diff --git a/docs/api/dest.md b/docs/api/dest.md
index 2a29c2e66..d4b6fe429 100644
--- a/docs/api/dest.md
+++ b/docs/api/dest.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ dest(directory, [options])
| parameter | type | note |
-| directory
**(required)** | string
function | The path of the output directory where files will be written. If a function is used, the function will be called with each Vinyl object and must return a string directory path. |
+| directory
**(required)** | string
function | The path of the output directory where files will be written. If a function is used, the function will be called with each Vinyl object and must return a string directory path. |
| options | object | Detailed in [Options][options-section] below. |
### Returns
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ When `directory` is a function that returns an empty string or `undefined`, emit
| name | type | default | note |
-| cwd | string
function | `process.cwd()` | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `directory` with `path.join()`. |
-| mode | number
function | `stat.mode` of the Vinyl object | The mode used when creating files. If not set and `stat.mode` is missing, the process' mode will be used instead. |
-| dirMode | number
function | | The mode used when creating directories. If not set, the process' mode will be used. |
-| overwrite | boolean
function | true | When true, overwrites existing files with the same path. |
-| append | boolean
function | false | If true, adds contents to the end of the file, instead of replacing existing contents. |
-| sourcemaps | boolean
function | false | If true, writes inline sourcemaps to the output file. Specifying a `string` path will write external [sourcemaps][sourcemaps-section] at the given path. |
-| relativeSymlinks | boolean
function | false | When false, any symbolic links created will be absolute.
**Note**: Ignored if a junction is being created, as they must be absolute. |
-| useJunctions | boolean
function | true | This option is only relevant on Windows and ignored elsewhere. When true, creates directory symbolic link as a junction. Detailed in [Symbolic links on Windows][symbolic-links-section] below. |
+| cwd | string
function | `process.cwd()` | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `directory` with `path.join()`. |
+| mode | number
function | `stat.mode` of the Vinyl object | The mode used when creating files. If not set and `stat.mode` is missing, the process' mode will be used instead. |
+| dirMode | number
function | | The mode used when creating directories. If not set, the process' mode will be used. |
+| overwrite | boolean
function | true | When true, overwrites existing files with the same path. |
+| append | boolean
function | false | If true, adds contents to the end of the file, instead of replacing existing contents. |
+| sourcemaps | boolean
function | false | If true, writes inline sourcemaps to the output file. Specifying a `string` path will write external [sourcemaps][sourcemaps-section] at the given path. |
+| relativeSymlinks | boolean
function | false | When false, any symbolic links created will be absolute.
**Note**: Ignored if a junction is being created, as they must be absolute. |
+| useJunctions | boolean
function | true | This option is only relevant on Windows and ignored elsewhere. When true, creates directory symbolic link as a junction. Detailed in [Symbolic links on Windows][symbolic-links-section] below. |
## Metadata updates
diff --git a/docs/api/last-run.md b/docs/api/last-run.md
index e9350bc33..cf61b31a7 100644
--- a/docs/api/last-run.md
+++ b/docs/api/last-run.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ lastRun(task, [precision])
| parameter | type | note |
-| task
**(required)** | function
string | The task function or the string alias of a registered task. |
+| task
**(required)** | function
string | The task function or the string alias of a registered task. |
| precision | number | Default: `1000` on Node v0.10, `0` on Node v0.12+. Detailed in [Timestamp precision][timestamp-precision-section] section below. |
### Returns
diff --git a/docs/api/parallel.md b/docs/api/parallel.md
index bb7d67cd4..c349a8803 100644
--- a/docs/api/parallel.md
+++ b/docs/api/parallel.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ parallel(...tasks)
| parameter | type | note |
-| tasks
**(required)** | function
string | Any number of task functions can be passed as individual arguments. Strings can be used if you've registered tasks previously, but this is not recommended. |
+| tasks
**(required)** | function
string | Any number of task functions can be passed as individual arguments. Strings can be used if you've registered tasks previously, but this is not recommended. |
### Returns
diff --git a/docs/api/series.md b/docs/api/series.md
index 49609d42e..0d59a8caf 100644
--- a/docs/api/series.md
+++ b/docs/api/series.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ series(...tasks)
| parameter | type | note |
-| tasks
**(required)** | function
string | Any number of task functions can be passed as individual arguments. Strings can be used if you've registered tasks previously, but this is not recommended. |
+| tasks
**(required)** | function
string | Any number of task functions can be passed as individual arguments. Strings can be used if you've registered tasks previously, but this is not recommended. |
### Returns
diff --git a/docs/api/src.md b/docs/api/src.md
index 57f249ff2..243fd9fd9 100644
--- a/docs/api/src.md
+++ b/docs/api/src.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ src(globs, [options])
| parameter | type | note |
-| globs | string
array | [Globs][globs-concepts] to watch on the file system. |
+| globs | string
array | [Globs][globs-concepts] to watch on the file system. |
| options | object | Detailed in [Options][options-section] below. |
### Returns
@@ -55,39 +55,39 @@ When an invalid glob is given in `globs`, throws an error with the message, "Inv
| name | type | default | note |
-| buffer | boolean
function | true | When true, file contents are buffered into memory. If false, the Vinyl object's `contents` property will be a paused stream. It may not be possible to buffer the contents of large files.
**Note:** Plugins may not implement support for streaming contents. |
-| read | boolean
function | true | If false, files will be not be read and their Vinyl objects won't be writable to disk via `.dest()`. |
-| since | date
function | | When set, only creates Vinyl objects for files modified since the specified time. |
-| removeBOM | boolean
function | true | When true, removes the BOM from UTF-8 encoded files. If false, ignores a BOM. |
-| sourcemaps | boolean
function | false | If true, enables [sourcemaps][sourcemaps-section] support on Vinyl objects created. Loads inline sourcemaps and resolves external sourcemap links. |
-| resolveSymlinks | boolean
function | true | When true, recursively resolves symbolic links to their targets. If false, preserves the symbolic links and sets the Vinyl object's `symlink` property to the original file's path. |
-| cwd | string | `process.cwd()` | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `globs` with `path.join()`.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
-| base | string | | Explicitly set the `base` property on created Vinyl objects. Detailed in [API Concepts][glob-base-concepts].
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
-| cwdbase | boolean | false | If true, `cwd` and `base` options should be aligned.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
-| root | string | | The root path that `globs` are resolved against.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
-| allowEmpty | boolean | false | When false, `globs` which can only match one file (such as `foo/bar.js`) causes an error to be thrown if they don't find a match. If true, suppresses glob failures.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
-| uniqueBy | string
function | `'path'` | Remove duplicates from the stream by comparing the string property name or the result of the function.
**Note:** When using a function, the function receives the streamed data (objects containing `cwd`, `base`, `path` properties). |
-| dot | boolean | false | If true, compare globs against dot files, like `.gitignore`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| silent | boolean | true | When true, suppresses warnings from printing on `stderr`.
**Note:** This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external] but defaulted to `true` instead of `false`. |
-| mark | boolean | false | If true, a `/` character will be appended to directory matches. Generally not needed because paths are normalized within the pipeline.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nosort | boolean | false | If true, disables sorting the glob results.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| stat | boolean | false | If true, `fs.stat()` is called on all results. This adds extra overhead and generally should not be used.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| strict | boolean | false | If true, an error will be thrown if an unexpected problem is encountered while attempting to read a directory.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nounique | boolean | false | When false, prevents duplicate files in the result set.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| debug | boolean | false | If true, debugging information will be logged to the command line.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nobrace | boolean | false | If true, avoids expanding brace sets - e.g. `{a,b}` or `{1..3}`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| noglobstar | boolean | false | If true, treats double-star glob character as single-star glob character.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| noext | boolean | false | If true, avoids matching [extglob][extglob-docs] patterns - e.g. `+(ab)`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nocase | boolean | false | If true, performs a case-insensitive match.
**Note:** On case-insensitive file systems, non-magic patterns will match by default.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| matchBase | boolean | false | If true and globs don't contain any `/` characters, traverses all directories and matches that glob - e.g. `*.js` would be treated as equivalent to `**/*.js`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nodir | boolean | false | If true, only matches files, not directories.
**Note:** To match only directories, end your glob with a `/`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| ignore | string
array | | Globs to exclude from matches. This option is combined with negated `globs`.
**Note:** These globs are always matched against dot files, regardless of any other settings.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| follow | boolean | false | If true, symlinked directories will be traversed when expanding `**` globs.
**Note:** This can cause problems with cyclical links.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| realpath | boolean | false | If true, `fs.realpath()` is called on all results. This may result in dangling links.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| cache | object | | A previously generated cache object - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| statCache | object | | A previously generated cache of `fs.Stat` results - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| symlinks | object | | A previously generated cache of symbolic links - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
-| nocomment | boolean | false | When false, treat a `#` character at the start of a glob as a comment.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| buffer | boolean
function | true | When true, file contents are buffered into memory. If false, the Vinyl object's `contents` property will be a paused stream. It may not be possible to buffer the contents of large files.
**Note:** Plugins may not implement support for streaming contents. |
+| read | boolean
function | true | If false, files will be not be read and their Vinyl objects won't be writable to disk via `.dest()`. |
+| since | date
function | | When set, only creates Vinyl objects for files modified since the specified time. |
+| removeBOM | boolean
function | true | When true, removes the BOM from UTF-8 encoded files. If false, ignores a BOM. |
+| sourcemaps | boolean
function | false | If true, enables [sourcemaps][sourcemaps-section] support on Vinyl objects created. Loads inline sourcemaps and resolves external sourcemap links. |
+| resolveSymlinks | boolean
function | true | When true, recursively resolves symbolic links to their targets. If false, preserves the symbolic links and sets the Vinyl object's `symlink` property to the original file's path. |
+| cwd | string | `process.cwd()` | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `globs` with `path.join()`.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
+| base | string | | Explicitly set the `base` property on created Vinyl objects. Detailed in [API Concepts][glob-base-concepts].
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
+| cwdbase | boolean | false | If true, `cwd` and `base` options should be aligned.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
+| root | string | | The root path that `globs` are resolved against.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
+| allowEmpty | boolean | false | When false, `globs` which can only match one file (such as `foo/bar.js`) causes an error to be thrown if they don't find a match. If true, suppresses glob failures.
_This option is passed directly to [glob-stream][glob-stream-external]._ |
+| uniqueBy | string
function | `'path'` | Remove duplicates from the stream by comparing the string property name or the result of the function.
**Note:** When using a function, the function receives the streamed data (objects containing `cwd`, `base`, `path` properties). |
+| dot | boolean | false | If true, compare globs against dot files, like `.gitignore`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| silent | boolean | true | When true, suppresses warnings from printing on `stderr`.
**Note:** This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external] but defaulted to `true` instead of `false`. |
+| mark | boolean | false | If true, a `/` character will be appended to directory matches. Generally not needed because paths are normalized within the pipeline.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nosort | boolean | false | If true, disables sorting the glob results.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| stat | boolean | false | If true, `fs.stat()` is called on all results. This adds extra overhead and generally should not be used.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| strict | boolean | false | If true, an error will be thrown if an unexpected problem is encountered while attempting to read a directory.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nounique | boolean | false | When false, prevents duplicate files in the result set.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| debug | boolean | false | If true, debugging information will be logged to the command line.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nobrace | boolean | false | If true, avoids expanding brace sets - e.g. `{a,b}` or `{1..3}`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| noglobstar | boolean | false | If true, treats double-star glob character as single-star glob character.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| noext | boolean | false | If true, avoids matching [extglob][extglob-docs] patterns - e.g. `+(ab)`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nocase | boolean | false | If true, performs a case-insensitive match.
**Note:** On case-insensitive file systems, non-magic patterns will match by default.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| matchBase | boolean | false | If true and globs don't contain any `/` characters, traverses all directories and matches that glob - e.g. `*.js` would be treated as equivalent to `**/*.js`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nodir | boolean | false | If true, only matches files, not directories.
**Note:** To match only directories, end your glob with a `/`.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| ignore | string
array | | Globs to exclude from matches. This option is combined with negated `globs`.
**Note:** These globs are always matched against dot files, regardless of any other settings.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| follow | boolean | false | If true, symlinked directories will be traversed when expanding `**` globs.
**Note:** This can cause problems with cyclical links.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| realpath | boolean | false | If true, `fs.realpath()` is called on all results. This may result in dangling links.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| cache | object | | A previously generated cache object - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| statCache | object | | A previously generated cache of `fs.Stat` results - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| symlinks | object | | A previously generated cache of symbolic links - avoids some file system calls.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
+| nocomment | boolean | false | When false, treat a `#` character at the start of a glob as a comment.
_This option is passed directly to [node-glob][node-glob-external]._ |
## Sourcemaps
diff --git a/docs/api/symlink.md b/docs/api/symlink.md
index 7042295c2..fcdee880f 100644
--- a/docs/api/symlink.md
+++ b/docs/api/symlink.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ symlink(directory, [options])
| parameter | type | note |
-| directory
**(required)** | string
function | The path of the output directory where symbolic links will be created. If a function is used, the function will be called with each Vinyl object and must return a string directory path. |
+| directory
**(required)** | string
function | The path of the output directory where symbolic links will be created. If a function is used, the function will be called with each Vinyl object and must return a string directory path. |
| options | object | Detailed in [Options][options-section] below. |
### Returns
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ When `directory` is a function that returns an empty string or `undefined`, emit
| name | type | default | note |
-| cwd | string
function | `process.cwd()` |The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `directory` with `path.join()`. |
-| dirMode | number
function | | The mode used when creating directories. If not set, the process' mode will be used. |
-| overwrite | boolean
function | true | When true, overwrites existing files with the same path. |
-| relativeSymlinks | boolean
function | false | When false, any symbolic links created will be absolute.
**Note**: Ignored if a junction is being created, as they must be absolute. |
-| useJunctions | boolean
function | true | This option is only relevant on Windows and ignored elsewhere. When true, creates directory symbolic link as a junction. Detailed in [Symbolic links on Windows][symbolic-links-section] below. |
+| cwd | string
function | `process.cwd()` |The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `directory` with `path.join()`. |
+| dirMode | number
function | | The mode used when creating directories. If not set, the process' mode will be used. |
+| overwrite | boolean
function | true | When true, overwrites existing files with the same path. |
+| relativeSymlinks | boolean
function | false | When false, any symbolic links created will be absolute.
**Note**: Ignored if a junction is being created, as they must be absolute. |
+| useJunctions | boolean
function | true | This option is only relevant on Windows and ignored elsewhere. When true, creates directory symbolic link as a junction. Detailed in [Symbolic links on Windows][symbolic-links-section] below. |
## Symbolic links on Windows
diff --git a/docs/api/task.md b/docs/api/task.md
index 27e95cd08..0fb2ecb4d 100644
--- a/docs/api/task.md
+++ b/docs/api/task.md
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Since any registered task can be run from the command line, avoid using spaces i
| parameter | type | note |
| taskName | string | An alias for the task function within the the task system. Not needed when using named functions for `taskFunction`. |
-| taskFunction
**(required)** | function | A [task function][tasks-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. Ideally a named function. [Task metadata][task-metadata-section] can be attached to provide extra information to the command line. |
+| taskFunction
**(required)** | function | A [task function][tasks-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. Ideally a named function. [Task metadata][task-metadata-section] can be attached to provide extra information to the command line. |
### Returns
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ When registering a task where `taskName` is missing and `taskFunction` is anonym
| property | type | note |
-| name | string | A special property of named functions. Used to register the task.
**Note:** [`name`][function-name-external] is not writable; it cannot be set or changed. |
+| name | string | A special property of named functions. Used to register the task.
**Note:** [`name`][function-name-external] is not writable; it cannot be set or changed. |
| displayName | string | When attached to a `taskFunction` creates an alias for the task. If using characters that aren't allowed in function names, use this property. |
| description | string | When attached to a `taskFunction` provides a description to be printed by the command line when listing tasks. |
| flags | object | When attached to a `taskFunction` provides flags to be printed by the command line when listing tasks. The keys of the object represent the flags and the values are their descriptions. |
diff --git a/docs/api/vinyl.md b/docs/api/vinyl.md
index 9fd724cdf..771a6c2e3 100644
--- a/docs/api/vinyl.md
+++ b/docs/api/vinyl.md
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ When any passed options don't conform to the [instance property definitions][ins
| path | string | | The full, absolute file path. Will be [normalized][normalization-and-concatenation-section] and have trailing separators removed. |
| history | array | `[ ]` | An array of paths to pre-populate the `history` of a Vinyl instance. Usually comes from deriving a new Vinyl object from a previous Vinyl object. If `path` and `history` are both passed, `path` is appended to `history`. Each item will be [normalized][normalization-and-concatenation-section] and have trailing separators removed. |
| stat | object | | An instance of `fs.Stats`, usually the result of calling `fs.stat()` on a file. Used to determine if a Vinyl object represents a directory or symbolic link. |
-| contents | ReadableStream
`null` | `null` | The contents of the file. If `contents` is a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a [cloneable-readable][cloneable-readable-external] stream. |
+| contents | ReadableStream
`null` | `null` | The contents of the file. If `contents` is a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a [cloneable-readable][cloneable-readable-external] stream. |
Any other properties on `options` will be directly assigned to the Vinyl instance.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ All internally managed paths - any instance property except `contents` and `stat
| property | type | description | throws |
-| contents | ReadableStream
`null` | Gets and sets the contents of the virtual file. If set to a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a [cloneable-readable][cloneable-readable-external] stream. | If set to any value other than a ReadableStream, a Buffer, or `null`. |
+| contents | ReadableStream
`null` | Gets and sets the contents of the virtual file. If set to a ReadableStream, it is wrapped in a [cloneable-readable][cloneable-readable-external] stream. | If set to any value other than a ReadableStream, a Buffer, or `null`. |
| stat | object | Gets and sets an instance of [`fs.Stats`][fs-stats-concepts]. Used when determining if a Vinyl object represents a directory or symbolic link. | |
| cwd | string | Gets and sets the current working directory. Used for deriving relative paths. | If set to an empty string or any non-string value. |
| base | string | Gets and sets the base directory. Used to calculate the `relative` instance property. On a Vinyl object generated by `src()` will be set to the [glob base][glob-base-concepts]. If set to `null` or `undefined`, falls back to the value of the `cwd` instance property. | If set to an empty string or any non-string value (except `null` or `undefined`). |
diff --git a/docs/api/watch.md b/docs/api/watch.md
index 348396b4a..3c0fce72f 100644
--- a/docs/api/watch.md
+++ b/docs/api/watch.md
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ watch(globs, [options], [task])
| parameter | type | note |
-| globs
**(required)** | string
array | [Globs][globs-concepts] to watch on the file system. |
+| globs
**(required)** | string
array | [Globs][globs-concepts] to watch on the file system. |
| options | object | Detailed in [Options][options-section] below. |
-| task | function
string | A [task function][tasks-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. |
+| task | function
string | A [task function][tasks-concepts] or composed task - generated by `series()` and `parallel()`. |
### Returns
@@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ When a string or array is passed as `task`, throws an error with the message, "w
| name | type | default | note |
-| ignoreInitial | boolean | true | If false, the task is called during instantiation as file paths are discovered. Use to trigger the task during startup.
**Note:** This option is passed to [chokidar][chokidar-external] but is defaulted to `true` instead of `false`. |
+| ignoreInitial | boolean | true | If false, the task is called during instantiation as file paths are discovered. Use to trigger the task during startup.
**Note:** This option is passed to [chokidar][chokidar-external] but is defaulted to `true` instead of `false`. |
| delay | number | 200 | The millisecond delay between a file change and task execution. Allows for waiting on many changes before executing a task, e.g. find-and-replace on many files. |
| queue | boolean | true | When true and the task is already running, any file changes will queue a single task execution. Keeps long running tasks from overlapping. |
-| events | string
array | [ 'add',
'unlink' ] | The events being watched to trigger task execution. Can be `'add'`, `'addDir'`, `'change'`, `'unlink'`, `'unlinkDir'`, `'ready'`, and/or `'error'`. Additionally `'all'` is available, which represents all events other than `'ready'` and `'error'`.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| persistent | boolean | true | If false, the watcher will not keep the Node process running. Disabling this option is not recommended.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| ignored | array
function | | Defines globs to be ignored. If a function is provided, it will be called twice per path - once with just the path, then with the path and the `fs.Stats` object of that file.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| followSymlinks | boolean | true | When true, changes to both symbolic links and the linked files trigger events. If false, only changes to the symbolic links trigger events.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| cwd | string | | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `globs` with `path.join()`.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| disableGlobbing | boolean | false | If true, all `globs` are treated as literal path names, even if they have special characters.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| usePolling | boolean | false | When false, the watcher will use `fs.watch()` (or [fsevents][fsevents-external] on Mac) for watching. If true, use `fs.watchFile()` polling instead - needed for successfully watching files over a network or other non-standard situations. Overrides the `useFsEvents` default.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| interval | number | 100 | Combine with `usePolling: true`. Interval of file system polling.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| binaryInterval | number | 300 | Combine with `usePolling: true`. Interval of file system polling for binary files.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| useFsEvents | boolean | true | When true, uses fsevents for watching if available. If explicitly set to true, supersedes the `usePolling` option. If set to false, automatically sets `usePolling` to true.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| alwaysStat | boolean | false | If true, always calls `fs.stat()` on changed files - will slow down file watcher. The `fs.Stat` object is only available if you are using the chokidar instance directly.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| depth | number | | Indicates how many nested levels of directories will be watched.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| awaitWriteFinish | boolean | false | Do not use this option, use `delay` instead.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| ignorePermissionErrors | boolean | false | Set to true to watch files that don't have read permissions. Then, if watching fails due to EPERM or EACCES errors, they will be skipped silently.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
-| atomic | number | 100 | Only active if `useFsEvents` and `usePolling` are false. Automatically filters out artifacts that occur from "atomic writes" by some editors. If a file is re-added within the specified milliseconds of being deleted, a change event - instead of unlink then add - will be emitted.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| events | string
array | [ 'add',
'unlink' ] | The events being watched to trigger task execution. Can be `'add'`, `'addDir'`, `'change'`, `'unlink'`, `'unlinkDir'`, `'ready'`, and/or `'error'`. Additionally `'all'` is available, which represents all events other than `'ready'` and `'error'`.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| persistent | boolean | true | If false, the watcher will not keep the Node process running. Disabling this option is not recommended.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| ignored | array
function | | Defines globs to be ignored. If a function is provided, it will be called twice per path - once with just the path, then with the path and the `fs.Stats` object of that file.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| followSymlinks | boolean | true | When true, changes to both symbolic links and the linked files trigger events. If false, only changes to the symbolic links trigger events.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| cwd | string | | The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining `globs` with `path.join()`.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| disableGlobbing | boolean | false | If true, all `globs` are treated as literal path names, even if they have special characters.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| usePolling | boolean | false | When false, the watcher will use `fs.watch()` (or [fsevents][fsevents-external] on Mac) for watching. If true, use `fs.watchFile()` polling instead - needed for successfully watching files over a network or other non-standard situations. Overrides the `useFsEvents` default.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| interval | number | 100 | Combine with `usePolling: true`. Interval of file system polling.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| binaryInterval | number | 300 | Combine with `usePolling: true`. Interval of file system polling for binary files.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| useFsEvents | boolean | true | When true, uses fsevents for watching if available. If explicitly set to true, supersedes the `usePolling` option. If set to false, automatically sets `usePolling` to true.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| alwaysStat | boolean | false | If true, always calls `fs.stat()` on changed files - will slow down file watcher. The `fs.Stat` object is only available if you are using the chokidar instance directly.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| depth | number | | Indicates how many nested levels of directories will be watched.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| awaitWriteFinish | boolean | false | Do not use this option, use `delay` instead.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| ignorePermissionErrors | boolean | false | Set to true to watch files that don't have read permissions. Then, if watching fails due to EPERM or EACCES errors, they will be skipped silently.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
+| atomic | number | 100 | Only active if `useFsEvents` and `usePolling` are false. Automatically filters out artifacts that occur from "atomic writes" by some editors. If a file is re-added within the specified milliseconds of being deleted, a change event - instead of unlink then add - will be emitted.
_This option is passed directly to [chokidar][chokidar-external]._ |
## Chokidar instance
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Adds additional globs to an already-running watcher instance.
| parameter | type | note |
-| globs | string
array | The additional globs to be watched. |
+| globs | string
array | The additional globs to be watched. |
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Removes globs that are being watched, while the watcher continues with the remai
| parameter | type | note |
-| globs | string
array | The globs to be removed. |
+| globs | string
array | The globs to be removed. |
[chokidar-instance-section]: #chokidar-instance
[tasks-concepts]: ../api/concepts.md#tasks