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Kevin Cazelles edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 4 revisions


All members of the inSileco team can write a blog post. However an extra step is required: a member must first fill out a separate yaml file in the data/authors/ folder to provide some details about himself/herself. The easiest way to proceed is to copy/paste one existing file of this kind (see below) and to replace the information. For the sake of clarity, below is what the data/authors/kevin.yaml looks like:

given_name: Kevin
family_name: Cazelles
description: "Post-doctoral fellow"
project: "What am I doing"
github: KevCaz
twitter: KCazelles
researchgate: Kevin_Cazelles
website: yourwebsite
orcid: 0000-0001-6619-9874
impactstory: 0000-0001-6619-9874
publons: publons_id

Note that avatars are retrieved from GitHub accounts. Also, names of these files can be used as a shortcut to add author's info on posts, so keep you better keep them short and simple.

Use GitHub

The default branch is the dev branch, the master branch is dedicated to the public version of the website. The deployment of the website from the dev branch to the master branch is handled by Travis CI (see .travis.yml and the Travis settings for more information).

For substantial changes in the features of the website, we strongly encourage to create a new branch for the development of new feature follow by a pull request when the desired features is ready. Depending on your skills you may benefit from a review. Note that we also encourage new branches (and a pull request) for new blog posts.