1.Implement a stack using an array
10.Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams
11.Convert a decimal number to binary
12.Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) and LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers
13.Write a program to rotate an array by k positions
14.Implement a stack and its operations (push, pop, peek) using an array
15.Find the majority element in an array (element that appears more than n2 times)
16.Find the longest common prefix in an array of strings
17.Find the first non-repeating character in a string
18.Write a program to implement string compression (e.g., aaabb → a3b2)
19.Merge two sorted linked lists
2.Implement a queue using an array
20.Remove the nth node from the end of a linked list
21.Detect and remove a cycle in a linked list
22.Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression
23.Implement a min stack that supports push, pop, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time
24.Solve the 01 Knapsack Problem
25.Find the length of the longest increasing subsequence
26.Solve the Coin Change Problem (minimum coins needed to make a sum)
27.Find the longest common subsequence of two strings
28.Implement Huffman Encoding
29.Find the minimum number of coins needed for a given amount using a greedy approach
3.Merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array
30.Generate all subsets of a given set using recursion
31.Solve the Fractional Knapsack Problem
32.Solve the Topological Sorting Problem for a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
33.Write a program to detect a cycle in a directed graph using DFS
34.Tree traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder)
35.Write a program to find the intersection of two sorted arrays
4.Solve the Fibonacci series using recursion
5.Implement bubble sort algorithm
6.Implement insertion sort algorithm
7.Implement binary search for a sorted array
8.Implement binary search for an unsorted array
9.Find the second largest number in an array
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