Automated JavaScript project management.
The project structure when using this is quite strict, to ease replication and configuration overhead.
All source code should be placed under src
, with the main entry
point being src/index.js
All test files should be placed under test
. Individual test files should end in .spec.js
and setup files for the node and the browser should be test/node.js
and test/browser.js
Your package.json
should have the following entries and should pass aegir lint-package-json
"main": "src/index.js",
"files": [
"scripts": {
"lint": "aegir lint",
"release": "aegir release",
"build": "aegir build",
"test": "aegir test",
"test:node": "aegir test --target node",
"test:browser": "aegir test --target browser"
Check this tutorial
Check this tutorial
To bring you its many benefits, aegir
In addition to running the tests aegir
also provides several helpers to be used by the tests.
Loading fixture files in node and the browser can be painful, that's why aegir provides
a method to do this. For it to work you have to put your fixtures in the folder test/fixtures
, and then
// test/awesome.spec.js
const loadFixture = require('aegir/fixtures')
const myFixture = loadFixture('test/fixtures/largefixture')
The path to the fixture is relative to the module root.
If you write a module like interface-ipfs-core which is to be consumed by other modules tests you need to pass in a third parameter such that the server is able to serve the correct files.
For example
// awesome-tests module
const loadFixture = require('aegir/fixtures')
const myFixture = loadFixture('test/fixtures/coolfixture', 'awesome-tests')
// tests for module using the awesome-tests
// .aegir.js file in the module using the awesome-tests module
'use strict'
module.exports = {
karma: {
files: [{
pattern: 'node_modules/awesome-tests/test/fixtures/**/*',
watched: false,
served: true,
included: false
HTTP echo server for testing purposes.
const EchoServer = require('aegir/utils/echo-server')
const server = new EchoServer()
await server.start()
// search params echo endpoint
const req = await fetch('')
console.log(await req.text())
// body echo endpoint
const req = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
body: '{"key": "value"}'
console.log(await req.text())
// redirect endpoint
const req = await fetch('')
console.log(await req.text())
// download endpoint
const req = await fetch('')
console.log(await req.text())
await server.stop()
Helper to find an available port to put a server listening on.
const getPort = require('aegir/utils/get-port')
const port = await getPort(3000, '')
// if 3000 is available returns 3000 if not returns a free port.
Linting uses eslint and standard with some custom rules to enforce some more strictness.
You can run it using
$ aegir lint
$ aegir lint-package-json
You can run it using
$ aegir test
There are also browser and node specific tasks
$ aegir test --target node
$ aegir test --target browser
$ aegir test --target webworker
You can run your tests with nyc
$ npx nyc -s aegir test -t node
# to check the report locally
$ npx nyc report --reporter=html && open coverage/index.html
# or just for a text based reporter
$ npx nyc report
Not available yet PR open.
To auto publish coverage reports from Travis to Codecov add this to
your .travis.yml
after_success: npx nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && npx codecov
You can run it using
$ aegir build
This will build a browser ready version into dist
, so after publishing the results will be available under<module-name>/dist/index.js<module-name>/dist/index.min.js
Specifying a custom entry file for Webpack
By default, aegir
uses src/index.js
as the entry file for Webpack. You can customize which file to use as the entry point by specifying entry
field in your user configuration file. To do this, create .aegir.js
file in your project's root directory and add point the entry
field to the file Webpack should use as the entry:
module.exports = {
entry: "src/browser-index.js",
Webpack will use the specified file as the entry point and output it to dist/<filename>
, eg. dist/browser-index.js
If .aegir.js
file is not present in the project, webpack will use src/index.js
as the default entry file.
Pass the --analyze
option to have Webpack generate a stats.json
file for the bundle and save it in the project root (see e.g.
aegir build --analyze
This will generate .d.ts
files from files in your project. Suitable for use in a prepublishOnly
npm script.
$ aegir generate-types PATTERN
It supports a glob pattern as the argument, but to prevent cli expansion you should wrap it in quotes:
$ aegir generate-types 'src/**/*.js'
Pass the --overwrite
option to remove .d.ts
files that would be generated:
$ aegir generate-types --overwrite 'src/**/*.js'
Any flags or config to pass to tsc
can be specified as forward options:
$ aegir generate-types --overwrite 'src/**/*.js' -- --allowJs --esModuleInterop
Since these are generated files you may wish to add *.d.ts
to your .gitignore
file if you are generating types from JSDocs as part of a js project release.
- Run linting
- Run tests
- Build everything
- Bump the version in
- Generate a changelog based on the git log
- Commit the version change &
- Create a git tag
- Run
git push
- Publish a release to Github releases
- Generate documentation and push to github
- Publish to npm
# Major release
$ aegir release --type major
# Minor relase
$ aegir release --type minor
# Patch release
$ aegir release
# Major prerelease (1.0.0 -> 2.0.0-rc.0)
$ aegir release --type premajor --preid rc --dist-tag next
# Minor prerelease (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0-rc.0)
$ aegir release --type preminor --preid rc --dist-tag next
# Patch prerelease (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1-rc.0)
$ aegir release --type prepatch --preid rc --dist-tag next
# Increment prerelease (1.1.0-rc.0 -> 1.1.0-rc.1)
$ aegir release --type prerelease --preid rc --dist-tag next
This requires
to be set.
You can also specify the same targets as for test
If no
is present, one is generated the first time a release is done.
You can skip all changelog generation and the github release by passing
in --no-changelog
If you want no documentation generation you can pass --no-docs
to the release task to disable documentation builds.
Performing a release involves creating new commits and tags and then pushing them back to the repository you are releasing from. In order to do this you should create a GitHub personal access token and store it in the environmental variable AEGIR_GHTOKEN
The only access scope it needs is public_repo
Be aware that by storing it in ~/.profile
or similar you will make it available to any program that runs on your computer.
You can use aegir docs
to generate documentation. This uses documentation.js with the theme clean-documentation-theme.
To publish the documentation automatically to the gh-pages
branch you can run
$ aegir docs --publish