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DSW Addons

1. Intro

DeepSeeWeb supports user addons, that can be created as TypeScript files and compiled to JS. These files are to be placed in /addons folder on a website in root of DSW. The file name should be equal to portlet name(with prefix DSW.Addons.) that used for a custom widget.

Note: DSW auto-generates portlets for all addons placed in /addons folder with names: DSW.Addons.{filename}.

For file myAddon.js will be created DSW.Addons.myAddon portlet.

2. Creating addon

To create an addon, follow next steps:

  1. Clone DSW repo
  2. Setup dev environment to work with project, run npm install
  3. There is addon example in /src/addons/simpleAddon.ts
  4. Make copy of this file as starting point for addon creation, eg. /src/addons/myAddon.ts. All files placed in /src/addons folder are treated as addons and are to be compiled in separate JS files
  5. Modify file /src/addons/myAddon.ts to implement features you need
  6. Run command npm run build:addons to compile all addons placed in /src/addons folder
  7. After build, all compiled addons are to be placed in /dist-addons/src/addons folder
  8. Rename your addon file to name of custom portlet, that would be used for this widget type. By default, DSW creates portlets with a name: DSW.Addons.{filename}(without extension). Copy renamed file into /addons folder of your DSW root on a website.

For a file deployed to addons/myAddon.js will be created portlet DSW.Addons.myAddon.

3. Addon versioning

DSW is a developing application, so sometimes new features can be introduced that is not compatible with an old version of DSW. That's why addon systems supports version checking. All addons include their version:

static AddonInfo: IAddonInfo = {       
    version: 1,
    type: 'custom'

This version needed to compare version from BaseWidget.CURRENT_ADDON_VERSION of hosted DSW, and if these versions are not equal, developer must recompile addon with appropriate sources of DSW and set a new version of addon as number.

However, addon with an inappropriate version still loaded and executed, but can work incorrectly or throw exceptions.

Note: version should be set as number, not as reference and be always equal to BaseWidget.CURRENT_ADDON_VERSION, don't increment version after each build, only check it equal to version in base class.

3.1. Overriding default widgets

There is possibiliti to override default widget with addons, using overrideBaseType parameter of IAddonInfo structure. Eg. to override "Bar chart" widget, following structure should be used:

static AddonInfo: IAddonInfo = {
    version: 1,
    type: 'custom',
    overrideBaseType: 'barchart'

Default types are defined in widget-type.service.ts in TYPES map.

4. Development info

Each addon is Angular component written on TypeScript. Each file can export only one class.

4.1. Inheritance

Addon always must be inherited from BaseWidget. Addon also can be inherited from BaseChartClass for using Highcharts implementation.

Inheritance: BaseWidget < BaseChartClass < AddonClass

Addon constructor never should be modified, because DSW have base class BaseWidget and super() is called from addon constructor. So any difference in constructors will cause errors.

4.2. Services

There are different services and helpers that can be used via base class:

Name Type Description
el ElementRef Reference to angular element. Used to work with DOM element of addon, eg.: const bounds = this.el.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
us UtilService Utils service. Has some utility functions, eg., ibj2);
vs VariablesService Service to work with applyvariable controls on widgets
ss StorageService Used to store application settings, widget settings, etc., eg.: this.dashboardSettings =;
ds DataService Used to mage requests, execute MDX, retrieve pivot data, etc.
fs FilterService Used to work with widget filters
wts WidgetTypeService Used to store widget type configuration, which type is map/chart, etc.
dbs DashboardService Used to store and retrieve dashboard information
cfr ComponentFactoryResolve Internal angular service. Used for dynamic component creation
ns NamespaceService Used to work with namespaces, eg.: const list = this.ns.getNamespaces();. Use CURRENT_NAMESPACE variable to access current namespace
route ActivatedRoute Angular activated route
i18n I18nService Used to get translation for strings, eg.:const errorText = this.i18n.get('errNoDashboards')
bs BroadcastService Used to broadcast messages between widgets, eg.:'refresh:' + widgetName);
san DomSanitizer Used to inject secure html content in angular apps
sbs SidebarService Used to show/hide sidebar
cd ChangeDetectorRef Used to manually cause change detection for component, if operation ran outside angular zone,;
zone NgZone Angular zone service. Used to run code outside angular zone, eg.: => { /* code */ })'

4.3. Methods

There are base methods that can be overridden:

Name Description
ngOnInit Initialization of addon. Make all preparations here. Do not access DOM from this method
ngAfterViewInit Initialization of DOM can be made here
requestData Make all http or other request here
retrieveData Default data parser can be overridden here. Process data here, that was returned by MDX or other requests
doDrill Override default drill down behavior
doDrillUp Override default drill up behavior
doDrillFilter Override default drill filter behavior
performAction Override widgets actions, eg.: navigate, newwindow
showLoading Show loading spinner
hideLoading Hide loading spinner
showError Show widget error message
hideError Hide widget error message
getMDX Returns widget MDX string
onResize Callback after component resizing ends. Recalculate all sizes here if needed
formatNumber Formats number with desired format
destroy Callback on widget destroy. Remove all data and make cleanup here

4.4. Widget information

Access to widget information can be done via this.widget. Check IWidgetInfo interface for more information. This section will be updated with more details in the future.

5.Technical part

Addons is a simple TypeScript file, that compiled via TSC.

Npm script build:addons just a shortcut for command: tsc --project ./src/addons. So TSC uses configuration file: ./src/addons/tsconfig.json

Module is set to CommonJS. CommonJS is used for simple purpose: all references to external modules in compiled file will be replaced to require('module') function call, so:

  1. No additional code produced
  2. We can reuse loaded modules during addon loading, eg.: @angular/core, @angular/common, etc.

Now dsw can shim require function and use already loaded modules like this(code from startup.service.ts):

const modules = {
    '@angular/core': AngularCore,
    '@angular/common': AngularCommon,
    '@angular/router': AngularRouter,
    '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': BrowserDynamic,
    '@angular/platform-browser': BrowserModuleAll,
    '../app/services/util.service': { UtilService },
    '../app/services/variables.service': { VariablesService },
    '../app/services/storage.service': { StorageService }
    /* more code here */
// Replace require
const require = (m) => modules[m];

After a shim, addon code executed and loads modules with newly defined require function. So all modules loaded from running DSW.

This allows usage of addons compiled on different machines, because default Angular CLI produces bundles with __webpack_require__(id), where id is different for different builds. So in previous version addons can be loaded only from the same DSW build.

6. Local testing

If you need test some local files during ng serve, you can use dev addons definition, eg.:

localStorage.devAddons = '["addons/worldMap.js", "addons/htmlViewer.js", "addons/myAddon.js"]';

Server response will be ignored and local definition is to be used for addon loading.

Note: addons should be previously compiled locally.

7. Sample code

There are two real addons that used on some environments:

  1. "Word Map", addon uses Highcharts map to display map, instead of default OSM: ./src/addons/worldMap.ts
  2. "Html viewer", addon displays html pages by url passed in widget Data (properties.Data) field: ./src/addons/htmlViewer.ts