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460 lines (311 loc) · 29.9 KB

Explanation of repo checker issues



[E001] Kann package.json nicht parsen


Beim Parsen der package.json ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Details sind in den Fehlermeldungen zu finden.

Erforderlicher Schritt zur Behebung des Problems

Korrigiere die Datei package.json, sodass sie eine valide json-Datei wird.

[E002] Kein ioBroker. im Namen des Repository gefunden


The name of the repository must start with ioBroker. ioBroker must be written with an capital B

Erforderlicher Schritt zur Behebung des Problems

Correct the name of the repository by renaming it to meet standards

[E003] Repository must have name ioBroker.adaptername, but now iobroker is in lowercase


The name of the repository must be ioBroker.. ioBroker must be written with an capital B

Erforderlicher Schritt zur Behebung des Problems

Correct the name of the repository by renaming it to meet standards

[E004] No adapter name found in URL

[E005] Adapter name must be lowercase

[E006] Invalid characters found in adapter name. Only lowercase chars, digits, - and _ are allowed

[E007] Cannot find author repo in the URL

[E009] No version found in the package.json

[E010] No description found in the package.json

[E013] No author found in the package.json

[E014] NPM information found in package.json. Please remove all attributes starting with _

[E015] No license found in package.json

[E016] No SPDX license found in package.json. Please use one of listed here:

[E017] No repository found in the package.json

[E018] Invalid repository type in package.json. It should be git

[E019] Invalid repository URL in package.json.

[E020] Name of adapter in package.json must be lowercase

[E021] licenses in package.json are deprecated. Please use only license: NAME field.

[E022] Adapter name is reserved!

[E023] Do not include npm as dependency!

[E024] Adapter name may not start with '_'

[E025] Do not include iobroker.js-controller as dependency!

[E100] Cannot parse io-package.json

[E101] io-package.json must have at least empty native attribute

[E102] io-package.json must have common object

[E103] in io-package.json is invalid

[E104] No common.titleLang found in io-package.json

[E105] common.titleLang must be an object

[E106] common.titleLang should not contain word adapter in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter

[E107] No common.version found in io-package.json

[E108] No common.desc found in io-package.json

[E109] common.desc in io-package.json should be an object for many languages

[E110] Icon not found in the io-package.json

[E111] extIcon not found in the io-package.json

[E112] extIcon must be the same as an icon but with github path

[E114] No adapter are allowed in the repo without admin support (set common.noConfig = true and common.adminUI.config = none if adapter has no configuration)

[E115] No licenseInformation found in io-package.json

[E116] No SPDX license found. Please use one of listed here:

[E117] Licenses in package.json and in io-package.json are different

[E118] Versions in package.json and in io-package.json are different

[E119] No type found in io-package.json

[E120] Unknown type found in io-package.json

[E121] No authors found in io-package.json

[E122] authors must be an Array in io-package.json

[E123] Authors may not be empty in io-package.json

[E124] Main file not found under URL

[E125] External icon not found under URL

[E130] No found in io-package.json

[E140] width and height of logo are not equal

[E141] logo is too small. It must be greater or equal than 32x32

[E142] logo is too big. It must be less or equal than 512x512

[E143] No main found in the package.json

[E144] common.installedFrom field found in io-package.json. Must be removed.

[E145] No found for actual version

[E146] instanceObjects must be an Array in io-package.json

[E147] instanceObject type has an invalid type

[E148] instanceObject common.type has an invalid type! Expected string

[E149] instanceObject common.type has an invalid value

[E150] No common.connectionType found in io-package.json

[E151] common.connectionType type has an invalid value

[E152] No common.dataSource found in io-package.json

[E153] common.dependencies must contain {js-controller: >=1.5.8} or later

[E154] common.dependencies must contain [{js-controller: >=2.0.0}] or later

[E155] Invalid tier value. Only 1, 2 or 3 are allowed!

[E157] common.protectedNative requires dependency {js-controller: >=2.0.2} or later

[E158] common.encryptedNative requires dependency {js-controller: >=3.0.3} or later

[E159] common.dependencies js-controller dependency should always allow future versions (>=x.x.x)

[E160] admin is not allowed in common.dependencies

[E161] js-controller is not allowed in common.globalDependencies

[E162] onlyWWW should have common.mode none in io-package.json

[E163] common.mode requires JavaScript file for main in package.json

[E165] Node mode found in package.json

[E166] Unknown type found in io-package.json

[E167] schedule adapters must have common.schedule property in io-package.json

[E168] common.notifications requires dependency {js-controller: >=3.2.0} or later

[E169] common.keywords must be an array in the io-package.json

[E170] common.licenseInformation.type is invalid. Select valid type (e.g. free)

[E171] is required for non-free adapters

[E172] common.automaticUpgrade will be defined by the user. Remove the attribute from io-package.json

[E200] Not found on npm. Please publish

[E201] Bluefox was not found in the collaborators on NPM!. Please execute in adapter directory: npm owner add bluefox iobroker.adapterName

[E300] Not found on travis. Please setup travis or use github actions (preferred)

[E301] Tests on are broken. Please fix.

[E402] Types of adapter in latest repository and in io-package.json are different

[E403] Version set in latest repository

[E404] Icon not found in latest repository

[E405] Icon (latest) must be in the following path: ${url}

[E406] Meta URL (latest) not found in latest repository

[E407] Meta URL (latest) must be equal to ${url}io-package.json

[E422] Types of adapter in stable repository and in io-package.json are different

[E423] Adapter was found in stable repository but not in latest repo

[E424] No version set in stable repository

[E425] Icon not found in stable repository

[E426] Icon (stable) must be in the following path

[E427] Meta URL (stable) not found in latest repository

[E428] Meta URL (stable) is invalid

[E429] Adapter name should use - instead of _

[E500] node_modules found in repo. Please delete it

[E501] Cannot get zip on GitHub

[E502] admin/img/info-big.png not found, but selectID.js used in index_m.html

[E503] iob_npm.done found in repo! Remove that file

[E504] setInterval found in main, but no clearInterval detected

[E505] setTimeout found in main, but no clearTimeout detected

[E506] More non translated in german or russian words found in admin/words.js. You can use for translations

[E507] Cannot parse admin/jsonConfig.json${context['/admin/jsonConfig.json'] ? '' : '5'}: ${e}

[E508] admin/jsonConfig.json${context['/admin/jsonConfig.json'] ? '' : '5'} not found, but admin support is declared

[E509] Cannot parse admin/i18n/${lang}/translations.json

[E510] /admin/i18n/${lang}/translations.json or admin/i18n/${lang}.json not found, but admin support is declared

[E511] Cannot parse admin/jsonCustom.json${context['/admin/jsonCustom.json'] ? '' : '5'}

[E512] admin/jsonCustom.json${context['/admin/jsonCustom.json'] ? '' : '5'} not found, but custom support is declared

[E514] admin/blockly.js not found, but blockly support is declared

[E515] JavaScript-Rules support is declared, but no location in property url defined

[E516] ${context.ioPackageJson.common.javascriptRules.url} not found, but JavaScript-Rules support is declared

[E518] @alcalzone/release-script is used, but .releaseconfig.json not found

[E519] ${context.packageJson.main} found in package.json, but not found as file

[E601] No found

[E603] NO ## Changelog found in

[E604] No ## License found in

[E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add Copyright (c) XXXX-YYYY Author at the end of

[E606] Current adapter version ${context.packageJson.version} not found in

[E701] NO LICENSE file found

[E801] No repository about text found. Please go to GitHub, press the settings button beside the about title and add the description.

[E802] No topics found in the repository. Please go to GitHub, press the settings button beside the about title and add some topics.

[E803] Archived repositories are not allowed.

[E804] node_modules not found in

[E902] node_modules not found in .npmignore

[E903] iob_npm.done not found in .gitignore

[W105] common.titleLang should be translated into all supported languages

[W109] common.desc should be translated into all supported languages

[W113] Adapter should support compact mode

[W114] common.license in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object common.licenseInformation

[W115] common.tier is required in io-package.json

[W145] Each should be translated into all supported languages

[W156] Adapter should support admin 5 UI (jsonConfig) if you do not use a React based UI

[W164] Adapters without config common.noConfig = true should also set common.adminUI.config = none

[W170] common.keywords should not contain iobroker, adapter, smart home in io-package.json

[W171] common.title is deprecated in io-package.json

[W172] common.localLink in io-package.json is deprecated. Please define object common.localLinks: { _default: ... }

[W302] Use github actions instead of travis-ci

[W400] Cannot find adapter in latest repository

[W504] setInterval found in main, but no clearInterval detected

[W505] setTimeout found in main, but no clearTimeout detected

[W513] gulpfile.js found in repo! Think about migrating to @iobroker/adapter-dev package

[W515] Why you decided to disable i18n support?

[W801] .npmignore not found

[W901] .gitignore not found