diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle index d23a0b848e..ec120fe138 100644 --- a/build.gradle +++ b/build.gradle @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ plugins { id 'pmd' // code check, working on source code id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.14.0'// code format id 'com.github.onslip.gradle-one-jar' version '1.0.6' // pack a self contained jar - id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version '0.44.0' + id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version '0.45.0' id "de.undercouch.download" version "5.3.0" // downloads plugin id "kr.motd.sphinx" version "2.10.1" // documentation generation id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "7.1.2" // fat jar @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ dependencies { /* Exclude our own nested dependencies */ exclude group: 'com.github.ie3-institute' } - implementation('com.github.ie3-institute:powerflow:0.1') { + implementation('com.github.ie3-institute:powerflow:0.2') { exclude group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j' exclude group: 'org.slf4j' /* Exclude our own nested dependencies */ @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ dependencies { implementation 'javax.measure:unit-api:2.1.3' implementation 'tech.units:indriya:2.1.4' // quantities implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0' - implementation 'org.scalanlp:breeze_2.13:1.3' // scientific calculations (http://www.scalanlp.org/) + implementation 'org.scalanlp:breeze_2.13:2.1.0' // scientific calculations (http://www.scalanlp.org/) implementation 'de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki:elki:0.7.5' // Statistics (for random load model) implementation 'org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.5.1' } diff --git a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/copy-path.png b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/copy-path.png index 58bde7002d..98a2338b29 100644 Binary files a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/copy-path.png and b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/copy-path.png differ diff --git a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf.png b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf.png index 4e6bae0d11..f57bb49f41 100644 Binary files a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf.png and b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf.png differ diff --git a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf2.png b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf2.png index 74d938f736..855462e48f 100644 Binary files a/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf2.png and b/docs/readthedocs/images/usersguide/edit-conf2.png differ diff --git a/docs/readthedocs/usersguide.md b/docs/readthedocs/usersguide.md index f376b656d2..b01cfcb24b 100644 --- a/docs/readthedocs/usersguide.md +++ b/docs/readthedocs/usersguide.md @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ You can either delegate the job to your preferred IDE or build an executable jar In order to be able to execute SIMONA from a CLI, you need an executable fat jar. A fat jar contains all compiled classes and dependencies, ready for execution. For building one, you can use a Gradle task of the project. 1. Open a CLI and change directories to the top level directory of the project. -2. Execute ``./gradlew shadowJar`` within the CLI. This creates a fat jar of SIMONA inside of the directory ``build/libs``. +2. Execute ``gradlew shadowJar`` within the CLI. This creates a fat jar of SIMONA inside of the directory ``build/libs``. 3. For executing a fat jar you need to specify the classpath of the entrypoint of your application. Assuming we are still in the top level directory of our project, the execution command would look as follows: @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Let's pretend you want to start a simulation with the default ``vn_simona`` conf When you want to start a simulation run from the command line interface you have to pass the directory of the config file as a command-line argument. That would look as follows: - java -cp build/libs/simona-2.1-all.jar edu.ie3.simona.main.RunSimonaStandalone --config=input/samples/vn_simona/vn_simona.conf + java -cp build/libs/simona-2.1.0-all.jar edu.ie3.simona.main.RunSimonaStandalone --config=input/samples/vn_simona/vn_simona.conf #### Using IntelliJ IDEA @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ The external simulation is loaded via class loader. Thus, SIMONA and the externa These steps have to be performed each time updates to the external simulation need to be deployed. -- Execute ``./gradlew shadowJar`` inside the external simulation project. +- Execute ``gradlew shadowJar`` inside the external simulation project. - Copy the resulting *jar* (usually placed inside ``/build/libs``) to ``./input/ext_sim/``. Now, when a simulation with SIMONA is started (see [above](#running-a-standalone-simulation), the external simulation is triggered at each tick that it requested. diff --git a/src/main/scala/edu/ie3/simona/agent/grid/DBFSAlgorithm.scala b/src/main/scala/edu/ie3/simona/agent/grid/DBFSAlgorithm.scala index 2f25cb80b0..8980d349ac 100644 --- a/src/main/scala/edu/ie3/simona/agent/grid/DBFSAlgorithm.scala +++ b/src/main/scala/edu/ie3/simona/agent/grid/DBFSAlgorithm.scala @@ -856,8 +856,7 @@ trait DBFSAlgorithm extends PowerFlowSupport with GridResultsSupport { val allowedDeviation = gridAgentBaseData.powerFlowParams.maxSweepPowerDeviation - (previousSweepNodePower - currentSweepNodePower) - .toScalaVector() + (previousSweepNodePower - currentSweepNodePower).toScalaVector .find(complex => { Math.abs(complex.real) >= allowedDeviation | Math.abs(complex.imag) >= allowedDeviation @@ -876,8 +875,7 @@ trait DBFSAlgorithm extends PowerFlowSupport with GridResultsSupport { log.debug( "Final deviation: {}", - (previousSweepNodePower - currentSweepNodePower) - .toScalaVector() + (previousSweepNodePower - currentSweepNodePower).toScalaVector ) // go back to SimulateGrid and trigger a finish