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460 lines (311 loc) · 29.7 KB

File metadata and controls

460 lines (311 loc) · 29.7 KB

Explanation of repo checker issues



[E001] 无法解析package.json





[E002] 存储库名称中未找到ioBroker.


The name of the repository must start with ioBroker. ioBroker must be written with an capital B


Correct the name of the repository by renaming it to meet standards

[E003] Repository must have name ioBroker.adaptername, but now iobroker is in lowercase


The name of the repository must be ioBroker.. ioBroker must be written with an capital B


Correct the name of the repository by renaming it to meet standards

[E004] No adapter name found in URL

[E005] Adapter name must be lowercase

[E006] Invalid characters found in adapter name. Only lowercase chars, digits, - and _ are allowed

[E007] Cannot find author repo in the URL

[E009] No version found in the package.json

[E010] No description found in the package.json

[E013] No author found in the package.json

[E014] NPM information found in package.json. Please remove all attributes starting with _

[E015] No license found in package.json

[E016] No SPDX license found in package.json. Please use one of listed here:

[E017] No repository found in the package.json

[E018] Invalid repository type in package.json. It should be git

[E019] Invalid repository URL in package.json.

[E020] Name of adapter in package.json must be lowercase

[E021] licenses in package.json are deprecated. Please use only license: NAME field.

[E022] Adapter name is reserved!

[E023] Do not include npm as dependency!

[E024] Adapter name may not start with '_'

[E025] Do not include iobroker.js-controller as dependency!

[E100] Cannot parse io-package.json

[E101] io-package.json must have at least empty native attribute

[E102] io-package.json must have common object

[E103] in io-package.json is invalid

[E104] No common.titleLang found in io-package.json

[E105] common.titleLang must be an object

[E106] common.titleLang should not contain word adapter in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter

[E107] No common.version found in io-package.json

[E108] No common.desc found in io-package.json

[E109] common.desc in io-package.json should be an object for many languages

[E110] Icon not found in the io-package.json

[E111] extIcon not found in the io-package.json

[E112] extIcon must be the same as an icon but with github path

[E114] No adapter are allowed in the repo without admin support (set common.noConfig = true and common.adminUI.config = none if adapter has no configuration)

[E115] No licenseInformation found in io-package.json

[E116] No SPDX license found. Please use one of listed here:

[E117] Licenses in package.json and in io-package.json are different

[E118] Versions in package.json and in io-package.json are different

[E119] No type found in io-package.json

[E120] Unknown type found in io-package.json

[E121] No authors found in io-package.json

[E122] authors must be an Array in io-package.json

[E123] Authors may not be empty in io-package.json

[E124] Main file not found under URL

[E125] External icon not found under URL

[E130] No found in io-package.json

[E140] width and height of logo are not equal

[E141] logo is too small. It must be greater or equal than 32x32

[E142] logo is too big. It must be less or equal than 512x512

[E143] No main found in the package.json

[E144] common.installedFrom field found in io-package.json. Must be removed.

[E145] No found for actual version

[E146] instanceObjects must be an Array in io-package.json

[E147] instanceObject type has an invalid type

[E148] instanceObject common.type has an invalid type! Expected string

[E149] instanceObject common.type has an invalid value

[E150] No common.connectionType found in io-package.json

[E151] common.connectionType type has an invalid value

[E152] No common.dataSource found in io-package.json

[E153] common.dependencies must contain {js-controller: >=1.5.8} or later

[E154] common.dependencies must contain [{js-controller: >=2.0.0}] or later

[E155] Invalid tier value. Only 1, 2 or 3 are allowed!

[E157] common.protectedNative requires dependency {js-controller: >=2.0.2} or later

[E158] common.encryptedNative requires dependency {js-controller: >=3.0.3} or later

[E159] common.dependencies js-controller dependency should always allow future versions (>=x.x.x)

[E160] admin is not allowed in common.dependencies

[E161] js-controller is not allowed in common.globalDependencies

[E162] onlyWWW should have common.mode none in io-package.json

[E163] common.mode requires JavaScript file for main in package.json

[E165] Node mode found in package.json

[E166] Unknown type found in io-package.json

[E167] schedule adapters must have common.schedule property in io-package.json

[E168] common.notifications requires dependency {js-controller: >=3.2.0} or later

[E169] common.keywords must be an array in the io-package.json

[E170] common.licenseInformation.type is invalid. Select valid type (e.g. free)

[E171] is required for non-free adapters

[E172] common.automaticUpgrade will be defined by the user. Remove the attribute from io-package.json

[E200] Not found on npm. Please publish

[E201] Bluefox was not found in the collaborators on NPM!. Please execute in adapter directory: npm owner add bluefox iobroker.adapterName

[E300] Not found on travis. Please setup travis or use github actions (preferred)

[E301] Tests on are broken. Please fix.

[E402] Types of adapter in latest repository and in io-package.json are different

[E403] Version set in latest repository

[E404] Icon not found in latest repository

[E405] Icon (latest) must be in the following path: ${url}

[E406] Meta URL (latest) not found in latest repository

[E407] Meta URL (latest) must be equal to ${url}io-package.json

[E422] Types of adapter in stable repository and in io-package.json are different

[E423] Adapter was found in stable repository but not in latest repo

[E424] No version set in stable repository

[E425] Icon not found in stable repository

[E426] Icon (stable) must be in the following path

[E427] Meta URL (stable) not found in latest repository

[E428] Meta URL (stable) is invalid

[E429] Adapter name should use - instead of _

[E500] node_modules found in repo. Please delete it

[E501] Cannot get zip on GitHub

[E502] admin/img/info-big.png not found, but selectID.js used in index_m.html

[E503] iob_npm.done found in repo! Remove that file

[E504] setInterval found in main, but no clearInterval detected

[E505] setTimeout found in main, but no clearTimeout detected

[E506] More non translated in german or russian words found in admin/words.js. You can use for translations

[E507] Cannot parse admin/jsonConfig.json${context['/admin/jsonConfig.json'] ? '' : '5'}: ${e}

[E508] admin/jsonConfig.json${context['/admin/jsonConfig.json'] ? '' : '5'} not found, but admin support is declared

[E509] Cannot parse admin/i18n/${lang}/translations.json

[E510] /admin/i18n/${lang}/translations.json or admin/i18n/${lang}.json not found, but admin support is declared

[E511] Cannot parse admin/jsonCustom.json${context['/admin/jsonCustom.json'] ? '' : '5'}

[E512] admin/jsonCustom.json${context['/admin/jsonCustom.json'] ? '' : '5'} not found, but custom support is declared

[E514] admin/blockly.js not found, but blockly support is declared

[E515] JavaScript-Rules support is declared, but no location in property url defined

[E516] ${context.ioPackageJson.common.javascriptRules.url} not found, but JavaScript-Rules support is declared

[E518] @alcalzone/release-script is used, but .releaseconfig.json not found

[E519] ${context.packageJson.main} found in package.json, but not found as file

[E601] No found

[E603] NO ## Changelog found in

[E604] No ## License found in

[E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add Copyright (c) XXXX-YYYY Author at the end of

[E606] Current adapter version ${context.packageJson.version} not found in

[E701] NO LICENSE file found

[E801] No repository about text found. Please go to GitHub, press the settings button beside the about title and add the description.

[E802] No topics found in the repository. Please go to GitHub, press the settings button beside the about title and add some topics.

[E803] Archived repositories are not allowed.

[E804] node_modules not found in

[E902] node_modules not found in .npmignore

[E903] iob_npm.done not found in .gitignore

[W105] common.titleLang should be translated into all supported languages

[W109] common.desc should be translated into all supported languages

[W113] Adapter should support compact mode

[W114] common.license in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object common.licenseInformation

[W115] common.tier is required in io-package.json

[W145] Each should be translated into all supported languages

[W156] Adapter should support admin 5 UI (jsonConfig) if you do not use a React based UI

[W164] Adapters without config common.noConfig = true should also set common.adminUI.config = none

[W170] common.keywords should not contain iobroker, adapter, smart home in io-package.json

[W171] common.title is deprecated in io-package.json

[W172] common.localLink in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object common.localLinks: { _default: ... }

[W302] Use github actions instead of travis-ci

[W400] Cannot find adapter in latest repository

[W504] setInterval found in main, but no clearInterval detected

[W505] setTimeout found in main, but no clearTimeout detected

[W513] gulpfile.js found in repo! Think about migrating to @iobroker/adapter-dev package

[W515] Why you decided to disable i18n support?

[W801] .npmignore not found

[W901] .gitignore not found