Updated schema and added new endpoints:
- age_rating_category
- age_rating_content_descriptions_v2
- age_rating_organizations
- character_genders
- character_species
- company_statuses
- date_formats
- external_game_sources
- game_release_formats
- game_statuses
- game_types
- platform_types
- release_date_regions
- website_types
This change is binary incompatible.
- Kotlin 2.1.10
- Wire 5.3.0
- Updated other internal dependencies
- "GameTimeToBeat" endpoint.
Package and maven coordinates have been changed. Replace the prefix "ru.pixnews.igdbclient" in all imports to "at.released.igdbclient".
New maven group: "at.released.igdbclient" -
Bump dependency versions:
- AGP 8.7.3
- Kotlin 2.1.0
- AtomicFU 0.27.0
- Wire 5.2.1
- Okio 3.10.2
- Ktor 3.0.3
- orgjson 20250107
- Kotlinx.serialization 1.8.0
- kotlinx-coroutines 1.10.1
- Other internal dependencies
- "Popularity Primitives" and "Popularity Types" endpoints.
- Bump dependency versions:
- AGP 8.2.2
- Kotlin 2.0.0
- Wire 4.9.9
- Okio 3.9.0
- Ktor 2.3.12
- orgjson 20240303
- Kotlinx.serialization 1.7.1
- kotlinx-coroutines 1.8.1
- AtomicFU 0.25.0
- Other internal dependencies
- New: experimental Dumps API support
- Upgrade: Bump dependency versions
- Kotlin 1.9.22
- Kotlinx.serialization 1.6.2
- Ktor 2.3.7
- Okio 3.7.0
- AGP 8.2.1
- Add new endpoints: collection types, memberships and relations
- Upgrade: Bump dependency versions
- Kotlin 1.9.21
- Kotlinx.serialization 1.6.1
- Ktor 2.3.6
- Wire 4.9.3
- AGP 8.1.4
- orgjson 20231013
- New: Support for IGDB Gaming Events API
- New: DSL for forming a list of requested fields (
) - Fix: Restored Dokka documentation
- Upgrade: Bump dependency versions
- Kotlin 1.9.10
- Kotlinx.serialization 1.6.0
- Ktor 2.3.5
- Okio 3.6.0
- Wire 4.9.1
- Fix: Disabled "where" clause escaping (Issue #31 by @maicol07)
- Upgrade: Bump dependency versions
- okio 3.5.0
- ktor 2.3.3
- kotlinx-coroutines 1.7.3
- Initial release. API is subject to change.