All users of the Harness community should adhere to the following Code of Conduct!
For real-time discussions, interactions, conversations in the Harness Community happen over Slack. Join a channel any time to participate, ask questions about user queries or other contribution opportunities.
To join the community on Slack, click this invite link and sign-up using your email account!
The clickable links will take you directly to the relevant Slack channel in your browser:
Harness Social - Slack: #social
General Communication and Announcements - Slack: #general
Harness Events and Conferences - Slack: #events
Harness Community Forum Posts - Slack: #forum
Harness Platform Release Updates - Slack: #release-notes
If you want to get started/involved, join the relevant working groups on Slack as many of our community members meet in chat.
Harness Continuous Delivery - Slack: #continuous-delivery
Harness Continuous Integration - Slack: #continuous-integration
Harness Cloud Cost Management - Slack: #cloud-cost-management
Harness Feature Flags - Slack: #feature-flags
Harness Chaos Engineering - Slack: #chaos-engineering
Harness Site Reliability Management - Slack: #site-reliability-management
Drone by Harness - Slack: #drone
Comunidad Harness en español - Slack: #harness-es
Sign-up to Harness Community Forum here and create a new topic to discuss your queries, submit new ideas for product improvements, documentation feedback, report bugs, etc.
Harness Support - Support forum for Harness Community users
Harness Experts - Knowledge Base for the community by the experts from Harness Community
Drone Support - Facing issues while using Drone? Create a Drone issue topic here and get help!
Drone FAQ - Drone: Frequently Asked Questions
Drone Bugs - Report a Drone bug under this category
ZeroNorth Experts - Solutions, integrations, and general knowledge base about ZeroNorth
OverOps Experts - Solutions, integrations, and general knowledge base about OverOps
LitmusChaos - Solutions, integrations, and general knowledge base about LitmusChaos