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PEP: 9999 Title: Pattern matching Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Ivan Levkivskyi <> BDFL-Delegate: Discussions-To: Python-Dev <> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 2020-05-04 Python version: 3.10 Resolution:


This PEP proposes to add pattern matching statements [1] to Python. This will allow more readable and reliable code when dealing with structured heterogeneous data. The PEP takes a holistic approach and contains syntax specification, runtime specification, and recommended specification for static type checkers.

Previously PEP 275 and PEP 3103 that proposed similar constructs were rejected. Here we choose a different approach and focus on generalizing iterable and dictionary unpacking instead of syntax-sugaring and optimizing if ... elif ... else statement. Also, recently implemented PEP 617 that introduced a new PEG parser for Python now allows more flexible syntactic options.

Rationale and Goals

Let us start from some anecdotal evidence: isinstance() is one of the most called functions in large scale Python code-bases (by static call count). In particular, when analyzing some multi-million line production code base, it was discovered that isinstance() is the second mast called builtin function (after len()). Even taking into account builtin classes, it is still in the top ten. Most of such calls are followed by specific attribute access.

There are two possible conclusions that can be made from this information:

  • Handling of heterogeneous data (i.e. situations where a variable can take values of multiple types) is common in real world code.
  • Python doesn't have expressive ways of destructuring data (i.e. separating the content of an object into multiple variables).

This is in contrast with the opposite sides of both aspects:

  • Its success in the numeric world indicates that Python is good when working with homogeneous data. It also has builtin support for homogeneous data structures such as e.g. lists and arrays, and semantic constructs such as iterators and generators.
  • Python is expressive and flexible at constructing object. It has syntactic support for collection literals and comprehensions. Custom objects can be created using positional and keyword calls that are customized by special __init__() method.

This PEP aims at improving the support for destructuring heterogeneous data by adding a dedicated syntactic support for it in the form of pattern matching. On very high level it is similar to regular expressions, but instead of matching string, it will be possible to match arbitrary Python objects.

We believe this will improve both readability and reliability of relevant code. To illustrate the readability improvement, let us consider an actual example from the Python standard library:

def is_tuple(node):
    if isinstance(node, Node) and node.children == [LParen(), RParen()]:
        return True
    return (isinstance(node, Node)
            and len(node.children) == 3
            and isinstance(node.children[0], Leaf)
            and isinstance(node.children[1], Node)
            and isinstance(node.children[2], Leaf)
            and node.children[0].value == "("
            and node.children[2].value == ")")

With the syntax proposed in this PEP it can be rewritten as below. Note that the proposed code will work without any modifications to the definition of Node and other classes here:

def is_tuple(node: Node) -> bool:
    match node:
    as Node(children=[LParen(), RParen()]):
    as Node(children=[Leaf(value="("), Node(...), Leaf(value=")")]):
        return True
        return False

See the syntax sections below for a more detailed specification. From the reliability perspective, experience shows that missing a case when dealing with a set of possible data values leads to hard to debug issues, thus forcing people to add safety asserts like this:

def get_first(data: Union[int, list[int]]) -> int:
    if isinstance(data, list) and data:
        return data[0]
    elif isinstance(data, int):
        return data
        assert False, "should never get here"

With the proposed pattern matching such exhaustiveness checks will be added automatically.

Similarly to how constructing objects can be customized by a user-defined __init__() method, we propose that destructuring objects can be customized by a new special __match__() method. As part of this PEP we specify the builtin implementation for object.__match__(), match behavior for builtin collections such as tuple, list, and dict, and for auto-generated flexible __match__() method for PEP 557 dataclasses. See runtime section below.

Finally, we aim to provide a comprehensive support for static type checkers and similar tools. For this purpose we propose to introduce a @typing.sealed class decorator that will be idempotent at runtime, but will indicate to static tools that all subclasses of this class must be defined in the same module. This will allow effective static exhaustiveness checks, and together with dataclasses, will provide a nice support for algebraic data types [2]. See static checkers section for more details.

In general, we believe that pattern matching proved to be a useful and expressive tool in various modern languages. In particular, many aspects of this PEP were inspired by how pattern matching works in Rust [3] and Scala [4].

Syntax and Semantics

Match arms

A simplified pseudo-grammar for the proposed syntax is:

Match = "match" Expression ":" (("as" Pattern ":")+ Suite)+ ["else:" Suite]

We propose the match syntax to be a statement, not expression. Although in many languages it is an expression, being a statement better suites the general logic of Python syntax. See rejected ideas for more discussion. The list of allowed patterns is specified below in the patterns subsection.

The match word is proposed to be a soft keyword, so that it is recognized as a keyword at the beginning of match statement, but is allowed to be used in other positions as a variable or argument name.

Note that there can be more than one match arm per match suite. The proposed indentation structure is as following:

match some_expression:
as pattern_1a:
as pattern_1b:
as pattern_2:

Such layout saves an indentation level and matches a common indentation scheme for switch statement in C language. Although this may be tricky for some simple-minded editors, it should be not hard to support in principle, one just needs to not add indentation level after a colon if the previous line starts with match.

Match semantics

The proposed large scale semantics for choosing the match is to choose first matching pattern and execute the corresponding suite. The remaining patterns are not tried. If there are no matching pattens, the else clause is executed. If the latter is absent, an instance of UnmatchedValue (proposed to be a subclass of ValueError) is raised.

Essentially this is equivalent to a chain of if ... elif ... else except the default else clause is to raise an exception. Note that unlike for switch statement, the pre-computed dispatch dictionary semantics does not apply here.

Name bindings made during successful pattern match outlive the executed suite and can be used after the match statement. This follows the logic of other Python statements that can bind names, such as for loop and with statement. For example:

match shape:
as Point(x, y):
as Rectangle(x, y, _x, _y):
print(x, y)  # This works

Allowed patterns

We introduce the proposed syntax gradually. Here we start from the main building blocks. The following patterns are supported:

  • Literal pattern, i.e. a simple literal like a string, a number, boolean, or None:

    match number:
    as 1:
        print("Just one")
    as 2:
        print("A couple")

    Literal pattern uses equality with literal on the right hand side, so that in the above example number == 1 and then possibly number == 2 will be evaluated.

  • Name pattern, that serves as an assignment target for the matched expression:

    match greeting:
    as None:
    as name:
        print(f"Hi {name}!")

    Note that name pattern always succeeds. No special meaning is attached to names that start with underscores. A name pattern appearing in a scope makes the name local to that scope. For example, using name after the above snippet may raise UnboundLocalError rather than NameError, if the None match arm was taken.

  • Display pattern is a generalization of iterable unpacking and supports builtin collections: tuples, lists, and dictionaries. Each element can be an arbitrary pattern plus there may be at most one *name or **name pattern to catch all remaining items:

    match collection:
    as (1, x, *other):
        print("Got tuple")
    as [1, [x, *other]]:
        print("Got nested list")
    as {1: x, **other}:
        print("Got dictionary")
        print("Probably a set")

    For dictionaries the order of items is ignored, so e.g. the result of matching {1: 2, 3: 4} against {k1: v1, k2: v2} is unpredictable, but the latter will only match a dictionary with two items. Only name pattern and literal pattern are allowed in the key position, and the **other item must always be last, see details in the runtime section.

  • Unstructured class pattern is a synonym for an isinstance() check, it is mostly useful in nested positions, when the content of the object is not important and it serves just as a marker. For example:

    match shapes:
    as [Point(...), second, third, *other]:
        print(f"The first one is some point, then {second} and {third}")
  • Structured class pattern supports two possible ways of matching: by position like Point(x, y), and by name like User(id=id, name=name). These two can be combined, but positional match cannot follow a match by name. Each item in a class match can be an arbitrary pattern, plus at most one *name or **name pattern can be present (the former may be not last). Semantics of the class pattern is an isinstance() call plus a __match__() call on the class if the former returns True. For example:

    match shape:
    as Point(x, y):
    as Rectangle(*coordinates, painted=True):

    This PEP only fully specifies the behavior of __match__() for object and dataclasses, custom classes are only required to follow the protocol specified in runtime section. After all, the authors of a class know best how to "revert" the logic of the __init__() they wrote. The runtime will then chain these calls to allow matching against arbitrarily nested patterns.


Each top-level pattern can be followed by a guard of the form if expression. A match arm succeeds if the pattern matches and the guard evaluates to true value. For example:

match shape:
as Point(x, y, color) if color == BLACK:
    print("Black point")
    print("Something else")

Note that having guards is important since names always have store semantics, i.e. serve as assignment targets. Static languages can easily special case constants and enums to be used similar to literals, but this is not possible in Python. An early version of this PEP proposed to support constant patterns via special syntax or complicated implicit rules, see rejected ideas.

Note that guards are also useful in a much wider range of scenarios, for example:

match input:
as (x, y) if x > MAX_INT and y > MAX_INT:
    print("Got a pair of large numbers")
as x if x > MAX_INT:
    print("Got a large number")
    print("Not an outstanding input")

If evaluating a guard raises an exception, it is propagated onwards rather than fail the match arm. Although name patterns always succeed, all names that appear in a pattern are bound after the guard succeeds. So this will raise a NameError:

values = [0]

match value:
as [x] if x:
x  # NameError here

Coinciding names

If patterns in match arm contain name patterns with coinciding names, then all the matched objects must compare equal for the match arm to succeed:

match sorted(deck):
as [x, x, y, y, y]:
as [x, x, x, y, y]:
    print("Got a full house")

When matching against such patterns, all matched values are compared by a chained (not pairwise) equality for every group, and the lexicographically left-most value in each group is bound to the name. For example this match:

match nested:
as [x, [x, [x, y, y]]]:

is essentially equivalent to the following expansion with intermediate names and a guard:

match nested:
as [_1, [_2, [_3, _4, _5]]] if _1 == _2 == _3 and _4 == _5:
    x = _1
    y = _4

Note that this case diverges from the semantics of iterable unpacking, because the latter simply sequentially assigns values to the same variable, but we believe that checking for the values to be same it is what people would typically expect.

Named sub-patterns

It is often useful to match a sub-pattern and to bind the corresponding value to a name. For example, it can be useful to ensure some sub-patterns are equal, to write more efficient matches, or simply to avoid repetition. To simplify such cases, a name pattern can be combined with arbitrary other pattern using named sub-patterns of the form name := pattern. For example:

match get_shape():
as Line(point := Point(x, y), point):
    print(f"Zero length line at {x}, {y}")

Note that the name pattern used in the named sub-pattern can be used in the match suite, or after the match statement. Another example:

match group_shapes():
as [], [point := Point(x, y), *other]:
    print(f"Got {point} in the second group")

Technically, most such examples can be rewritten using guards and/or nested match statements, but this will be less readable and/or will produce less efficient code. Essentially, most of the arguments in PEP 572 apply here equally.

One-off matches

While inspecting some code-bases that may benefit the most from the proposed syntax, it was found that single arm matches would be used relatively often, mostly for various special-casing. In other languages this is supported in the form of one-off matches. We propose to support such one-off matches too:

if match value as pattern [and guard]:

as equivalent to the following expansion:

match value:
as pattern [if guard]:
    pass  # Note: not raising UnmatchedValue exception here

There will be no elif match statements allowed. One-off match is special case of match statement, not a special case of an if statement. Similarly, if not match is not allowed, since match ... as ... is not an expression.

To illustrate how this will benefit readability, consider this (slightly simplified) snippet from real code:

if isinstance(node, CallExpr):
    if (isinstance(node.callee, NameExpr) and len(node.args) == 1 and
            isinstance(node.args[0], NameExpr)):
        call =
        arg = node.args[0].name
        ...  # Continue special-casing 'call' and 'arg'
...  # Follow with common code

This can be rewritten in a more straightforward way as:

if match node as CallExpr(callee=NameExpr(name=call), args=[NameExpr(name=arg)]):
    ...  # Continue special-casing 'call' and 'arg'
...  # Follow with common code

Runtime specification

The __match__() protocol

Here we specify how structured class patterns work using the __match__() special method. This method is implicitly a class method, and has the following signature:

PosData = tuple[object, ...]
NamedData = dict[str, object]
MathData = tuple[PosData, NamedData, Optional[PosData], Optional[NamedData]]

def __match__(
    value: object,
    pos: PosData,
    named: NamedData,
    star_position: int = -1,
    star_named_present: bool = False,
) -> Union[NotImplemented, MatchData]:

When an interpreter tries to match a value again a structured class pattern, it first calls isinstance(value, Class). If the call returns True, it then makes the following call:


In pos_values every sub-pattern is represented by an Ellipsis object, while literals are included as is. We pass literals instead of later comparing the matched value to allow user classes to implement efficient matches by failing soon. The same logic applies to named_values where the dictionary keys are strings used as names in for the named match. Last two arguments indicate whether * or ** patterns are present. For example, this match arm will trigger the following call:

match shape:
as Point3D(0, y, z, painted=True, visible=visible, **flags):

    (0, ..., ...),
    {"painted": True, "visible": ...},

The method is then expected to either return NotImplemented which means the match failed or return a value for every ellipsis placeholder. The initial literal values passed in should not be included in the return, only the missing values. If star patterns were present it is expected to return corresponding values packed as a tuple and/or a dictionary, and to return None otherwise.

Thus in the example above a valid return would look like this:

(1, 2), {"visible": False}, None, {"fast_render": False}

Any violation in the expected return object will trigger RuntimeError, in particular:

  • Returned length mismatches the expected one.
  • Returned values contain Ellipsis among them.
  • Unexpected star data where none expected or vice versa.

If all the matched patterns were name patterns, then interpreter performs the corresponding assignments, otherwise it tries to match the returned values against sub-patterns. For example the following code will trigger the following (simplified) sequence of calls:

match shape:
as Line(Point(x1, 1), Point(x2, 2)):

isinstance(shape, Line)
(_1, _2), *_ = Line.__match__(shape, (..., ...), {})
isinstance(_1, Point)
(x1,), *_ = Point.__match__(_1, (..., 1), {})
isinstance(_2, Point)
(x2,), *_ = Point.__match__(_2, (..., 2), {})

The order between stepping into sub-patterns, checking guards, and checking any coinciding names is unspecified. The interpreter is free to choose the fast path and skip nested matches if it can already infer the match fails.

Note that we always pass a plain ellipsis for every pattern except literal, one could imagine faster and/or more flexible __match__() implementations with more context, but there are various downsides to this, see rejected ideas.

Impossible matches

Implementers of custom classes that implement a __match__() method are encouraged to "revert" the logic in the __init__() method rather than use the internal representation of the object state to fill the structured class pattern. This way, the match statements with such classes will have a uniform look with instantiation calls. For example, if there is a class:

class Point3D:
    def __init__(self, coordinates: List[int]) -> None:
        self.x, self.y, self.z = coordinates

then the corresponding match method should expect a single list, rather than three integers:

match shape:
as Point3D([0, y, z]):  # Recommended
as Point3D(coordinates=[0, y, z]):  # Recommended
as Point3D(0, y, z):  # Not recommended
as Point3D(x=0, y=y, z=z):  # Not recommended

The implementers of custom classes are strongly encouraged to raise a special builtin exception ImpossibleMatchError (proposed to be a subclass of TypeError) instead of returning NotImplemented if the expected match is impossible in principle. This way subtle bugs will be caught sooner. For example, with the above class definition:

match shape:
as Point3D(x, y):  # Strongly recommended to raise here

Although these recommendations are in no way enforced by Python runtime, builtins and standard library classes will follow these recommendations.

Default object.__match__()

The default implementation is aimed at providing basic useful (but still safe) experience with pattern matching out of the box. For this purpose the match method follows this logic:

  • isinstance() will be automatically ensured by runtime, so no need to do this.
  • Only either positional or named patterns may be present, mixing them will cause ImpossibleMatchError.
  • For positional match, if the class defines __slots__, try unpacking them, if there is no star item and there is a length mismatch, raise ImpossibleMatchError. If some literals provided and don't match actual values, then return NotImplemented.
  • For positional match if class has a __dict__, try using __iter__() and __getitem__() to perform iterable unpacking (while comparing to any expected literals). If the class doesn't have these methods, raise ImpossibleMatchError.
  • For named match use getattr() for every name provided. To accommodate typical use cases, match succeeds even if only some attributes were requested and there is no star item. If the instance doesn't have a given attribute, transform AttributeError into ImpossibleMatchError.
  • As an exception to the above, empty match succeeds only if instance dictionary is empty and there are no slots or empty slots.
  • If a class defines __getstate__() use it as an override to perform the match by name.

Builtin classes

Builtin collections will be special-cased instead of using __match__() to use efficient code and avoid excessive method calls. Every match will use (recursive) iteration or indexing over the corresponding collection. Effectively, pattern matching for lists and tuples will be not different from iterable unpacking plus matching all sub-patterns.

Dictionaries are treated specially depending on whether a given key in the display pattern is a literal or a name (other are not allowed). If it is a literal (not necessary a string), then the corresponding key will be taken from object using __getitem__(), if the latter raises KeyError, then the match fails. If the key is not a literal, an arbitrary item is pulled from the dictionary iterator. If there is a length mismatch and no star item, the dictionary match always fails.

As an additional safety restriction, if key pattern is a name, the value pattern must also be a name. To illustrate the rules, consider an example:

config = {"name": "default", "ttl": 3600}

match config:
as {"foo": x}:  # Doesn't match
as {"name": x}:  # Doesn't match
as {"name": x, y: z} if y in ("ttl", "time"):  # Matches
as {"name": x, **rest}:  # Matches
as {"name": x, y1: z1, y2: z2}:  # Doesn't match
as {x: 3600, y: "default"}:  # Invalid pattern

Note that sets and frozen sets are not supported because supporting them will be either ambiguous or tricky, see rejected ideas.

Specification for standard library classes are not included in this PEP. Support for them can be added incrementally when necessary (i.e. if the default object.__match__() implementation doesn't provide reasonable support). Possible first candidate for a better __match__() method are named tuples.

An attempt to use builtin classes in structured class patterns will cause a TypeError with a suggestion to use a corresponding collection display. For example, one must use (x, y, z) instead of tuple(x, y, z) or tuple([x, y, z]), and {"foo": x, "bar": y} instead of dict(foo=x, bar=y) or dict([("foo", x), ("bar", y)]).


Dataclasses are special with respect to this PEP because they have a flexible auto-generated __init__() method. Therefore, we can generate a corresponding flexible __match__() method. It will provide the following improvements over the default object.__match__():

  • Positional match can be used even if __iter__() and __getitem__() are not defined in the class. We just pull the fields in the order they are defined in the class (and superclasses) to match __init__().
  • Positional and named matches can be combined. However, a positional and a named match must not target the same dataclass field. This will trigger ImpossibleMatchError.
  • All fields that don't have a default value or a default factory (see [5]), must be matched, so all of Point3D(x, y), Point3D(x=x, y=y), and Point3D(x, y=y) will raise ImpossibleMatchError.
  • To get a (less safe) partial match by name mimicking that in object.__match__() one can still use star items, e.g. Point3D(0, *other), and Point3D(x=0, **other) work.
  • Fields with init=False (see [5]) cannot be matched by position, but can still be matched by name. This deviates from the general logic that pattern should resemble instantiation call, but this is were practicality beats purity.

Static checkers specification

Exhaustiveness checks

PEP 484 specifies that static type checkers should support exhaustiveness in conditional checks with respect to enum values. PEP 586 later generalized this requirement to literal types. This PEP further generalizes this requirement to arbitrary patterns. A typical situation where this applies is matching an expression with a union type:

def classify(val: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]]) -> str:
    match val:
    as [x, *other]:
        return f"A list starting with {x}"
    as (x, y) if x > 0 and y > 0:
        return f"A pair of {x} and {y}"
    as int(...):
        return f"Some integer"
    # Type-checking error: some cases unhandled.

The exhaustiveness checks should also apply where both pattern matching and enum values are combined:

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union

class Level(Enum):
    BASIC = 1
    ADVANCED = 2
    PRO = 3

class User:
    name: str
    level: Level

class Admin:
    name: str

account: Union[User, Admin]

match account:
as Admin(name=name):
as User(name=name, level=level) if level == Level.PRO
as User(level=level) if level == Level.ADVANCED:
# Type-checking error: basic user unhandled

Obviously, no Matchable protocol (in terms of PEP 544) is needed, since every class is matchable and therefore is subject to the checks specified above.

Sealed classes as ADTs

Quite often it is desirable to apply exhaustiveness to a set of classes without defining ad-hoc union types, which is itself fragile if a class is missing in the union definition. A design pattern where a group of record-like classes is combined into a union is popular in other languages that support pattern matching and is known under a name of algebraic data types [2] or ADTs.

We propose to add a special decorator class @sealed to the typing module [6], that will have no effect at runtime, but will indicate to static type checkers that all subclasses (direct and indirect) of this class should be defined in the same module as the base class.

The idea is that since all subclasses are known, the type checker can treat the sealed base class as a union of all its subclasses. Together with dataclasses this allows a clean and safe support of ADTs in Python. Consider this example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import sealed

class Node:

class Expression(Node):

class Statement(Node):

class Name(Expression):
    name: str

class Operation(Expression):
    left: Expression
    op: str
    right: Expression

class Assignment(Statement):
    target: str
    value: Expression

class Print(Statement):
    value: Expression

With such definition, a type checker can safely treat Node as Union[Name, Operation, Assignment, Print], and also safely treat e.g. Expression as Union[Name, Operation]. So this will result in a type checking error in the below snippet, because Name is not handled (and type checker can give a useful error message):

def dump(node: Node) -> str:
    match node:
    as Assignment(target, value):
        return f"{target} = {dump(value)}"
    as Print(value):
        return f"print({dump(value)})"
    as Operation(left, op, right):
        return f"({dump(left)} {op} {dump(right)})"

Type erasure

The unstructured class patterns are subject to runtime type erasure. Namely, although one can define a type alias``IntQueue = Queue[int]`` so that a pattern like IntQueue(...) is syntactically valid, type checkers should rejected such unstructured match:

queue: Union[Queue[int], Queue[str]]
match queue as IntQueue(...):  # Type-checking error here.

Note that the above snippet actually fails at runtime with the current implementation of generic classes in typing module, and builtin generic classes in recently accepted and PEP 585.

To clarify, generic classes are not prohibited in general from participating in pattern matching, just that their type parameters can't be explicitly specified. It is still fine if sub-patterns or literals bind the type variables. For example:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Union

T = TypeVar('T')

class Result(Generic[T]):
    first: T
    other: list[T]

result: Union[Result[int], Result[str]]

match result:
as Result(first=int(...)):
    ...  # Type of result is Result[int] here
as Result(other=["foo", "bar", *rest]):
    ...  # Type of result is Result[str] here

Note about constants

The fact that name pattern is always an assignment target may create unwanted consequences when a user by mistake tries to "match" a value against a constant. As a result, at runtime such match will always succeed and moreover override the value of the constant. It is important therefore that static type checkers warn about such situations. For example:

from typing import Final

MAX_INT: Final = 2 ** 64

value = 0

match value:
as MAX_INT:  # Type-checking error here: cannot assign to final name
    print("Got big number")
as _:
    print("Something else")

Precise type checking of star matches

Type checkers should perform precise type checking of star items in pattern matching giving them either a heterogeneous tuple[X, Y, Z] type, or a TypedDict type as specified by PEP 589. For example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Expession:

class Statement:

class AssignmentExpression(Expression):
    target: str
    value: Expression
    line: int = -1
    column: int = -1

class AssignmentStatement(Statement):
    target: str
    value: Expression
    line: int = -1
    column: int = -1

def transform(expr: Expression) -> Statement:
    match expr:
    as AssignmentExpression(target, value, **position):
        # Here position is TypedDict({"line": int, "column": int})
        # so the below call is safe
        return AssignmentStatement(f"{target}_tr", value, **position)
    as AssignmentExpression(target, *rest):
        # Here rest is tuple[Expression, int, int]
        # so the below call is a type-checking error
        return AssignmentStatement(*rest)

Backwards Compatibility

This PEP is fully backwards compatible.

Reference Implementation

None yet. If there will be a general positive attitude towards the PEP, we will start working on implementation soon to iron out possible corner cases before acceptance.

Rejected Ideas

This general idea was floating around for pretty long time, and many back and forth decisions were made. Here we summarize many alternative paths that were taken, but abandoned after all.

Don't do this, patter matching is hard to learn

In our opinion, the proposed pattern matching is not more difficult than adding isinstance() and getattr() to iterable unpacking. Also, we believe the proposed syntax significantly improves readability for a wide range of code patterns, by allowing to express what one wants to do, rather than how to do it. We hope few real code snippets we included in the PEP above illustrate this comparison well enough.

Here are some other snippets from CPython repository that may potentially benefit from pattern matching:

# Doc/tools/extensions/
if node.children and isinstance(node[0], nodes.paragraph) and node[0].rawsource:

# Lib/
if equality_op and isinstance(other, _numbers.Complex) and other.imag == 0:

# Lib/logging/
if (args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],
    and args[0]):
    args = args[0]

# Tools/clinic/
if isinstance(expr, ast.Name) and == 'NULL':
elif (isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) or
    (isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp) and
     not (isinstance(expr.operand, ast.Num) or
          (hasattr(ast, 'Constant') and
           isinstance(expr.operand, ast.Constant) and
           type(expr.operand.value) in (int, float, complex)))
elif isinstance(expr, ast.Attribute):

# Tools/parser/
if isinstance(t.value, ast.Constant) and isinstance(t.value.value, int):

Notably, there is a tendency that such code patterns most often appear in various parsing/compiling contexts. We don't think however that this application-domain tendency should stop us.

Split dataclasses and typing parts into separate PEPs

There was an option to make three separate PEPs: one for the syntax, one for the dataclasses improvements, and one for static typing. We propose to have one larger PEP instead of three separate, because this is a major change to Python and such changes should apply coherently to various aspects of the language.

In particular, the specification for default object.__match__() and generated match for dataclasses affect the decision on support for structured class patterns. And the support for sealed classes in typing module depends on good support for pattern matching of dataclasses.

Allow a more flexible assignment targets instead

There was an idea to instead just generalize the iterable unpacking to much more general assignment targets, instead of adding a new kind of statement. This concept is known in some other languages as "irrefutable matches". We decided not to do this because inspection of real-life potential use cases showed that in vast majority of cases destructuring is related to an if condition. Also many of those are grouped in a series of exclusive choices.

Note however that single if condition still appears relatively often, this is why we propose to allow one-off matches.

Make it an expression

In most other languages pattern matching is represented by an expression, not statement. But making it an expression would be inconsistent with other syntactic choices in Python. All decision making logic is expressed almost exclusively in statements, so we decided to not deviate from this.

Use a hard keyword

There were options to make match a hard keyword, or choose a different keyword. Although using a hard keyword would simplify life for simple-minded syntax highlighters, we decided not to use hard keyword for several reasons:

  • Most importantly, the new parser doesn't require us to do this. Unlike with async that caused hardships with being a soft keyword for few releases, here we can make match a permanent soft keyword.
  • match is so commonly used in existing code, that it would break almost every existing program and will put a burned to fix code on many people who may not even benefit from the new syntax.
  • It is hard to find an alternative keyword that would not be commonly used in existing programs as an identifier, and would still clearly reflect the meaning of the statement.

Use case instead of as for match arms

There are three arguments in favour of using as as a keyword to start each match arm:

  • It is a bit shorter so will save some keystrokes and horizontal space, which may be important since this keyword will be repeated many times.
  • Use of case is often associated with switch, while using as is closer to plain English formulation of the concept.
  • It is already a hard keyword, so we would need only one soft keyword instead of two.

Use a nested indentation scheme

There was an idea to use an alternative indentation scheme, for example where every match arm would be indented with respect to the initial match part:

match expression:
    as patter_1:
    as pattern_2:

This idea was rejected because having nested match statements would waste too much horizontal space. There are few more possible indentation schemes summarized in PEP 3103, and the scheme proposed in this PEP seems the most optimal.

Use | and ! to combine patterns

It may be convenient to have alternative matches and negative matches (similar to string regular expressions). For example one could write:

match expr:
as BinaryOp(left=!IntExpr(value=0)):
as UnaryOp(operand=IntExpr(value=0) | NameExpr(name="False")):

Although some real code shows this can indeed be useful, we decided not to include these in the present PEP for several reasons:

  • This will significantly complicate the specification and implementation. In particular interaction with name patterns may be non-trivial.
  • Top-level alternative matches would be often split over multiple lines anyway. So this would look essentially not different from having multiple arms.
  • Nested alternative matches and negative matches will be likely not needed often, and may be added in future if requested by users.
  • This can be sometimes expressed using guards and/or nested match statements.

Support constant pattern

This is probably the trickiest item. Matching against some pre-defined constants is very common, but also dynamic nature of Python makes it ambiguous with name patterns. Four other alternatives were considered:

  • Use some implicit rules. For example if a name was defined in the global scope, then it refers to a constant, rather than represents a name pattern:

    FOO = 1
    value = 0
    match value:
    as FOO:  # This would not be matched
    as BAR:
        ...  # This would be matched

    This however can cause surprises and action at a distance if someone defines an unrelated coinciding name before the match statement.

  • Use extra parentheses to indicate lookup semantics for a given name. For example:

    FOO = 1
    value = 0
    match value:
    as (FOO):  # This would not be matched
    as BAR:
        ...  # This would be matched

    This may be a viable option, but it can create some visual noise if used often. Also honestly it looks pretty unusual, especially in nested contexts.

  • Introduce a special symbol, for example $ to indicate that given name is a constant to be matched against, not to be assigned to:

    FOO = 1
    value = 0
    match value:
    as $FOO:  # This would not be matched
    as BAR:
        ...  # This would be matched

    The problem with this approach is that introducing a new syntax for such narrow use-case is probably an overkill.

  • There was also on idea to make lookup semantics the default, and require $ to be used in name patterns:

    FOO = 1
    value = 0
    match value:
    as FOO:  # This would not be matched
    as $BAR:
        ...  # This would be matched

    But the name patterns are more common in typical code, so having special syntax for common case would be weird.

After all, these alternatives were rejected because of mentioned drawbacks. Note that many use cases for constant matches can be remedied with guards. For example:

FOO = 1
value = 0

match value:
as some if some == FOO:  # This would not be matched
as BAR:
    ...  # This would be matched

Finally, possible performance implications for using guards instead of constant patterns can be remedied by a compiler optimization that will detect trivial equality guards and transforming them into looked up values.

Use dispatch dict semantics for matches

Implementations for classic switch statement sometimes use a pre-computed hash table instead of a chained equality comparisons to gain some performance. In the context of match statement this is technically also possible for matches against literal patterns. However, having subtly different semantics for different kinds of patterns would be too surprising for potentially modest performance win.

We can still experiment with possible performance optimizations in this direction if they will not cause semantic differences.

Allow fall through without a match

There was an alternative to allow falling through all match arms without a match. It was decided not to allow this, and by default raise an UnmatchedValue exception. There are few reasons:

  • This can cause subtle bugs. In view of this it is preferable that the safer option is the default one.
  • It is always easy to add an else match arm.
  • For ad-hoc special casing where adding a dummy else clause would be tedious, one cause one-off matches.

Allow elif match and other one-offs

There was an idea to allow multi-branch one-off matches of the following form:

if match value_1 as patter_1 [and guard_1]:
elif match value_2 as pattern_2 [and guard_2]:
elif match value_3 as pattern_3 [and guard_3]:

It was decided not to this. Mainly because these defeats the purpose of one-off matches as a complement to exhaustive full matches. Similarly, we don't propose while match construct present in some languages with pattern matching, since although it may be handy, it will likely be used rarely. Finally, while match is easy to add later.

Send full patterns to the __match__() method

The current specification for __match__() protocol prescribes that we always send just a plain ... as placeholder for a pattern. There was an idea to send custom pattern objects that will provide the full context. For example the below match would generate the following call:

match expr:
as BinaryOp(left=Number(value=x), op=op, right=Number(value=y)):

from types import PatternObject

        "left": PatternObject(Number, (), {"value": ...}, -1, False),
        "op": ...,
        "right": PatternObject(Number, (), {"value": ...}, -1, False),

This would allow faster __match__() implementations and will give better support for customization in user-defined classes. There is however a big downside to this: it will make basic implementation of this method quite tedious. Also, there will be actual performance penalty if user does not treat pattern object properly.

Support matches for set and frozenset

There was an idea to add support for set literal patterns, and frozenset patterns (mostly for completeness). We don't do this because there are two complications that arise:

  • First of all, sets are unordered, so it is hard do define any useful deterministic semantics.
  • Second, supporting frozenset is even more ambiguous and will be used very rarely. Namely, in addition to the general ordering issue, there are three possible forms to support it: frozenset([x, y, z]) vs frozenset({x, y, z}) vs frozenset(x, y, z).

We can reconsider this later if people will actually ask about supporting set patterns.


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