Make sure serverless
is installed. See installation guide.
You will also need to set up your OpenWhisk account credentials using environment variables or a configuration file. Please see the this guide for more information.
npm install -g serverless-openwhisk
npm install
in this directory to download the modules from package.json
$ env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build handler.go
serverless deploy
or sls deploy
. sls
is shorthand for the Serverless CLI command
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Compiling Functions...
Serverless: Compiling API Gateway definitions...
Serverless: Compiling Rules...
Serverless: Compiling Triggers & Feeds...
Serverless: Deploying Functions...
Serverless: Deployment successful!
Service Information
namespace: _
service: go-service
serverless invoke --function greeting
or serverless invoke -f greeting
is shorthand for --function
In your terminal window you should see the response from Apache OpenWhisk
$ serverless invoke -f greeting
"msg": "Hello stranger!"
$ serverless invoke -f greeting -d '{"name": "James"}'
"msg": "Hello James!"
For more information on the Serverless OpenWhisk plugin, please see the project repository: