronous function.
if (options === undefined) {
try {
formatImpl = await this._getFormat(format)
} catch (err) {
return reject(err)
const defaultOptions = {
hashAlg: formatImpl.defaultHashAlg,
cidVersion: 1,
onlyHash: false
options = mergeOptions(defaultOptions, userOptions)

if (options.onlyHash) {
return callback(null, cid)
const node = nodes.shift()
const cidOptions = {
version: options.cidVersion,
hashAlg: options.hashAlg,
onlyHash: options.onlyHash
formatImpl.util.cid(node, cidOptions, (err, cid) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err)

this._put(cid, node, callback)
if (options.onlyHash) {
return resolve({ done: false, value: cid })

this._put(cid, node, (err, cid) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
return resolve({ done: false, value: cid })
}).catch((err) => {

return fancyIterator(next)

treeStream (cid, path, options) {
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19 changes: 7 additions & 12 deletions test/basics.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ chai.use(chaiAsProised)
const BlockService = require('ipfs-block-service')
const CID = require('cids')
const multihash = require('multihashes')
const multicodec = require('multicodec')
const pull = require('pull-stream')
const inMemory = require('ipld-in-memory')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,25 +63,19 @@ module.exports = (repo) => {
// })
// }

it('put - errors on unknown resolver', (done) => {
it('put - errors on unknown resolver', async () => {
const bs = new BlockService(repo)
const r = new IPLDResolver({ blockService: bs })
// choosing a format that is not supported
r.put(null, { format: 'blake2b-8' }, (err, result) => {
expect(err.message).to.eql('No resolver found for codec "blake2b-8"')
const result = r.put([null], multicodec.BLAKE2B_8)
await expect(
'No resolver found for codec "blake2b-8"')

it('put - errors if no options', (done) => {
it('put - errors if no format is provided', () => {
const bs = new BlockService(repo)
const r = new IPLDResolver({ blockService: bs })
r.put(null, (err, result) => {
expect(err.message).to.eql('IPLDResolver.put requires options')
expect(() => r.put([null]))'`put` requires a format')

it('_put - errors on unknown resolver', (done) => {
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9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions test/format-support.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,17 +17,14 @@ module.exports = (repo) => {
describe('IPLD format support', () => {
let data, cid

before((done) => {
before(async () => {
const bs = new BlockService(repo)
const resolver = new IPLDResolver({ blockService: bs })

data = { now: }

dagCBOR.util.cid(data, (err, c) => {
cid = c
resolver.put(data, { cid }, done)
const result = resolver.put([data], multicodec.DAG_CBOR)
cid = await result.last()

describe('Dynamic format loading', () => {
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53 changes: 20 additions & 33 deletions test/ipld-all.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ const each = require('async/each')
const waterfall = require('async/waterfall')
const CID = require('cids')
const inMemory = require('ipld-in-memory')
const multicodec = require('multicodec')

const IPLDResolver = require('../src')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,10 +53,15 @@ describe('IPLD Resolver for dag-cbor + dag-pb', () => {
cidCbor = cid

{ node: nodePb, cid: cidPb },
{ node: nodeCbor, cid: cidCbor }
{ node: nodePb, format: multicodec.DAG_PB, cidVersion: 0 },
{ node: nodeCbor, format: multicodec.DAG_CBOR, cidVersion: 1 }
], (nac, cb) => {
resolver.put(nac.node, { cid: nac.cid }, cb)
resolver.put([nac.node], nac.format, {
cidVersion: nac.cidVersion
() => cb(null),
(error) => cb(error)
}, cb)
], done)
Expand All @@ -76,12 +82,17 @@ describe('IPLD Resolver for dag-cbor + dag-pb', () => {
it('does not store nodes when onlyHash is passed', (done) => {
(cb) => dagPB.DAGNode.create(Buffer.from('Some data here'), cb),
(node, cb) => resolver.put(node, {
onlyHash: true,
version: 1,
hashAlg: 'sha2-256',
format: 'dag-pb'
}, cb),
(node, cb) => {
const result = resolver.put([node], multicodec.DAG_PB, {
onlyHash: true,
cidVersion: 1,
hashAlg: multicodec.SHA2_256
(cid) => cb(null, cid),
(error) => cb(error)
(cid, cb) =>, cb)
], (error, result) => {
if (error) {
Expand All @@ -93,30 +104,6 @@ describe('IPLD Resolver for dag-cbor + dag-pb', () => {

it('does not store nodes when onlyHash is passed and a CID is passed', (done) => {
const cid = new CID('QmTmxQfEHbQzntsXPTU4ae2ZgBGwseBmS12AkZnKCkuf2G')

(cb) => dagPB.DAGNode.create(Buffer.from('Some data here'), cb),
(node, cb) => resolver.put(node, {
onlyHash: true,
}, cb),
(cid2, cb) => {
expect(cid2).to.equal(cid), cb)
], (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return done(error)


describe('getMany', () => {
it('should return nodes correctly', (done) => {
resolver.getMany([cidCbor, cidPb], (err, result) => {
Expand Down
60 changes: 24 additions & 36 deletions test/ipld-bitcoin.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const BitcoinBlock = require('bitcoinjs-lib').Block
const multihash = require('multihashes')
const series = require('async/series')
const each = require('async/each')
const pull = require('pull-stream')
const multicodec = require('multicodec')

const IPLDResolver = require('../src')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,16 +83,12 @@ module.exports = (repo) => {
], store)

function store () {
{ node: node1, cid: cid1 },
{ node: node2, cid: cid2 },
{ node: node3, cid: cid3 }
pull.asyncMap((nac, cb) => resolver.put(nac.node, { cid: nac.cid }, cb)),
async function store () {
const nodes = [node1, node2, node3]
const result = resolver.put(nodes, multicodec.BITCOIN_BLOCK)
;[cid1, cid2, cid3] = await result.all()


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,34 +117,26 @@ module.exports = (repo) => {

describe('public api', () => {
it('resolver.put', (done) => {
resolver.put(node1, { cid: cid1 }, done)

it('resolver.put with format', (done) => {
resolver.put(node1, { format: 'bitcoin-block' }, (err, cid) => {
const mh = multihash.decode(cid.multihash)
it('resolver.put with format', async () => {
const result = resolver.put([node1], multicodec.BITCOIN_BLOCK)
const cid = await result.first()
const mh = multihash.decode(cid.multihash)

it('resolver.put with format + hashAlg', (done) => {
resolver.put(node1, { format: 'bitcoin-block', hashAlg: 'sha3-512' }, (err, cid) => {
const mh = multihash.decode(cid.multihash)
it('resolver.put with format + hashAlg', async () => {
const result = resolver.put([node1], multicodec.BITCOIN_BLOCK, {
hashAlg: multicodec.SHA3_512
const cid = await result.first()
const mh = multihash.decode(cid.multihash)

// TODO vmx 2018-11-30: Implement getting the whole object properly
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