This feature is experimental!
You have to create a new script (see below) on a Plus or Pro device (Gen 2+) to get Events in this state as JSON: shelly.0.<device>.BLE.Event
Devices status of all known BLE-Devices will be collected in shelly.0.ble.<macAddress>
. Feel free to change the name of the device object to identify the device.
Since adapter version 7.1.0 you will get a list of all devices (JSON object) which received the Bluetooth message in shelly.0.ble.<macAddress>.receivedBy
. Example format:
"shelly1pmminig3-3030f9e512ac": {
"rssi": -49,
"ts": 1714383830316
"shellypmminig3-84fce63c5d7c": {
"rssi": -39,
"ts": 1714383830416
A custom script (see below) on the Shelly Gen2 Device (copy/paste)
Shelly PlugS Gen3 can't run the Script, because the scripting memory is limited due to the Matter protocol in the upcoming firmware version 1.5.0, it will be possible to disable Matter and restore script memory
Shelly BLU device (encryption must be disabled!)
The correct script version for the used adapter version
Adapter version | Script version |
>= 9.1.0 | v0.5 |
>= 8.2.1 | v0.4 |
>= 8.0.0 | v0.3 |
>= 6.8.0 | v0.2 |
>= 6.6.0 | v0.1 |
Add this script in the Shelly Scripting section of a Shelly Plus or Pro device (Gen 2+) and start it:
// v0.5
const SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.5';
const BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR = 'fcd2';
const rawtext = -1;
const uint8 = 0;
const int8 = 1;
const uint16 = 2;
const int16 = 3;
const uint24 = 4;
const int24 = 5;
const uint32 = 6;
const int32 = 7;
let SHELLY_ID = undefined;
const BTH = {
// Misc
0x00: { n: 'pid', t: uint8 },
0xf0: { n: 'device_type', t: uint16 },
0xf1: { n: 'firmware_version', t: uint32 },
0xf2: { n: 'firmware_version', t: uint24 },
0x60: { n: 'channel', t: uint8 },
// Sensor data
0x51: { n: 'acceleration', t: uint16, f: 0.001, u: 'm/s²' },
0x01: { n: 'battery', t: uint8, u: '%' },
0x12: { n: 'co2', t: uint16, u: 'ppm' },
0x09: { n: 'count', t: uint8 },
0x3d: { n: 'count', t: uint16 },
0x3e: { n: 'count', t: uint32 },
0x59: { n: 'count', t: int8 },
0x5a: { n: 'count', t: int16 },
0x5b: { n: 'count', t: int32 },
0x43: { n: 'current', t: uint16, f: 0.001, u: 'A' },
0x5d: { n: 'current', t: int16, f: 0.001, u: 'A' },
0x08: { n: 'dewpoint', t: int16, f: 0.01, u: '°C' },
0x40: { n: 'distance_mm', t: uint16, u: 'mm' },
0x41: { n: 'distance_m', t: uint16, f: 0.1, u: 'm' },
0x42: { n: 'duration', t: uint24, f: 0.001, u: 's' },
0x4d: { n: 'energy', t: uint32, f: 0.001, u: 'kWh' },
0x0a: { n: 'energy', t: uint24, f: 0.001, u: 'kWh' },
0x4b: { n: 'gas', t: uint24, f: 0.001, u: 'm3' },
0x4c: { n: 'gas', t: uint32, f: 0.001, u: 'm3' },
0x52: { n: 'gyroscope', t: uint16, f: 0.001, u: '°/s' },
0x03: { n: 'humidity', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: '%' },
0x2e: { n: 'humidity', t: uint8, u: '%' },
0x05: { n: 'illuminance', t: uint24, f: 0.01, u: 'lux' },
0x06: { n: 'mass_kg', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: 'kg' },
0x07: { n: 'mass_lb', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: 'lb' },
0x14: { n: 'moisture', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: '%' },
0x2f: { n: 'moisture', t: uint8, u: '%' },
0x0d: { n: 'pm2_5', t: uint16, u: 'ug/m3' },
0x0e: { n: 'pm10', t: uint16, u: 'ug/m3' },
0x0b: { n: 'power', t: uint24, f: 0.01, u: 'W' },
0x5c: { n: 'power', t: int32, f: 0.01, u: 'W' },
0x04: { n: 'pressure', t: uint24, f: 0.01, u: 'hPa' },
0x3f: { n: 'rotation', t: int16, f: 0.1, u: '°' },
0x44: { n: 'speed', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: 'm/s' },
0x57: { n: 'temperature', t: int8, u: '°C' },
0x58: { n: 'temperature', t: int8, f: 0.35, u: '°C' },
0x45: { n: 'temperature', t: int16, f: 0.1, u: '°C' },
0x02: { n: 'temperature', t: int16, f: 0.01, u: '°C' },
0x13: { n: 'tvoc', t: uint16, u: 'ug/m3' },
0x0c: { n: 'voltage', t: uint16, f: 0.001, u: 'V' },
0x4a: { n: 'voltage', t: uint16, f: 0.1, u: 'V' },
0x4e: { n: 'volume', t: uint32, f: 0.001, u: 'l' },
0x47: { n: 'volume', t: uint16, f: 0.1, u: 'l' },
0x48: { n: 'volume', t: uint16, u: 'ml' },
0x55: { n: 'volume_storage', t: uint32, f: 0.001, u: 'l' },
0x49: { n: 'volume_flowrate', t: uint16, f: 0.001, u: 'm3/h' },
0x46: { n: 'uv_index', t: uint8, f: 0.1 },
0x4f: { n: 'water', t: uint32, f: 0.001, u: 'l' },
0x5e: { n: 'direction', t: uint16, f: 0.01, u: '°' },
0x5f: { n: 'precipitation', t: uint16, u: 'mm' },
// Binary Sensor data
0x15: { n: 'battery', t: uint8 },
0x16: { n: 'battery_charging', t: uint8 },
0x17: { n: 'carbon_monoxide', t: uint8 },
0x18: { n: 'cold', t: uint8 },
0x19: { n: 'connectivity', t: uint8 },
0x1a: { n: 'door', t: uint8 },
0x1b: { n: 'garage_door', t: uint8 },
0x1c: { n: 'gas', t: uint8 },
0x0f: { n: 'generic_boolean', t: uint8 },
0x1d: { n: 'heat', t: uint8 },
0x1e: { n: 'light', t: uint8 },
0x1f: { n: 'lock', t: uint8 },
0x20: { n: 'moisture', t: uint8 },
0x21: { n: 'motion', t: uint8 },
0x22: { n: 'moving', t: uint8 },
0x23: { n: 'occupancy', t: uint8 },
0x11: { n: 'opening', t: uint8 },
0x24: { n: 'plug', t: uint8 },
0x10: { n: 'power', t: uint8 },
0x25: { n: 'presence', t: uint8 },
0x26: { n: 'problem', t: uint8 },
0x27: { n: 'running', t: uint8 },
0x28: { n: 'safety', t: uint8 },
0x29: { n: 'smoke', t: uint8 },
0x2a: { n: 'sound', t: uint8 },
0x2b: { n: 'tamper', t: uint8 },
0x2c: { n: 'vibration', t: uint8 },
0x2d: { n: 'window', t: uint8 },
// Events
0x3a: { n: 'button', t: uint8, b: 1 },
0x3c: { n: 'dimmer', t: uint8 },
// Text / Raw
0x54: { n: 'raw', t: rawtext },
0x53: { n: 'text', t: rawtext }
function getByteSize(type) {
if (type === uint8 || type === int8) return 1;
if (type === uint16 || type === int16) return 2;
if (type === uint24 || type === int24) return 3;
// impossible as advertisements are much smaller
return 255;
let BTHomeDecoder = {
utoi: function (num, bitsz) {
let mask = 1 << (bitsz - 1);
return num & mask ? num - (1 << bitsz) : num;
getUInt8: function (buffer) {
getInt8: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt8(buffer), 8);
getUInt16LE: function (buffer) {
return 0xffff & (( << 8) |;
getInt16LE: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt16LE(buffer), 16);
getUInt24LE: function (buffer) {
return (
0x00ffffff & (( << 16) | ( << 8) |
getInt24LE: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt24LE(buffer), 24);
getUInt32LE: function (buffer) {
return (
0x00ffffffff & (( << 24) | ( << 16) | ( << 8) |
getInt32LE: function (buffer) {
return this.utoi(this.getUInt32LE(buffer), 32);
getBufValue: function (type, buffer) {
if (buffer.length < getByteSize(type)) return null;
let res = null;
if (type === uint8) res = this.getUInt8(buffer);
if (type === int8) res = this.getInt8(buffer);
if (type === uint16) res = this.getUInt16LE(buffer);
if (type === int16) res = this.getInt16LE(buffer);
if (type === uint24) res = this.getUInt24LE(buffer);
if (type === int24) res = this.getInt24LE(buffer);
if (type === uint32) res = this.getUInt32LE(buffer);
if (type === int32) res = this.getInt32LE(buffer);
return res;
unpack: function (buffer) {
// beacons might not provide BTH service data
if (typeof buffer !== 'string' || buffer.length === 0) return null;
let result = {};
let _dib =;
result['encryption'] = _dib & 0x1 ? true : false;
result['BTHome_version'] = _dib >> 5;
if (result['BTHome_version'] !== 2) return null;
// can not handle encrypted data
if (result['encryption']) return result;
buffer = buffer.slice(1);
let _bth;
let _value;
let _name;
let _btnNum = 1;
while (buffer.length > 0) {
_bth = BTH[];
if (typeof _bth === 'undefined') {
console.log('Error: unknown type ' +;
buffer = buffer.slice(1);
_name = _bth.n;
if (_bth.t === rawtext) {
// text and raw values
// TODO: not implemented
_value = 'not_implemented';
} else {
_value = this.getBufValue(_bth.t, buffer);
if (_value === null) break;
if (typeof _bth.f !== 'undefined') _value = _value * _bth.f;
if (typeof _bth.b !== 'undefined') {
_name = _name + '_' + _btnNum.toString();
result[_name] = _value;
buffer = buffer.slice(getByteSize(_bth.t));
return result;
let lastPacketId = 0x100;
// Callback for the BLE scanner object
function bleScanCallback(event, result) {
// exit if not a result of a scan
if (event !== BLE.Scanner.SCAN_RESULT) {
// exit if service_data member is missing
if (
typeof result.service_data === 'undefined' ||
typeof result.service_data[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR] === 'undefined'
) {
// console.log('Error: Missing service_data member');
let unpackedData = BTHomeDecoder.unpack(
// exit if unpacked data is null or the device is encrypted
if (
unpackedData === null ||
typeof unpackedData === 'undefined' ||
) {
console.log('Error: Encrypted devices are not supported');
// exit if the event is duplicated
if (lastPacketId === {
lastPacketId =;
unpackedData.rssi = result.rssi;
unpackedData.address = result.addr;
// create MQTT-Payload
let message = {
scriptVersion: SCRIPT_VERSION,
srcBle: {
type: result.local_name,
mac: result.addr
payload: unpackedData
console.log('Received ' + JSON.stringify(unpackedData));
if (MQTT.isConnected()) {
MQTT.publish(SHELLY_ID + '/events/ble', JSON.stringify(message));
// Initializes the script and performs the necessary checks and configurations
function init() {
// get the config of ble component
let bleConfig = Shelly.getComponentConfig('ble');
// exit if the BLE isn't enabled
if (!bleConfig.enable) {
console.log('Error: The Bluetooth is not enabled, please enable it in the settings');
// check if the scanner is already running
if (BLE.Scanner.isRunning()) {
console.log('Info: The BLE gateway is running, the BLE scan configuration is managed by the device');
} else {
// start the scanner
let bleScanner = BLE.Scanner.Start({
duration_ms: BLE.Scanner.INFINITE_SCAN,
active: true
if (!bleScanner) {
console.log('Error: Can not start new scanner');
}'Mqtt.GetConfig', '', function (res, err_code, err_msg, ud) {
SHELLY_ID = res['topic_prefix'];
Shelly BLU Button (and Tough 1)
- Docs:
- Tested with firmware:
"encryption": false,
"BTHome_version": 2,
"pid": 6,
"battery": 70,
"button": 1, // 1 = single press, 2 = double press, 3 = triple press, 4 = long press
"rssi": -76,
"address": "5c:c7:c1:f2:e4:7c"
Shelly BLU H&T
- Docs:
- Tested with firmware:
Shelly BLU Door/Window
- Docs:
- Tested with firmware:
"encryption": false,
"BTHome_version": 2,
"pid": 12,
"battery": 100,
"illuminance": 13,
"window": 0, // 1 = open, 0 = closed
"rotation": 0,
"rssi": -55,
"address": "60:ef:ab:42:ed:25"
Shelly BLU Motion
- Docs:
- Tested with firmware:
"encryption": false,
"BTHome_version": 2,
"pid": 182,
"battery": 100,
"temperature": 25.9,
"illuminance": 427,
"motion": 1, // 1 = motion, 0 = motion ended
"rssi": -51,
"address": "bc:02:6e:c3:93:c3"