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imsi32 edited this page Dec 24, 2024 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the yatline.yazi wiki!

Yatline is a plugin for Yazi, a terminal file manager. It customize both header-line and status-line according to your config.


  1. Yazi:
  2. Nerd Fonts (optional):



  1. Install the plugin through following command:
ya pack -a imsi32/yatline
  1. Inside of Yazi config file, add one of the following configurations given below.


  1. Download the repository.
  2. If the directory is downloaded as zip file, extract it.
  3. Rename the directory as yatline.yazi
  4. Open the config directory of Yazi.
  5. Copy this directory into plugins directory.
  6. Create init.lua file in the main Yazi config directory.
  7. Open this file and copy one of the configs to that file.


git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/yatline.yazi

Default Configs

Default configuration for each config parameters can be seen in configuration page of this wiki. Following configs shows example config parameters for newcomers.

Minimal Config

minimal config

	show_background = false,

	header_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "line", custom = false, name = "tabs", params = {"left"}},
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "date", params = {"%A, %d %B %Y"}},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "date", params = {"%X"}},
			section_c = {

	status_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "tab_mode"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_size"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_path"},
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "count"},
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_position"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_percentage"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_file_extension", params = {true}},
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "permissions"},

Config With Default Configuration Parameters


	--theme = my_theme,
	section_separator = { open = "", close = "" },
	part_separator = { open = "", close = "" },
	inverse_separator = { open = "", close = "" },

	style_a = {
		fg = "black",
		bg_mode = {
			normal = "white",
			select = "brightyellow",
			un_set = "brightred"
	style_b = { bg = "brightblack", fg = "brightwhite" },
	style_c = { bg = "black", fg = "brightwhite" },

	permissions_t_fg = "green",
	permissions_r_fg = "yellow",
	permissions_w_fg = "red",
	permissions_x_fg = "cyan",
	permissions_s_fg = "white",

	tab_width = 20,
	tab_use_inverse = false,

	selected = { icon = "󰻭", fg = "yellow" },
	copied = { icon = "", fg = "green" },
	cut = { icon = "", fg = "red" },

	total = { icon = "󰮍", fg = "yellow" },
	succ = { icon = "", fg = "green" },
	fail = { icon = "", fg = "red" },
	found = { icon = "󰮕", fg = "blue" },
	processed = { icon = "󰐍", fg = "green" },

	show_background = true,

	display_header_line = true,
	display_status_line = true,

	component_positions = { "header", "tab", "status" },

	header_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "line", custom = false, name = "tabs", params = {"left"}},
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "date", params = {"%A, %d %B %Y"}},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "date", params = {"%X"}},
			section_c = {

	status_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "tab_mode"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_size"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_path"},
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "count"},
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_position"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_percentage"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_file_extension", params = {true}},
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "permissions"},

Only Header-line Config


	show_background = true,

	header_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "line", custom = false, name = "tabs", params = {"left"}},
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = true, name = {{" 󰇥 ", "#3c3836"}}},
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "count"},

	status_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
		right = {
			section_a = {
			section_b = {
			section_c = {

Only Status-line Config


	show_background = true,

	header_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
		right = {
			section_a = {
			section_b = {
			section_c = {
	status_line = {
		left = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "tab_mode"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_size"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "hovered_name"},
		right = {
			section_a = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_position"},
			section_b = {
        			{type = "string", custom = false, name = "cursor_percentage"},
			section_c = {
        			{type = "coloreds", custom = false, name = "permissions"},