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HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes Helm chart

The HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes leverages Hewlett Packard Enterprise primary storage platforms to provide scalable and persistent storage for stateful and ephemeral applications. Currently supported storage platforms include HPE GreenLake for Block Storage powered by HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, HPE Alletra 5000/6000/9000, HPE Nimble Storage, HPE Primera and HPE 3PAR.

Release highlights

The HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes Helm chart is the primary delivery vehicle for the HPE CSI Driver.


  • Most recent Kubernetes distributions are supported
  • Recent Ubuntu, SLES or RHEL (and its derives) compute nodes connected to their respective official package repositories
  • Helm 3 (Version >= 3.2.0 required)

Refer to Compatibility & Support for currently supported versions of Kubernetes and compute node operating systems.

Depending on which Container Storage Provider (CSP) is being used, other prerequisites and requirements may apply, such as storage platform OS and features.

Configuration and installation

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
disable.nimble Disable HPE Nimble Storage CSP Service. false
disable.primera Disable HPE Primera (and 3PAR) CSP Service. false
disable.alletra6000 Disable HPE Alletra 5000/6000 CSP Service. false
disable.alletra9000 Disable HPE Alletra 9000 CSP Service. false
disable.alletraStorageMP Disable HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000 CSP Service. false
disableNodeConformance Disable automatic installation of iSCSI, multipath and NFS packages. false
disableNodeConfiguration Disables node conformance and configuration.* false
disableNodeGetVolumeStats Disable NodeGetVolumeStats call to CSI driver. false
disableNodeMonitor Disables the Node Monitor that manages stale storage resources. false
disableHostDeletion Disables host deletion by the CSP when no volumes are associated with the host. false
disablePreInstallHooks Disable pre-install hooks when the chart is rendered outside of Kubernetes, such as CI/CD systems. false
imagePullPolicy Image pull policy (Always, IfNotPresent, Never). IfNotPresent
iscsi.chapSecretName Secret containing chapUser and chapPassword for iSCSI ""
logLevel Log level. Can be one of info, debug, trace, warn and error. info
kubeletRootDir The kubelet root directory path. /var/lib/kubelet
controller.labels Additional labels for HPE CSI Driver controller Pods. {}
controller.nodeSelector Node labels for HPE CSI Driver controller Pods assignment. {}
controller.affinity Affinity rules for the HPE CSI Driver controller Pods. {}
controller.tolerations Node taints to tolerate for the HPE CSI Driver controller Pods. []
controller.resources A resource block with requests and limits for controller containers. From values.yaml
csp.labels Additional labels for CSP Pods. {}
csp.nodeSelector Node labels for CSP Pods assignment. {}
csp.affinity Affinity rules for the CSP Pods. {}
csp.tolerations Node taints to tolerate for the CSP Pods. []
csp.resources A resource block with requests and limits for CSP containers. From values.yaml
node.labels Additional labels for HPE CSI Driver node Pods. {}
node.nodeSelector Node labels for HPE CSI Driver node Pods assignment. {}
node.affinity Affinity rules for the HPE CSI Driver node Pods. {}
node.tolerations Node taints to tolerate for the HPE CSI Driver node Pods. []
node.resources A resource block with requests and limits for node containers. From values.yaml
images Key/value pairs of HPE CSI Driver runtime images. From values.yaml
maxVolumesPerNode Maximum number of volumes the CSI controller will publish to a node.** 100

* = Disabling node conformance and configuration may prevent the CSI driver from functioning properly. See the manual node configuration section on SCOD to understand the consequences. ** = The default value is the current well tested upper limit. Do not increase the default value unless the use case has been well tested.

It's recommended to create a values.yaml file from the corresponding release of the chart and edit it to fit the environment the chart is being deployed to. Download and edit a sample file.

Note: The chart is installed with all components and features enabled using reasonable defaults if no tweaks are needed.

Installing the chart

To install the chart with the name my-hpe-csi-driver:

Add HPE helm repo:

helm repo add hpe-storage
helm repo update

Install the latest chart:

helm install --create-namespace -n hpe-storage my-hpe-csi-driver hpe-storage/hpe-csi-driver

Note: By default, the latest stable chart will be installed. If it's labeled with prerelease and a "beta" version tag, add --version X.Y.Z-beta to the command line to install a "beta" chart.

Upgrading the chart

Due to the helm limitation to not support upgrade of CRDs between different chart versions, helm chart upgrade is not supported. Our recommendation is to uninstall the existing chart and install the chart with the desired version. CRDs will be preserved between uninstall and install.

Upgrading 2.0.0 to 2.1.0

Before version 2.0.0 is uninstalled, the following CRDs needs to be updated.

Important: If there are HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000, Primera or 3PAR Remote Copy Groups configured on the cluster, follow the next steps before uninstallation.

Update RCG Info

This step is only necessary if there are HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000, Primera or 3PAR Remote Copy Groups configured on the cluster. If there are none, proceed to the next step.

Change kubectl context into the Namespace where the HPE CSI Driver is installed. The most common is "hpe-storage".

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=hpe-storage

Create the Job using the below commands, which will modify the "rcg-info" record to the new key "RCGCreatedByCSP".

kubectl apply -f

Completion of job status can be verified using the below command.

kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=600s job/primera3par-rcg-info

Continue to update the CRDs followed by uninstalling the chart.

Update CRDs

Before reinstallation of the driver, apply the new CRDs.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Uninstalling the chart

To uninstall the my-hpe-csi-driver chart:

helm uninstall my-hpe-csi-driver -n hpe-storage

Note: Due to a limitation in Helm, CRDs are not deleted as part of the chart uninstall.

Using persistent storage with Kubernetes

Enable dynamic provisioning of persistent storage by creating a StorageClass API object that references a Secret which maps to a supported HPE primary storage backend. Refer to the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes documentation on SCOD. Also, it's helpful to be familiar with persistent storage concepts in Kubernetes prior to deploying stateful workloads.


The HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes Helm chart is fully supported by HPE.

Formal support statements for each HPE supported CSP is available on SCOD. Use this facility for formal support of your HPE storage products, including the Helm chart.


Please file any issues, questions or feature requests you may have here (do not use this facility for support inquiries of your HPE storage product, see SCOD for support). You may also join our Slack community to chat with HPE folks close to this project. We hang out in #Alletra, #NimbleStorage, #3par-primera, and #Kubernetes. Sign up at and login at


We value all feedback and contributions. If you find any issues or want to contribute, please feel free to open an issue or file a PR. More details in


This is open source software licensed using the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE for details.