How to Contribute Overview
- Asset: content accessible through a URL
The Knowledgebase server interacts with a Google Doc to Mark Down Server, a People Depot Server, and a HackForLA Website Server. Knowledgebase can work without these servers - the functionality these servers provide will not be available, but everything else will work.
The Knowledgebase server
- maintains and categorize information about
- track status of assets
- generates markdown from assets that are Google docs. This requires a Google Doc to Markdown server.
- uses generated markdown for content for a HackForLA Website Server.
- users, practice areas, and technologies can be replicated from a People Depot server, where People Depot would be the source of truth.
- Knowledgebase app is a Django app that connects to a PostGres database.
Knowledgebase can also interact with
- HackForLA website
- technologies: Docker, Jekyll
- PeopleDepot
- technologies: Docker, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, mkdocs, Amazon Cognito
- People Depot Docs
- setting up a development environment
- code
- Google Doc to Markdown Server service: TypeScript and Express
- technologies: Typescript, Express, Google API
- development setup