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Mhairi O'Hara edited this page Aug 17, 2015 · 42 revisions


There have been many requests from the community for improved downloading of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data through the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Export Tool. A generous grant from the Hewlett Foundation has now provided funding making it possible to develop and re-write the tool in Python following the Django framework in order to address key issues identified and listed in the hot-exports repository.


Service Enhancements

  • Improve user help documentation
  • Rebuild the service on the HOT server
  • Provide more server space

GitHub Issues

Must Address

  • Redesign the User Interface (UI) #88 #68 #58 #14
  • Allow individual file formats to be selected #78
  • Add OSMAnd .obf file format #77
  • Garmin file format export is empty #65
  • Provide projection options, or default to EPSG: 4326 #80 #76
  • Include status bar displaying uploading progress #74 #83 #75

Likely to Address

  • Exports search using geospatial function with a bounding box #36.
  • Put interface translation into Transifex workflow #67

Update Reports

Week 1 + 2 (30th May 2015)

Week 3 (5th June 2015)

Week 4 (12th June 2015)

Week 5 (19th June 2015)

Week 6 (26th June 2015)

Week 7 (Holiday)

Week 8 + 9 (17th July 2015)

Week 10 (26th July 2015)

Week 11 (31st July 2015)

Week 12 (Holiday)

Week 13 (16th August 2015)




Timeline 1 Timeline 2

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