- separate out primary mapping geometry from new feature geometry (during proj create) (#2225)
- frontend: start user roles integration (#2207)
- frontend: task comments for individual features( #2218)
- backend: add task scheduler to backend services (cron jobs) (#2147)
- finalise S3 submission photos on backend + frontend (#2211)
- backend: replace custom ODK submission media upload with official external storage (S3) (#1894)
- backend: replace nominatim usage with pg-nearest-city reverse-geocode (#2199)
- backend: extract additional geoms into submission geojson featcol
- frontend: design modifications, project details, home page, header, buttons (#2148)
- frontend: show geometry label popups on submission details page (#2187)
- frontend: download split geojson during proj create (#2186)
- frontend: download filtered submissions, with option for geojson too (#2183)
- backend: endpoints to download form XML and create new form submissions (#2178)
- create script for generating project stats via API
- frontend: render points on both frontends, with colour determined by status (#2174)
- submission: add date range filter for geojson download (#2176)
- mapper: add i18n (internationalisation) frontend translations via paraglide js (#2155)
- tasks: add task to unlock tasks locked for over 3 days and reset entities after an hour (#1984)
- backend: return entity uuid on create (#2151)
- backend: add endpoint to create an entity in existing project for new geometry (#2145)
- frontend: update user roles list during project creation (#2135)
- frontend: add table component and manage users page (#2133)
- backend: add central-webhook service for triggering entity status updates in FMTM database (#2130)
- backend: migration to add dataset property to old projects (#2126)
- users: add pagination and search functionality (#2124)
- backend: add endpoint to change global user roles (#2117)
- frontend: assign PM during project creation & refactor radix components (#2115)
- backend: warn users and delete user accounts after period of inactivity (#2088)
- dialog-entities-actions: update submission length check condition
- backend: set new_geom_type default to Polygon as temp fix for #2164
- taskSelectionPopup: update task popup task state label
- submissionDetails: display submission images on the submission field itself (#2216)
- add project create feature warning (10,000) and limit (30,000) (#2215)
- frontend: inconsistent task history names and styling (#2217)
- backend: update role to project admin to fetch user list (#2203)
- frontend: correctly include project name in geojson submission download file
- frontend: use fmtm-cursor-pointer for default user icon
- frontend: move new geom confirm dialog to center screen
- extractGeojsonFromObject: differentiate and visualize Polygon & LineString seperately (#2196)
- frontend: task lock logic, allow unlock by admins (#2188)
- +page: confirmation dialog close before redirection to ODK (#2185)
- frontend: add error message if project editing fails (permissions)
- frontend: add hot-tracking to react type declarations
- backend: TMS issues by using go-tilepacks and go-pmtiles (#2162)
- backend: support big int osm id fgb creation (#2160)
- backend: clear tiles from disk after generation (#2158)
- updated usage of shapestream requiring 'params' field
- projectDetails: update set odk credential logic (#2149)
- frontend: custom odk creds validation, relate to PR #2142
- frontend: allow users to select default odk credentials (#2142)
- getTaskStatusStyle: fix locked_for_mapping task state color
- backend: getting secret value from CENTRAL_WEBHOOK_API_KEY config var
- frontend: logic allowing for custom odk server creds during proj create (#2129)
- frontend: validated entity state visualization on map (#2122)
- mapper: flaky new feature polygon draw (#2118)
- frontend: replace old button with new button components (#2212)
- frontend: update link to custom ODK Collect --> v2024.3.5 (entity refresh on load)
- automatically determine geom type from javarosa geom structure
- remove sign out button from sidebar drawer
- replace two submission download endpoints with one
- tweak odk tunnel testing config button
- frontend: remove task_filter field from frontend intent url
- frontend: simplify SetSnackBar action with defaults (#2192)
- use @types/react for custom module declarations
- ensure translations match
- move unused root level 'images' to prototyping docs section
- submissionDetails: fix bracket, don't show new_feature geometry object (#2121)
- backend: add
router with API key functionality (external apps) (#2110) - entity pulse effect on rejected submissions (#2018)
- mapper: distance constraint add on frontend (#2084)
- frontend: submission table date range filter (#2091)
- backend: get api for project's geometry log (#2090)
- capability to draw new polygon and linestring geoms (#2082)
- backend: add filters for submission date in submission table and downloads (#2077)
- backend: osm-fieldwork --> 0.18.0 (submission filter param + config new feat geom type)
- geolocation: comments add
- add submission ids in entities statuses endpoint (#2038)
- consider every additional entities without clipping them with AOI (#2017)
- update the version of osm-fieldwork (#2029)
- backend: send org approval message to creator (#2008)
- add submission ids as a dataset property for the entities (#2007)
- update the version of fmtm-splitter 2.0.0 (#1996)
- mapper: project details section add to bottom sheet (#1994)
- mapper: prompt user to download custom ODK Collect on first load (#1989)
- backend: delete submission photos while deleting project to avoid foreignkey constraint (#2112)
- backend: review state for received on submission table (#2101)
- +page: remove irrelevant subscribeToEntityStatusUpdates call in onMount
- use task index instead of id in task boundary geojson properties (#2095)
- mapper: get entities after page load to speed up first paint (#2051)
- backend: get total_tasks count on single project response
- backend: various fixes based on sentry error reports (#2053)
- default odk creds when organisation do not have their own during project creation (#2070)
- change geom to geojson in db model
- generateBasemap: update tile source option value (#2050)
- geolocation: fetch routing api on every 10 seconds
- dialog-entities-actions: show alert instead of turning on location on navigation
- createProjecSlice: clear additionalFeatureGeojson state after successful project creation (#2041)
- compose file name for backend test stage
- mapper: replace task id with index on activities panel (#2002)
- mapper: task id with task index on mapper frontend (#1997)
- backend: include organisation name in minimal project query results (#1993)
- frontend: small fix to reset frontend login if cookie refresh fails
- mapper: offline mode button visibility & basemap component TS type error (#1990)
- parse geojson to featcol in generate data extract (#1983)
- mapper: feature legend & layer-switcher (#2107)
- mapper: relocate entity sync button (#2100)
- frontend: organization management pages (#2097)
- frontend: JS to TS conversion: update useDispatch to useAppDispatch (#2076)
- frontend: update TS types on actions (#2054)
- replace incorrect osm libya logo with official osm logo
- frontend: terminologies and wording update for users (#1978)
- mapper: ts errors on frontend (#2006)
- mapper: add mapping guide to sidebar + update links
- update auth cookie logic for both backend and frontend (#1974)
- mapper: add navigation mode to map (pitch angle / rotate) (#1973)
- debug: add cloudflare tunnel config to simple configurable frontend button
- frontend: add 'Start Mapping' call to action button on homepage cards (#1968)
- mapper: add new point geom in maplibre terradraw, inject to ODK collect (#1966)
- projects: add organisation_logo field to ProjectSummary model (#1956)
- mapper: add zoom to extent button to map (#1947)
- frontend: all uploaded submission features/geometries on submission instance page (#1931)
- mapper: frontend pmtile basemap management pt2 (#1925)
- mapper: set entity (feature) color based on it's mapping status (#1921)
- mapper: basemap control component + opfs pmtile support (pt1) (#1922)
- mapper: frontend login + remove temp auth from React frontend (#1903)
- splitTasks: additional entities feature count add to split tasks section (#1906)
- mapper: basemap layer switcher integration for maplibre (#1835)
- submission: add project_contributors dependency for permission … (#1873)
- splitTasks: add total number of features on split tasks section (#1880)
- mapper: map new feature in odk btn (#1879)
- frontend: visualise submission photos via slider (#1857)
- backend: API to delete user account #1661 (#1848)
- mapper: start improved mapper flow (#1854)
- mapper: flatgeobuf maplibre component for loading features (#1851)
- update API to use events and task states + fixes to backend refactor (#1838)
- backend: remove SQLAlchemy and replace with async psycopg db driver (#1834)
- frontend: mapper UI frontend refactor (#1830)
- frontend: mapper frontend continuation (#1823)
- mapper frontend using ElectricSQL ShapeStream (live updates) (#1760)
- auth: final fixes to temp/osm auth across frontends
- finalise auth setup between frontends (#1981)
- backend: correctly return JSONResponse content on refresh endpoints
- apply pagination after fetch submissions from odk (#1971)
- mapper: remove extra semicolon from new_feature odk field injection
- mapper: correctly inject username into qrcode from logged in details
- frontend: update token refresh calls to match updates in PR #1948
- backend: ambiguous project_id reference in project summaries .all()
- frontend: update min height of project home page card, move start mapping button
- backend: including num_contribotors and total_tasks to the project response
- frontend: default do not show map on home page
- mapper: attempt fixing missing basemap download buttons on mobile
- backend: login enforced for management, additional temp login option for mappers (#1948)
- +page: remove user details from localStorage in case of session expiration (#1965)
- backend: polygon geometries; remove holes, fix right hand rule (#1961)
- Submission Instance Page, Create Project (#1958)
- odk credentials are passed without encrypting at first to avoid double encryption (#1957)
- mapper: better distinguish create project layer colours (#1936)
- frontend: remove trailing slash from activity endpoint (#1932)
- backend: use pydantic SecretStr for all sensitive env vars
- edit multi additional entities names replacing space with '_' (#1926)
- backend: resolve route ambiguity for /tasks/activity endpoint (#1924)
- frontend: update the body of generate-project-data;parse null as a json instead of form data (#1919)
- mapper: geolocation layerswitch bug (#1914)
- mapper: frontend enhancements, add more instructions (#1905)
- mapper: mobile broser map control placement fix (#1899)
- project: allow users to view project cards without login (#1902)
- frontend: project creation wording form --> survey (#1858)
- frontend: minor fixes including bottom sheet drag up (#1895)
- trailing slashes from endpoints, fix check_access for backend roles (#1893)
- backend: update check_access logic to allow checking for org_manager to a project (#1892)
- backend: create and delete organisation (#1867)
- backend: fix permissions for backend project routes (#1885)
- backend: building of extra cors origins, type mismatch
- backend: update project xlsform SQL after backend refactor (#1872)
- mapper: disable mobile browsers to pull-to-refresh functionality (#1878)
- mapper: loading of electric shapestreams, api call ordering
- backend: cors origin list building when DEBUG not set on localhost
- mapper: task comment events for mapper frontend (#1871)
- backend: remove auth bypass in for HOTOSM org #1785 (#1845)
- formUpdateTab: xFormId undefined issue fix on form update (#1863)
- createProjectService: replace all spaces with underscore (#1862)
- frontend: pass additional entity file name to backend (#1860)
- additional-entity: allow custom properties to create entities list (#1861)
- backend: s3 upload and db insertion for submission photos (#1856)
- frontend: after backend refactoring to events (#1844)
- mapper frontend task display and event POSTs (#1842)
- add temp ?sslmode=disable to electric url due to electric#1792
- backend: allow empty task id in entity statuses for new geopoint (#1822)
- dockerfile warning such as Casing and whitespace separator
- updated osm-fieldwork -> 0.16.8 (#1814)
- files: cleanup function remove
- QrcodeComponent: reduce qrcode skeleton size
- dialogTaskActions: add task id filter on odk redirect
- qrcode: increase qrcode size
- createProject: xlsform key update, fix customForm upload issue
- editor: solve editor empty issue on manageProject on initial render
- submissionsTable: on filter reset, set task_id to null
- mapper: improve logic for rendering basemap action buttons
- logging: enhance error logging with stack information across multiple modules (#1887)
- mapper: upgrade mapper frontend to Svelte 5 Runes (#1846)
- remove unnecessary db injection where not needed
- update link to custom ODK build (renamed to -FMTM)
- backend: allow empty task id in entity statuses for new geopoint (#1822)
- dockerfile warning such as Casing and whitespace separator (#1815)
- updated osm-fieldwork -> 0.16.8 (#1814)
- files: cleanup function remove
- QrcodeComponent: reduce qrcode skeleton size
- e2e: comment out test until CI fixed
- dialogTaskActions: add task id filter on odk redirect
- qrcode: increase qrcode size
- createProject: xlsform key update, fix customForm upload issue
- editor: solve editor empty issue on manageProject on initial render
- submissionsTable: on filter reset, set task_id to null
- backend: pyxform usage only allowing xls file extension (#1758)
- backend: pyxform usage only allowing xls file extension (#1758)
- map: set default baseLayer to OSM (#1600)
- update link to custom ODK build (renamed to -FMTM)
- update link to custom ODK build (renamed to -FMTM)
- update link to custom odk collect signed 2024.2.0
- update link to custom odk collect signed 2024.2.0
- frontend: allow selection of additional features during project creation (#1806)
- backend: endpoint to create additional Entity lists on a project (#1799)
- backend: endpoint to retreive submission photos (#1794)
- backend: use XLSForm injection during project creation (#1792)
- submissionDetails: if new feature point add then zoom to the point (#1797)
- projectDetailsForm: tms url description text add (#1795)
- update form by injecting mandatory fields and validate it (#1763)
- frontend: project not found page (#1768)
- mark tasks validated + start conflation UI (#1743)
- add project not found page (#1762)
- backend: capability to send messages to OSM users (notified via email) (#1747)
- backend: ODK submission user photos to S3 for easy access (#1744)
- frontend: add Playwright test for project creation workflow (#1700)
- updating form, with disclaimer to use original form
- frontend: only call additional-feature API if one is set by user
- backend: submission route ordering causing 500 error
- backend: error handling if submission download fails
- backend: add DEBUG override to /refresh for tunnel testing
- files: add pname, odkToken, osmUser as dependency (#1796)
- backend: use latest pyxform syntax for xlsform conversion (fix xls ext usage) (#1789)
- frontend: correct text in validation table to show the marked as validated (#1777)
- backend: allow empty task id and osm id for new geopoint (#1774)
- frontend: map ui alignment on various devices (#1772)
- createProject: lineString validation remove (#1767)
- backend: pyxform usage only allowing xls file extension (#1758)
- remove id from the conflated geojson (#1735)
- updateReviewStatusModal: remove error display & disable btn if no status selected (#1728)
- frontend: do not use debug=true flag on form validation
- backend: remove task_id and task_filter params from XLSForm (#1805)
- backend: remove xforms table from database, refactor project creation (#1804)
- frontend: move QR code & improve base map layer selection component (#1788)
- backend: rename public beta org to
(#1784) - update link to custom odk collect v2024.2.4 download
- update link to custom odk collect signed 2024.2.0
- frontend: ui padding tweak & enhancements (#1750)
- backend: correct username of contributors (#1751)
- frontend: rename data extract file download (project id + 'map features')
- frontend: further upgrades from JavaScript to TypeScript (#1746)
- frontend: additional upgrades javascript --> typescript (#1737)
- reword Data Extract --> Map Features (#1736)
- remove usage of sqlalchemy-utils (db init done by sql script)
- backend: delete s3 objects on project deletion (#1718)
- backend: updated generate_project_files to bulk upload entities (#1714)
- frontend: working submission comments to submission page (#1709)
- backend: calculate overlap percentage for the conflation (#1687)
- frontend: add user to task popup (#1670)
- backend: add helper route to convert multipolygon geojson --> polygons
- backend: update split-by-square to avoid creating tasks with no features in it (#1642)
- backend: endpoint to conflate the submission with osm data (#1594)
- implement global jwt token authentication for login (#1574)
- add new endpoint to refresh the app user token (#1583)
- frontend: increase maxZoom if project details map 20 --> 22 (drone imagery)
- xlsform question ordering + pmtile generation when custom TMS (#1721)
- frontend: submission map chloropeth updating (#1716)
- uploadArea: allow to reset polygon even if its a geojson file on draw option selection (#1713)
- projectTaskStatus: dialog task_status text update on task update (#1712)
- backend: remove option for updating form category type
- frontend: disable form category updates (#1704)
- backend: generating project files passing project id to background task (#1708)
- project: display error generated on the backend (#1693)
- frontend: button click feedback on form update (#1692)
- frontend: reduce task overlay opacity (#1682)
- increased expiry of access token to 1 day (#1672)
- manageProject: hide user tab until its api integration (#1669)
- backend: ensure log level name is used (not Level 10, etc)
- backend: ProjectUserDict usage and standardise geojson parsing/usage throughout (#1659)
- backend: better handle invalid multipolygon geoms
- backend: allow multipolygons to choose as task area (#1645)
- backend: add hashtag to #domain-project_id during proj create
- createNewProject: save current form step state on previous btn click (#1643)
- selectForm: update select category description (#1644)
- frontend: display submission point feature if feature not in extract (#1638)
- frontend: avoid map legend overlay on small screens (dynamic size) (#1637)
- prevent project generation if api failure (#1627)
- replace lru_cache with async for getting odk creds
- backend: addded created date on the project response, set expiry of access token to 1 hour (#1633)
- hotfix: download of basemaps in ui, max zoom level 22 used for tms
- backend: add INVALIDATED status option back in (#1618)
- featureSelectionPopup: allow any users to map feature (#1612)
- backend: parsing of hashtags (allow separation by comma, space, or semicolon) (#1607)
- enums: uncomment previous get_action_for_status_change code (#1609)
- map: set default baseLayer to OSM (#1600)
- backend: remove additional warning logs from check_crs function
- backend: improve error message if no project submissions present (#1696)
- backend: simplify logic for EXTRA_CORS_ORIGINS validation
- run latest pre-commit hooks
- run pyupgrade pre-commit hook
- frontend: simplify infographics API usage (reuse Entities data) (#1601)
- return access_token response to browser (in memory only)
- access_token expiry --> 1hr, refresh_token expiry --> 7 days
- remove redundant logic for refresh token func
- use pydantic model_dump over .json method
- replace RS256 jwt signing with simpler HS384 (#1622)
- fix refs to project_admin --> project_manager after PR merge
- frontend: update remaining JavaScript files to TypeScript (#1602)
- add healthcare form category & minor fixes (#1555)
- use Matomo tracking web component, with accept/disagree prompt (#1546)
- frontend: upgrade React v17 --> v18 (#1542)
- submissionDetails: retrieve task_id directly from submissionDetails (#1595)
- frontend: set submission table task_id from submission task_id
- ensure task_id field is always included with submissions (#1589)
- frontend: replace getting task_id from submission with url param
- ensure
Entity field is updated alongside survey formstatus
field (#1586) - createProject: disable submit btn until redirection to details page (#1585)
- customTable: misalignment via classname add (#1578)
- frontend: recharts UI misalignment (#1575)
- taskSubmissions: show task card of tasks even if no features, view submissions btn hide if no features (#1571)
- charts: size state to track responsive container to fix charts misalignment (#1570)
- projectDetailsV2: taskLayer color not update issue solve (#1569)
- frontend: block project create if no extract features (#1561)
- frontend: redirect user to requested page after login (#1559)
- frontend: only display matomo tracking banner in prod
- frontend: do not display pmtiles generated for another project
- frontend: add tile format to basemaps table, only show cache icon if pmtile
- backend: loading entity by intent using uuid xformid (#1538)
- frontend: correctly invoke matomo & sentry tracking in prod
- frontend: update links for odk collect by intent task_id --> task_filter
- frontend: update download url for custom ODK Collect APK
- frontend: update link to custom odk collect from intent apk
- frontend: import hotosm/ui styles.css --> style.css change
- remove reference to 'topo' basemap imagery provider (usgs)
- rename fmtm.dev --> docs.fmtm.dev for docs site
- add link for interactive xlsform editing during project creation (#1480)
- update PWA config with 2023 icon requirements and caching (#1474)
- download submissions in geojson (#1517)
- add OpenTelemetry configuration for backend API (monitoring) (#1496)
- prompt user if task area is not fully mapped on mark complete (#1493)
- use task index as an user facing task_id (#1470)
- frontend: login options to frontend, OSM or temp auth (#1458)
- frontend buttons to load Entities in ODK Collect by intent (#1449)
- distinguish between tasks locked by the current user and tasks locked by others (#1469)
- append extra hashtag to projects with domain and project id identifier (#1454)
- endpoints for getting Entity data & updating Entity mapping status (#1445)
- temporary authentication login for mappers (svcfmtm) (#1410)
- add /projects/features endpoint for project FeatureCollection (disaster.ninja integration) (#1442)
- Playwright integration with test cases to be written (#1433)
- implement ODK Entities for project creation (#1383)
- lock map feature if 'Map Feature In ODK' clicked (#1516)
- pmtile basemap generation and remove temp workarounds (#1535)
- backend: generate location_str in model_validator instead of computed_field (#1534)
- backend: validation_exception_handler pass all required params
- valid matomo tracking script
- pass project aoi as a outline geojson (#1533)
- typo error in project name prefix in submission-download-geojson (#1523)
- download submissions(csv,json) & refactor submission endpoints (#1519)
- populate task_id correctly in feature properties (#1515)
- refactored project dashboard and submission graph (#1509)
- dialogTaskActions: same name variable conflict solve (#1506)
- backend: use task ids to count validated and mapped status (#1485)
- backend: get contributors count in project summary (#1484)
- task hover popup & disable splitting algo without linestring (#1481)
- login methods after temp cookie auth (#1471)
- frontend: do not call introspect endpoint on /osmauth callback
- basemap tile download, refactor to use /{project_id}/name (#1467)
- frontend: invalidate login if mismatch between existing and new user login (#1462)
- role mapper to login required in data extract (#1450)
- fix list-forms endpoint logic to return list of dicts
- activity comment api calls in frontend (#1435)
- handle multipolygon geometries for project area (#1430)
- XLSForm template download endpoint for specified categories (#1441)
- filter task_history endpoint using task_id (#1436)
- update logic for more flexible submission json --> geojson
- add optional auth to raw-data-api calls, plus folder structure for persistence (#1431)
- project details mobile UI, user details in header (#1407)
- backend: allow missing odk_token for project, but log warning
- add odk_token from projectInfo to qrcode creation
- project name editing validation (#1416)
- return proper error message if form edit is invalid (#1415)
- default UNDERPASS_API_URL no trailing slash
- more informative browser tab titles/details (#1411)
- update task activity endpoint (#1406)
- project edit form update validation (#1397)
- remove missed warning log from update_survey_form
- remove broken submission code no longer used
- use HTTPStatus enum for helper route response codes
- fix ambiguous typos preventing pre-commit codespell passing
- run codespell spelling fixer
- replace unecessary outline_centroid for tasks with ol.extent.getCenter (#1447)
- merged multi polygon to single polygon (#1426)
- task comment response and schema (#1423)
- response of update task status and added user info in task history (#1419)
- OPFS-based offline-first PMTile basemaps (#1395)
- endpoint to check the validity of login cookie (#1380)
- add link to custom ODK Collect build in sidebar menu
- toggleable debug console on mobile in local/dev/stage (#1371)
- handle geo orientation crash firefox & safari (#1381)
- raw sql replacing sqlalchemy in auth/me endpoint (#1334)
- added marker blue dot
- navigation icon changes
- uploadArea edit AOI btn add (#1346)
- navigation WIP
- submission review status modal (#1246)
- default UNDERPASS_API_URL no trailing slash
- post message added undefined check
- vite test
- hotfix add top level id to geojson with it missing
- replace custom pyxform with multi-stage bytesio usage
- hotfix add top level id to geojson with it missing
- reduce length of random id generated for data extract
- fix random integer generation if missing in data extract
- update user profile image (#1373)
- log event for sensor
- ui for basemap gen, tooltip titles (#1363)
- blank space input validation (#1362)
- issues on project summaries with no centroids
- remove add org btn, redirect for submissions page (#1332)
- hotfix: use centroids for extract division by task area (#1336)
- return db user instead of auth user on /auth/me (#1247)
- reduce length of random id generated for data extract
- fix random integer generation if missing in data extract
- hotfix: use centroids for extract division by task area (#1336)
- default UNDERPASS_API_URL no trailing slash
- hotfix add top level id to geojson with it missing
- reduce length of random id generated for data extract
- fix random integer generation if missing in data extract
- hotfix: use centroids for extract division by task area (#1336)
- hotfix: use centroids for extract division by task area
- separate response for comment and task status history (#1391)
- update submission in s3 even if reviewstate is updated (#1379)
- updated the version of fmtm-splitter -> 1.2.1 (#1375)
- add rich text editor project creation instructions field (#1311)
- add task_deps to get xform_name for a task
- add simple ui to delete projects on frontend (#1314)
- add helpers router to helper util endpoints
- cookie check added for auth check
- improve form validation logic, allow xform xml uploads (#1294)
- implement opening the generate tiles modal when download in qr is clicked
- replace local
for generating mb tile modal with global state - add global state for
modal and add types for it - add mbtiles btn back in, pie chart progress (#1278)
- add helper route to convert fgb --> geojson
- add map popups to data extract geometries (#1266)
- manage-organisations: implement skeleton loader while Organizations are being fetched
- manage-organizations: add
component - flatgeobuf data extracts on frontend & backend (#1241)
- added bbox in read project's outline (#1244)
- added approved in get organisation response (#1226)
- improve submissions dynamic filtering (#1217)
- api returning details of unapproved org (#1218)
- filters on submission table (#1191)
- init public beta org and svcfmtm user migration (#1206)
- endpoints for task comments (#1171)
- add community_type for organisations, add unapproved org list endpoint (#1197)
- osm-rawdata for generating data extracts (#1183)
- create / edit organization form (#1178)
- frontend: default organisation credentials during proj create (#1174)
- task history end point with associated user (#1071)
- manage / edit project UI (#1154)
- mapper role (#1163)
- project admin role (#1133)
- frontend: project deletion capability
- set project delete endpoint to org_admin only
- project submissions page (#1150)
- dynamic qrcode generation via frontend (#1143)
- add AOI editing to map during project creation (#1135)
- endpoint to return count of validated and mapped tasks (#1138)
- added withcredential to include cookies on organization list api
- paginated submissions per task (#1128)
- organisation approval and admin endpoints (#1126)
- add test coverage metric (#1129)
- paginated submissions by project (#1110)
- add basic user role support to backend (#1094)
- cookie based authentication (#1091)
- use flatgeobuf data extracts (#1047)
- backend: form fields for the submision table (#1072)
- new project details page (#1070)
- get contributors by project (#1062)
- endpoint for submission page count by date (#1051)
- backend: project dashboard endpoint (#1054)
- cache submissions in s3 (#1035)
- add mamoto tracking to prod frontend (#1040)
- integrate fmtm-splitter and remove splitting code in fmtm (#1037)
- project info legend (#1017)
- add profiler to calculate route execution time (#1020)
- capacitor geolocation and orientation (#1016)
- cluster spread on click (#1007)
- frontend: edit draw AOI in create project (#999)
- generic endpoint to get task status from db
- update osm-fieldwork --> 0.5.3 for validateMedia fix
- submission detail of each task's submission (#1324)
- frontend: project details improve UI responsiveness (#1321)
- redirect to loginPopup on Manage Organization click if user not signed in (#1322)
- backend: format of task_id in xform_name for getting submissions
- frontend: decrease generate-log interval 2s --> 5s (server load)
- backend: only access db once during task creation
- backend: do not overwrite form_category with form filename
- backend: update form endpoint updates xform_category (not xform_title)
- backend: generate project-log based on odk_token in tasks
- backend: add xform_category during project creation
- frontend: automatically use default odk org creds if present
- use defusedxml for xml parsing, only parse one in proj creation (#1316)
- frontend: revert change to ProtectedRoute attempting cookie access
- frontend: remove 'use client' react/nextjs delcarations from files
- backend: run xform update in background task
- backend: bug with xform/xlsform reading with suffix appended
- frontend: update odk collect qrcode task id in metadata_phonenumber
- update-form endpoint working
- frontend: form update page UI + correct post params
- update project_admin role to return user/project dict
- fix form validation check during project creation
- fix form naming during creation, media upload, appuser set
- update xform name to fetch submissions (#1306)
- remove data extract upload type (#1261)
- frontend: only load my organisations once on tab click (#1287)
- frontend: hotfix allow access to project details without login (for qr codes)
- fix xform name in task feature count dict
- check for existing project name (#1285)
- frontend: hotfix allow access to project details without login (for qr codes)
- fix xform name in task feature count dict
- updated the xform in form fields
- frontend: hotfix disable aoi area check temp
- frontend: hotfix allow access to project details without login (for qr codes)
- xform name in task feature count dict (#1288)
- default map background changed to white (#1281)
- cast osm_id as string for geojson id
- top level id in geojson Feature as osm_id
- create odk projects with prepended 'FMTM xxx' to identify
- frontend: update qrcode form_update_mode --> match_exactly for sync
- double wrapped db.execute statement in text()
- fix passing project id for odk creds proj deletion
- wrap raw sql expressions in SQLAlchemy.text
- update odk_central_url validation to prevent blank string
- extra logs when extracting odk creds from proj/org
- put feature id on top level of task geojson for odk collect
- update logic getting default org odk creds
- geojson task splitting props in odk collect format
- logic to bypass project_admin if public beta
- update public org checking logic as part of role check
- allow public project creation during public beta (#1274)
- set sqlalchemy connection max_overflow unlimited, until task queue
- frontend: change console log msg check to type check
- reduce db connections during project creation
- frontend: console errors when msg prop is not defined
- frontend: handle case when console error is not string
- temporarily bundle minio in prod until minio instance profile
- make data_extract_url optional for ReadProject schema
- data extract splitting by task refined, update download endpoint (#1269)
- console log errors during project creation
- qrcode download from task popup
- rendering of qrcode based on task_status
- task splitting with custom data extract (#1255)
- dynamic submissions legend chloropeth (#1250)
- update initial_feature_count --> feature_count and populate values (#1265)
- use raw sql for organisation crud (#1253)
- file validity check on fileUpload only once (#1262)
- send bbox from geojson properties to josm (#1256)
- comment broken SubmissionMap import on frontend
- move OdkDecrypted logic into project_deps (#1239)
- qr popup on task status & styling (#1184)
- add created_by user id to organisation table (#1232)
- project org UI issues (#1230)
- required odk credentials if no organisation default (#1205)
- removed deps from delele org api (#1233)
- update schema to edit only required fields (#1223)
- first coordinate check when check_crs geojson
- data extract generation and task splitting with polylines (#1219)
- update task status when mapping starts (#1208)
- org creation using Form params
- add odk_central_url to org details returned
- project creation workflow fixes (task splitting) (#1194)
- axios interceptor testing
- feature type not being saved as a geojson type
- axios interceptors fixing test
- project submission card UI enhancement (#1186)
- update db relations for generating submissions (#1179)
- remove approved flag from organisations endpoint
- organisation routes role usage & approval
- baselayer url changed with token
- create popup outside of async request (fix ios login) (#1167)
- organisation logo display full width (#1166)
- map default odk credentials to organisations (#1123)
- backend: append /v1/ to odk_token url for qrcodes
- frontend: remove svcfmtm from loginSlice initialState
- zlib compress dynamic QR codes from frontend (#1159)
- project submission date and time formatted (#1160)
- project creation draw and max boundary area (#1157)
- frontend: do not render qrcode if odktoken is empty
- API interceptor used in getOrganizationRequest
- login_required decorator return value converted to AuthUser
- all usage of AuthUser replace .get methods (#1142)
- use optional params for extra AuthUser items
- Depends usage for task_submissions endpoint
- tile archive download for projects
- use organization_manager table for org admins
- limit project area during create (#1109)
- editable vector layer in ol for project creation (#1102)
- task split by square fail if data extract pending (#1095)
- optimize the performance of project dashboard (#1079)
- create & edit project UI fixes (#1078)
- more robust method to support different date format
- string based date to custom date format for over 7days
- add image to user profile (#1053)
- homepage height, split on square disable button (#1046)
- authentication on delete projects api (#1042)
- frontend: use task status string directly (#1032)
- prevent generate building task without int (#1030)
- serialize task status as string (#1031)
- retriving field value directly using model object
- task status var type, openlayers styling (#1026)
- allow qr code access from all users (#1023)
- error while using task splitting algorithm when drawing aoi
- use async by default, with occasional def threading (#1015)
- changed post request to get
- add template data extract example (#1011)
- improve logging if organization patch fails
- setting S3_DOWNLOAD_ROOT if not debug
- set S3_DOWNLOAD_ROOT if empty string
- correctly set org logo url on update
- upload organisation logo in S3 (distributed) (#1008)
- frontend: project summary search all (#1005)
- post task split type, dimension, num buildings (#1003)
- solve pagination error (#997)
- revert FastAPI UploadFile.getvalue(), use .read()
- frontend: custom tms url input (#998)
- rename upload-->project_geojson upload boundary
- add_obj_to_bucket s3 method all args
- use S3_DOWNLOAD_ROOT for s3 downloads
- project.project_info as a dict, not list
- set uselist=False for Project-->ProjectInfo relationship
- get_form_full_details func not a json
- refs BETAProjectUpload --> ProjectUpload
- use sync def for non-io bound tasks
- minor fixes, project_info dict, utils bg tasks
- add uuid in read project and total_task in generate-log (#978)
- add task_split_type to project when task splitting complete (#990)
- sign in text, user profile (#996)
- task id on task polygon and feature extracts (#976)
- create new project aoi zoom (#989)
- install-script: add DOCKER_HOST to top of bashrc
- enforce https for osm oauth callbacks
- add is_public option to s3 bucket init
- use pyxform fork for BytesIO XForm usage (#1327)
- frontend: round creation progress to nearest percent
- backend: add log after project xform update complete
- remove projects.xform_title completely, in favour of xform_category
- usage of form_category variable --> xform_title --> xform_name
- remove redundant central endpoints
- reduce API calls on home page and project details page (#1315)
- remove verbose logs from task pydantic model
- backend: remove verbose logs on project home page
- backend: remove project boundary upload endpoint (not used)
- remove categories from form list, update to raw sql
- old organization creation page removed (#1299)
- add ts types to store (#1286)
- remove unneccessary consoles
- update logic for odk form creation & media upload
- correctly set project.project_name_prefix on creation
- remove code for manual service worker registration
- update sentry to only run on prod website
- removing redundant code for removing extra closing tag (#1264)
- reorganize the code to make it cleaner
- changed sync to async gather_all_submission_csvs (#1258)
- improve flatgeobuf loading and generation (#1235)
- remove old edit-project code (#1210)
- org creation page consent questions (#1185)
- task status update endpoint to adjust mapper role (#1180)
- cast all fields for sqlalchemy with python types (#1173)
- add extra error handling if data extract download fails (#1158)
- remove withCredentials from org endpoint (use interceptor)
- frontend: use absolute (aliased) imports over relative imports (#1136)
- fix return type for organisation url validator
- update project dashboard to use deps functions (#1127)
- add metadata_username to odk qr code as test
- refactor odk appuser + qrcode function naming
- fix linting errors in project_crud
- renaming for consistency with database (#1114)
- remove variable from docker install script
- fix all pre-commit.ci linting errors (#1101)
- organization routes/crud/schemas to use best practice (#1096)
- replace project last active validator --> serializer
- task status fetched from enums (#1082)
- serialization for task_status and created project dashboard fields (#1076)
- pydantic v2 deprecations (#1074)
- rename mamoto --> matomo
- replace get_user_by_id with get_user on login
- remove /images/ endpoint, replaced by s3 logos (#1013)
- remove endpoints specific to janakpur project (#1012)
- use DEBUG param to determine S3_DOWNLOAD_ROOT local
- bytesio .seek(0) & .read() methods with .getvalue() (#1001)
- replace deprecated on_event with lifespan event
- generate uuid for background tasks automatically
- make get_odk_project_full_details synchronous
- rename project route variables for clarity
- default s3 bucket name --> fmtm-data
- generate uuid for background tasks automatically
- rename project_id --> odk_project_id for clarity
- rename get odk project details for clarity
- remove unused project_crud function
- remove ref to project_export for now
- api to get data extracts for the given aoi and category (#960)
- added Pagination info in the project summary (#959)
- selection of basemap output formats, TMS input, mobile UI (#896)
- add Minio to backend compose stack & CI (#908)
- addressing of project using Nominatim (#913)
- new UI for create project (#918)
- backend tests for project endpoints (#900)
- add map clustering on main page (#905)
- returned required media name in a response of form validity (#871)
- remove microfrontend (#831)
- data extract custom
- map integration on project list map
- project centroid api integration on project summary
- package changes of ol and added to main
- added alchemy text on centroid api
- map Component added to main
- add script to generate openapi.json
- Added a new function to perform the conversion of task_boundary from GeoJSON to .osm format.
- download button for data extract on project details fix Add option to download the data extract fix #779
- api for download data extract
- added download data extract loading
- Enhance GeoJSON Handling and Support for Multiple Formats during task spliting
- added custom road extract
- use loguru stdout + json file logging
- form validation added on custom form
- added organisation_id on create project frontend
- organisation Id on create project api
- added api to centroid logo
- added projectId on projectbyid
- Tailwindcss integrated
- added mbtiles ui and functionality
- scale reduced on map icon
- order change define task and data extract
- typescript integration
- api to test the validity of custom form uploaded
- tile generation process moved into fastapi background task
- josm zoom and load added
- bounds in geometry_to_geojson
- josm zoom and load added
- bounds in geometry_to_geojson
- get all submissions
- submission json of a project
- Draw AOI
- added react on import
- draw in progress
- Login signup handled for local docker
- Log Status added on UI
- edit form with form category WIP
- HashTag Project Create
- login osm added
- removed serviceworker in development
- app on scheme of intent for redirect to odk collect app
- webpack changes for pwa
- added manifest.json for pwa
- integrated serviceworker for pwa
- workbox config on webpack
- added workbox for pwa
- data extracts on the update project form
- organization another page redirect
- popup changed to another file
- changed head title
- fmtm dev and prod domain to tracepropagationtargets
- sentry setup for production but dev dsn missing
- removed glitchtip test button ui
- integrated sentry alternative glitchtip
- update project boundary added constant
- added outline_geojson on project info
- added EditProject Area on Webpack exposes
- fix task_status to String
- refactored typescript files
- download form of project
- forgot password route removed
- eslint prettier setup
- new tsconfig setup
- added back icon on EditProject
- added ArrowBackIcon on assetmodules
- backbutton on projectinfo page
- edit project details
- added outline css to debug
- slice for edit project
- edit project validation
- edit project sidebarContent constant
- added patch for project details
- added nodeenv on environment
- Added Edit Project button
- current location trigger
- create organization button on create project
- osm auth login completed
- Improved Auto-Fill for ODK Central URL and Username Fields Resolve #566
- added slice for uploading area geojson
- added editproject component
- set individual project details to slices
- changed name of modal from create to default
- individual project detail api
- routes added for project edit
- data extract step added
- accept extension on input of upload area
- added validation for dataextract step
- data Extract step added on create project page
- added input file accept extension
- Data Extract Step added with functionality changes
- Added Route For Data Extract Step
- Modify AOI feature
- redirected to project specific detail page after project creation
- project creating loading
- generate task loader and disable handled
- organization logo required field removed
- projection switched to EPSG:3857
- implemented api logic for loading button of download
- csv and json loader added with style changes
- added mui/lab loadingbutton on coremodules
- added mui/lab package
- fixed project info download submission
- condition for empty file submission api
- form issue fixes on geojson upload
- added padding on map layers
- added task locking and disabled showing option to change task status
- osm auth fix
- package changes
- osm auth fix 1
- removed org type from backend
- implemented new tab on sidebar
- Tasks Page For Submission
- env generation script for easier first setup
- progress bar integrated
- fixed form issues
- submission json api
- download submission to an individual submission
- exception in creating a project in odk central
- added osm extracts into fmtm db
- submission points api
- generate app user files is moved in background task
- dynamic project id based submission
- download submission api
- avatar png added for submission by
- added submission page on webpack to expose
- form-list api, app users list api
- basic typescript config will add more config
- category removed from generate api . Category is taken from project table, of from form itself
- list submission for the project api created
- organization dropdown create project
- route added for basemap selection
- basemap selection page added
- removed user input field and added central odk input field
- added type on Validation of Create project
- custom pagination function
- prettier added
- endpoint to get the qr code by task created
- endpoint to list the xforms
- end point to upload multi polygon file to create a task for each polygon in the file
- missing validation on upload geojson
- put and patch api for project informations
- add endpoint load-test-data for local zip import
- add test_data_path for test data dir
- replace backend dotenv config with Pydantic BaseSettings
- add config file for fastapi/pydantic env settings
- removed listProjects during backend init, partial list central projects endpoint
- add root_path option to FastAPI for serving behind proxy subpath
- ads qr code to task list (#970)
- create new project ux tweaks (#969)
- create new project ui/ux improvements (#955)
- align new organization button, replace total projects text (#947)
- signin / out buttons on mobile (#939)
- basemap modal closes menu (#938)
- replace iterative approach for task feats, edit schema
- move simplify features to get_project_features endpoint (#933)
- simplify project features response & prep for flatgeobuf osm extracts (#932)
- warning message before project creation action is cancelled (#924)
- removed icon from activities
- inform user if GeoJSON CRS is not EPSG:4326 (#919)
- allow specifying API_PREFIX if behind proxy
- optimise mobile UI - project info, home, organisation (#903)
- feature count in task features count api (#904)
- solved tasking splitting issue
- issue when single feature polygon uploaded to upload multi polygon api
- trim whitespace on schema check prior to migrate (#886)
- solved unsupported multi-linestring custom feature issue in odk … (#865)
- set underpass api url via env var
- remove data extract on different dropdown selection
- edit project symbol changes on regex
- commented pagination for future
- create project single AOI
- outline geojson of project in project details api (#825)
- project info on click
- callback url
- logs filters for project creation
- raw sql query in tasks feature
- remove pydantic Url in favour of str (#814)
- tiles generation
- map_url and main_url in config file
- cors origin error
- task split algorithm
- updated category based on the available yaml file
- pydantic defaults for ODK_CENTRAL vars (#806)
- import error in json2osm
- list forms api
- import error in json2osm
- upload media if the task has zero features, do not upload media
- validate EXTRA_CORS_URLS before model validation
- refactor pydantic v2 Config class (no orm_mode)
- set default vals for all settingss pydantic v2
- typing for pydantic validator Url
- pydantic v1 BaseSettings --> v2 pydantic_settings
- removed project detail from lazy loading white screen
- Add support for Doxygen API output
- Fix import path for read_xlsforms
- Read in all the xlsforms at startup time
- project name validation fix Project name should accept other characters too. #754
- submission detail page
- organization_id added on create project
- minimum 5 of splitting algorithm
- Project name should accept other characters too. #754
- organization_id none case handled
- task splitted is not shown in map, although the number of tasks are determined and generated #750
- previous button wrong route issue
- project_id added in the tile_instance
- set tile_path_instance outside try, ref before assign
- set tile download dir to volume path
- task status updated issue
- questions order in odk collect
- Generate mbtiles ux
- removed async from background mbtiles task
- project info page not showing projectarea
- removed drawn geojson on route change
- hashtag validation create project
- Color Changes of Tasks and Lock added
- user with existing username in osm login
- submission detail page undefined
- user with existing username in osm login
- submission detail page undefined
- if osm is None, return None
- coonvert to osm function updated if the submission is not present
- tasks features api
- Draw AOI bug fix
- create project value change on edit
- task aplit algrithm for gojson type feature
- features api
- remove SQLALCHEMY_DB_URL in favour of FMTM_DB_URL
- check for valid geometry in task generate
- central api create odk form
- task aplit algorithm, seek to the first object of in memory file
- upload geojson type Polygon
- update category api
- workbox webpack fix for loop
- submission logic to download json file of task changed
- task-features api with undefined issue
- seek for in memory file used in multipolygon upload
- upload boundary, seek(0) used for in memory file
- go to odk temp fix
- intent
- pwa fixes for icon
- merge conflicts
- data Cleaning fix
- removed api listing static content
- projects can be filter based on user_id and hashtags present in the project
- filtering by hashtags check if project hashtags overlap with requested hashtags
- task spliting for geojson with polygons instead of features
- download task geometries
- download project outline
- merge xlsforms import from main --> development
- multi polygon
- merge conflict
- generate_appuser_files json loads the one.outline instead of eval
- generate files
- width on Update form adjusted
- removed prefix from project patch put api
- organization list not populating
- merge conflicts
- query to split algorithm
- osm extracts function
- osm auth login
- osm auth test 5
- osm auth test 2
- osm auth login test fix 1
- removed unused import
- removed organization actions
- removed unwanted code on define area map
- removed unwanted constant
- Global View of map - Create Project : Initially the global map should be displayed by default. resolve#461
- custom file upload not showing switching step
- using favicon.ico instead of favicon.png for better cross browser support including firefox
- project detail metadata not showing
- legend fix on mobile view
- task wise submission export download
- file extension passed in generate files
- download json and csv submission
- changed default dimension number to 10
- debug routes import error
- deleting projectd. Passed odk credentials
- task list
- upload multi polygon fix
- removed project details data after page changes
- form file is required handled
- add missing fmtm_images volume def to prod compose
- task_feature_count api submission count
- osm-fieldwork version issue
- osm login
- osm auth login fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth login fix
- osm login test
- osm login test 2
- osm auth with json response added on /me/
- osm auth fix 4
- json response on osm callback url
- osm auth fix
- osm auth fix
- osm auth login fix
- osm authlogin test 1
- error on Project info page
- osm-fieldwork import
- osm-fieldwork imports
- Fixes Create Project Section : The input file name has design issues. #452
- Create Project Section - Upload Area subsection : Alignment of the map elements need to be maintained. #451
- handle click outside issue
- organization post
- adjusted map page of home
- merge conflict
- link fix on hotosm.org
- remove lorem ipsum
- typo
- style chnaged
- ExlploreProjectCard style changed
- get_user in create project
- indentatio n fixes
- remove Multiple feature api
- init submission xforms with OdkForm(odk_central)
- load test data endpoint
- references to central_crud global project/task
- linting errors for backend
- pydantic settings default DEBUG type bool
- odkcentral api user init script variables
- bug on select form upload
- create project custom form issue
- centroid extracts outside project area
- imports
- category error for custom form in generate osm data
- xlsfile params in osm extracts
- data extract ways for create project
- osm extracts upload
- form issue on create project
- osm 6
- osm auth 5
- osm auth 3
- Osm test 2
- osmauth fix 1
- continue loop only in extractPolygon type
- upload custom xlsfrm in generate app files api
- Multipolygon type in divide into square
- logger error
- changed tsx to jsx on openlayer map module
- task list api
- optional chaining operator added on dialogtaskactions.jsx
- multipolygon issue in creating boundary
- project details form dropdown changed from rsuite to material ui
- removed project persist (causing issue)
- changed outdir file to dist and tsconfig replaced
- removed project id from upload xlsform
- removed xform_title from generate appuser
- osm_extracts in upload media
- qr code generate url
- added missed slash in the server url
- odk collect QR read
- generate working qr code
- adding odk server credentials to the projects table
- Change shapely from 1.8.5 to 2.0.1 to get the centroid function instad of the attribute
- removed console log
- all usages of odkconvert are now osm-fieldwork
- login response issue
- merge conflict
- port binding for pytest workflow.
- check for None type in cors origin validation
- bug fix on project details
- prettier fixes
- linting
- project summary api
- merge conflict and instructions removed from load_test_data function
- get_users throwing an error when no users in db
- osm login
- revert self --> cls in pydantic base settings, ignore N805
- osm auth routes, json encode responses
- add init file to test data dir to make discoverable
- include task_status_str in status update response
- remove symlinked frontend prod dockerfiles, builds failing
- missed dockerfile for odkcentral in compose prod
- QR insert w/ project zip upload, QR base64 w/ get project tasks
- /central/appuser endpoint, return qr code
- add fmtm.hotosm.org to backend cors origins (until configurable)
- fmtm network for traefik in prod deploy
- revert pytest run from src dir, run from root
- add pytest to requirements-dev and lock all versions
- add API_URL to frontend env in docker-compose
- update imports to odkconvert using pip pkg
- manually create StrEnum,IntEnum in python 3.11 (allow >3.9)
- update changelog path for commitizen
- change version 0.1.0 --> 0.0.0 prior to first bump
- add package.json to version control files
- remove S3_BUCKET_NAME_OVERLAYS (handled by raw-data-api)
- update final refs to GenerateMbTiles --> GenerateBasemap
- remove package-lock.json (not used)
- remove make_data_extract replace with osm-rawdata (#891)
- remove console.log for import.meta.env
- update refs to frontend/main --> frontend
- use full links to hotosm logo in readme
- remove ogr2osm in code
- replace all instances of standard logging
- add additional defaults to backend settings
- remove api login/signup endpoints
- remove manual login/logout from frontend
- remove NODE_ENV check for login buttons
- use postMessage OSM login, avoid CORS devserver
- additional logs during proj creation
- revert ports on debug compose config
- add init file to backend images dir
- odk init script to trigger workflow
- move backend files back to /app after rebase
- move backend out of /app prior to rebase
- lint and format all markdown files
- run pre-commit hooks on backend
- move app backend server files to app dir
- move backend code out of app dir for rebase
- add additional logging to odkcentral connection
- update version.py path in pyproject.toml
- ignore osm-fieldwork local dir
- remove tests dir in root (under src dirs)
- run pre-commit hooks on backend files
- move backend files to app dir
- change useless root api path to redirect to /docs
- move osm auth init to separate file, use Depends
- move debug data import logic to crud, routes call method
- remove read_xlsforms from project routes, moved to app start
- move test data into backend directory, bundle in dockerfile
- rename quay images in compose
- remove logs dir clutter
- remove learn_fastapi clutter
- remove odkcentral api and proxy into separate dir
- add log during central create_appuser return
- temp add additional frontend hosts to api cors origins
- remove unused frontend dockerfiles and compose
- remove redundant flask tests (demo frontend)
- remove custom traefik image, set via command & labels in compose
- add image names to docker-compose file (github container reg)
- add default for db .env vars, not required for dev setup
- remove src/web demo flask app
- remove demo flask app from prod docker-compose
- removed LOCAL_DB_URL env var
- cleanup .env example, remove config.py for flask demo
- remove submodules (wiki --> docs, odkconvert --> pip pkg)
- remove odkconvert from repo (install instead)