diff --git a/docs/api/task.md b/docs/api/task.md
index 0fb2ecb4d..12919b06e 100644
--- a/docs/api/task.md
+++ b/docs/api/task.md
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Since any registered task can be run from the command line, avoid using spaces i
| parameter | type | note |
| taskName | string | An alias for the task function within the the task system. Not needed when using named functions for `taskFunction`. |
-| taskFunction
**(required)** | function | A [task function][tasks-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. Ideally a named function. [Task metadata][task-metadata-section] can be attached to provide extra information to the command line. |
+| taskFunction
**(required)** | function | A [task function][task-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. Ideally a named function. [Task metadata][task-metadata-section] can be attached to provide extra information to the command line. |
### Returns