Lilla is a programming language written in Haskell. It is a functional language that has a Pythonic syntax. The language doesn't have loops, only recursion. The repository has the following structure:
├ lillaTests/
| ├ SmithNumbers.hs (1.)
│ ⌊ (2.)
├ standards/
│ ⌊ (3.)
├ Data.hs (4.)
├ Evaluator.hs (5.)
├ Main.hs (6.)
└ Parser.hs (7.)
(1.) The src/lillaTests/SmithNumbers.hs This is a Haskell code that finds all smith numbers that are smaller than a given 'n' (see what smith numbers are here It is a ground truth reference to check if the lilla implementation of the same task is executed correctly by the Evaluator.
(2.) The src/lillaTests/ This is the src/lillaTests/SmithNumbers.hs code implemented in Lilla. It was made to test if the Lilla implementation of a program that finds all smith numbers below a given 'n' is executed correctly by the Evaluator.
(3.) The src/standards/ This module contains some standard functions of the Lilla programming language such as:
(3.1) filter:
function filter(f, xs):
if eqv(length(xs), 0):
return xs
xsHead = head(xs)
xsTail = tail(xs)
if f(xsHead):
return cons(xsHead, filter(f, xsTail))
return filter(f, xsTail)
(3.2) map:
function map(fxy, xs):
if eqv(length(xs), 0):
return xs
xsHead = head(xs)
xsTail = tail(xs)
return cons(fxy(xsHead), map(fxy, xsTail))
(3.3) fold:
function fold(fAcc, acc, xs):
if eqv(length(xs), 0):
return acc
xsHead = head(xs)
xsTail = tail(xs)
return fAcc(xsHead, fold(fAcc, acc, xsTail))
(4.) The src/Data.hs module contains the definitions of Lilla values and Lilla error types which are the building blocks of the Haskell representation of a Lilla program. The lilla error types are used during the evaluation and the evaluation of the lilla program (ParseLillaError & RuntimeLillaError).
(5.) The src/Evaluator.hs module contains the sourcecode of the Lilla program evaluation. For representing the iterative/step by step execution of the Lilla program the Evaluator module is using the State Monad Transformer extensively.
(6.) The src/Main.hs module contains the runLillaProgram function (and all of its component functions) that essentially takes a path to a Lilla source file reads all the standard functions defined for the Lilla language into the memory (see: src/standards/ and executes the Lilla program.
(7.) The src/Parser.hs module contains the parser that translates a text file representing a lilla program into the Haskell representation of the Lilla program so basically it translates a String into a list of Lilla values (String -> [LillaVal]). The parser is implemented based on the paper "Monadic Parser Combinators" by Graham Hutton (see: