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File metadata and controls

204 lines (159 loc) · 4.77 KB

Clarinet SDK

The Clarinet SDK can be used to interact with the simnet from Node.js.

You can use this SDK to:

  • call public and read-only functions from smart contracts
  • get clarity maps or data-var values
  • deploy contracts
  • get contract ABI
  • write unit tests for Clarity smart contracts


npm install @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk


import { initVM } from "clarinet-sdk";
import { Cl } from "@stacks/transactions";

async function main() {
  const vm = await initVM();

  const accounts = vm.getAccounts();
  const w1 = accounts.get("wallet_1")!;

  const call = vm.callPublicFn("counter", "add", [Cl.uint(1)], w1);
  console.log(call.result); //

  const counter = vm.getDataVar("counter", "counter");
  console.log(counter); //


By default, the SDK will look for a Clarinet.toml file in the current working directory. It's also possible to provide the path to the manifest like so:

 const vm = await initVM("./path/to/Clarinet.toml");


Note: A bit of boilerplate is needed to setup the testing environment. Soon it will be handled by the clarinet-cli.

The SDK can be used to write unit-tests for Clarinet projects.
Make sure you are in directory with a Clarinet.toml file and the associated Clarity smart contracts:

cd ./my-project
ls # here you should see the Clarinet.toml file

Let's initialize the Node.js project:

npm init -y # the -y option sets default properties
npm install @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk @stacks/transactions vite vitest vitest-environment-clarinet

Update the package.json file scripts to handle tests:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "vitest run",
    "test:coverage": "vitest run -- --coverage true"

The ./.gitignore file also needs to be updated, add the following lines at the end. It is especially important to ignore node_modules.


A config file is needed for Vitest to use the clarinet-environment. Create the file vitest.config.js with the following content:

/// <reference types="vitest" />

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { vitestSetupFilePath, getClarinetVitestsArgv } from "@hirosystems/clarinet-sdk/vitest";

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    environment: "clarinet",
    singleThread: true,
    setupFiles: [vitestSetupFilePath],
    environmentOptions: {
      clarinet: getClarinetVitestsArgv(),

The set up is ready, let's write the first test. Create a test file in the unit-tests directory:

mkdir unit-tests
touch unit-tests/my-contract.test.js
// unit-tests/my-contract.test.js
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import { Cl } from "@stacks/transactions";

describe("test counter ONE", () => {
  const accounts = vm.getAccounts();
  const w1 = accounts.get("wallet_1");
  if (!w1) throw new Error("wallet_1 does not exist");

  it("adds two numbers", () => {
    const callAdd = vm.callPublicFn("my-contract", "add", [Cl.uint(21), Cl.uint(21)], w1);


  • This code assumes that you have a contract called my-contract with a method add.
;; contracts/my-contract.clar
(define-public (add (n1 uint) (n2 uint))
  (ok (+ n1 n2))
  • You may need to disable the deno extension if it's activated in .vscode/settings.json.

Type checking

You can use TypeScript to write test by installing it and setting up the tsconfig.json.

npm install typescript
touch tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ESNext",
    "useDefineForClassFields": true,
    "module": "ESNext",
    "lib": ["ESNext"],
    "skipLibCheck": true,

    "moduleResolution": "bundler",
    "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true,

    "strict": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true
  "include": ["node_modules/@hirosystems/clarinet-sdk/vitest-helpers/src", "unit-tests"]

If you want to write your test in JavaScript but still have a certain level of type safety and autocompletion, VSCode can help you with that. You can create a basic jsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "checkJs": true,
    "strict": true
  "include": ["node_modules/@hirosystems/clarinet-sdk/vitest-helpers/src", "unit-tests"]


Clone the clarinet repo and go to the clarinet-sdk component directory:

git clone
cd clarinet/components/clarinet-sdk

Open the SDK workspace in VSCode:

code ./clarinet-sdk.code-workspace

Compile the project (both WASM and JS):

npm install
npm run build