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a architecture for rapid buliding Nextjs-koa-radis-ReactHooks-SSR development


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This is a nextjs-koa-radis project that is to learn different frameworks and SSR1

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm install

npm install
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Configuration and construction process

we will need to make sure that node was installed on your computer

The project main use frameworks :

Front-end: react-nextjs  
Back-end: node - koa  
Database: redis  
  • First we input

    npm install -g create-next-app   

    for Introducing next framework

  • Second the nextjs is a server, and it can onley deal with SSR. So the node(koa) can be used to handle data interface and connection of database, keep session state.

    npm install koa   

    and then create the file server.js in the project root directory for server configuration.

  • Third using redis as database and connect node to radis
    The radis(windows) installation : microsoft-readis version: 3.0.504
    After installation, we can set the port and password we want in the window.conf file
    open windows powershell in your radis installation directory

    ./redis-server.exe ./

    open a new windows powershell

     ./redis-cli -p xxxx(setting port)
     auth xxxxxxx(password)

    For test

    Use ioredis to connect node to radis

     npm install ioredis

    There are some test codes for node operation redis in the test directory

  • Fourth Integrated antd-design and load css

    First we load antd

    npm install antd

    Due to optimization issues, we use on-demand loading for antd components

    npm install babel-plugin-import

    Create a babelrc file in the root directory to configure the plug-in and babel

    "presets": ["next/babel"], // next babel default config (must add)
    "plugins": [
                "libraryName": "antd" //import {button} from 'antd' =  import button from 'antd/lib/button'
                //"style": "css" bug for here 

    Due to the problem of webpack, we add style to babelrc to cause an error. First we need @zeit/next-css to load css

    npm install  @zeit/next-css

    and then add file next.config.js to root directory, writting to configuration of next-css loader

    after that ,we introduce globally in _app.js in the page directory:

    import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
  • Fifth add styled-component the jsx is not only way we write the Css, so I also installed styled-component that can write Css

    npm install style-components babel-plugin-styled-components  

    and then I need to add plugin into file .babelrc under root directory

        "styled-components", { "ssr": true }  

    Finally we need to confg the file _document.js under page diretory

    import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components'
    static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
        const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()
        const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage
        try {
            ctx.renderPage = () => originalRenderPage({
                enhanceApp : App => props => sheet.collectStyles(<App {...props}/>),
            const props = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)
            return {
                styles: <>{props.styles}{sheet.getStyleElement()}</>

    it is a part of file _document.js.

  • Sixth Load modules asynchronously && nextjs configuration if we need to load modules asynchronously to avoid waste of resource, we can use

    import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'  
    const Lazy = dynamic(import('../components/lazy'))  

    In the file in the /page directory

    According to our needs, we can modification Nextjs configuration at file next.config.js
    the Following shows are all optional configuration

        //Output directory of compiled files  
    distDir: 'dest',  
    //whether to generate Etags for each routers(let the browser use the cache in the same request)  
    generateEtags: true,  
    //page content cache configuration  
    onDemandEntries: {  
        //how long the content is cached in memory  
        maxInactiveAge: 25* 1000,  
        //how many pages to cache  
        pagesBufferLength: 2  
    //define the type of pages files available in the page directory   
    // configuration bulidId  
    generateBuildId: async () => {  
            return process.env.YOUR_BUILD_ID  
        return null  
    //manual modification webpack config  
    webpack(config, options) {  
        return config  
    // modification webpackdevMiddleware configuration  
    webpackDevMiddleware: config => {  
        return config  
    // config process.env  
    env: {  
        customKey: 'value',  
    //the following two need to be read  in 'next/config'  
    // The configuration is only obtained when the server is rendering  
        mySecret: 'secret',  
        secondSecret: process.env.SECOND_SECRET,  
    // configuration available for both server-side rendering and client-server rendering  
    publicRuntimeConfig: {  
        staticFolder: '/static',  

    Like publicRuntimeConfig, env and serverRuntimeConfig , we can add them into module.exports = withCss({ })
    , then get them in file in the /pages directory. (serverRuntimeConfig and publicRuntimeConfig need to import 'next/config')

  • Seventh introduce redux

    npm install redux   

    and then we add the /page folder under root directory, Creating files in /page directory for State management.

    sometime we need to dispatch async action for update state, but the machanism of dispatch can not wait until get asynchronous data before execution. so we need to use redux-thunk

    npm install redux-thunk   

    and then add the config to parameter applyMiddleware of method CreateStore

    import applyMiddleware from 'redux'  
    const store = createStore(  
        counter: initialState,  
        user: userInitialState  

    we need to connect redux and component and install the redux-tool to moniter redux-State

    npm install react-redux    
    npm install redux-devtools-extension  
    Example For react-Redux Config:  
    import {connect} from 'react-redux'  
    export default connect(function mapStateToProps)(function mapDispatchToProps)(index)    
    redux-devtools-extension config(composeWithDevTools):  
    const store = createStore(  
        counter: initialState,  
        user: userInitialState  



a architecture for rapid buliding Nextjs-koa-radis-ReactHooks-SSR development







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  • JavaScript 88.8%
  • CSS 11.2%