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sannier3 edited this page Jul 30, 2022 · 19 revisions

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FAQ of the BeatSaber+ mod !


Can I use a single module without importing all the others

Yes you can but provided you include the BeatSaberPlus.dll file in your Plugin folder. All your modules need BeatSaberPlus.dll to work

Do I have to update all the dlls I have with each update?

Yes, all your dlls that you have integrated with Beat Saber need to be updated

Note : With each update, HardCPP displays the compatible versions in the name of the zip file

Which version of BeatSaber is supported?

The versions 1.21 -> 1.22 -> 1.22.1 -> 1.23 -> 1.24 of Beat Saber can be used with all modules

Is BS+ available for Oculus Quest? (BeatSaber Stand Alone)

BS+ and all modules are only available for the PC version of Beat Saber.

Where can i download BeatSaber+

In bsplus-releases on Discord See here for more informations !


Can i have both multiplayer mods installed, will they work together

Yes, the Beat Together, MP-Core, and MP+ mods can all be installed and work side by side each other (meaning you can join a beat together lobby with mp+ installed if you're using the online functions build into beat saber.) [see online button in the main menu]

Likewise you can join MP+ lobbies with beat together/mp-Core installed using the Multiplayer+ button in the mods list to the left of the main menu.

Can i join MP+ lobbies using beat together or vice versa?

No, The two mods use two seperate servers/services. at this time you would need each mod installed to join in lobbies using them.

How to use Multiplayer+

When you enable Multiplayer+ module, you can setup then in BeatSaberPlus -> Multiplayer+. To use the Multiplayer+ mod, don't use the Online button but use the Multiplayer+ button on the left panel ! BeatSaberPlus_Twitch_Chat_Center

Is BS+/MP+ available for Oculus Quest? (BeatSaber Stand Alone)

BS+ and MP+ are only available for the PC version of Beat Saber.

Where can i download BeatSaber+/Multiplayer+

In bsplus-releases on Discord See here for more informations !

Tout aide pour compléter cette page est la bienvenue. Veuillez contacter JBSAN3#3671 sur Discord pour ajouter des informations à cette page

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