Automate the creation of Homebrew formulae. This plugin can be use with any other package manager plugin.
NOTE: This plugin does not work in
monorepos that useindependent
This plugin is not included with the auto
CLI installed via NPM. To install:
npm i --save-dev @auto-it/brew
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/brew
To use this plugin you will need to add the required configuration and a template file.
- REQUIRED: The executable to create a formula forname
- REQUIRED: The name of the formula to createformula
- A path to the formula template. Default is './formula-template.rb'
"plugins": [
"executable": "path/to/some/executable",
"name": "name-of-formula",
"formula": "path/to/formula/template"
Create a template name ./formula-template.rb
at the root of the project (or use the formula
option to customize the location)/
The template file must be a valid homebrew ruby file.
will replace the following tokens in the template file:
- The version being published$SHA
- The sha of the executable being included in the formula
Here is the template auto
uses to publish it's own brew
class Auto < Formula
desc "Generate releases based on semantic version labels on pull requests."
homepage ""
url "$VERSION/auto-macos.gz"
version "$VERSION"
sha256 "$SHA"
def install
libexec.install Dir["*"]
bin.install libexec/"auto-macos"
mv bin/"auto-macos", bin/"auto"
test do
system bin/"auto", "--version"
You can also use this to create multiple brew
"plugins": [
"executable": "path/to/some/executable",
"name": "name-of-formula",
"formula": "path/to/formula/template"
"executable": "path/to/another/executable",
"name": "another-formula",
"formula": "path/to/formula/another"