diff --git a/src/gmp.c b/src/gmp.c
index 96df085f9..3fdc1bc24 100644
--- a/src/gmp.c
+++ b/src/gmp.c
@@ -2028,10 +2028,61 @@ get_data_reset (get_data_t *data)
free (data->filter_replacement);
free (data->subtype);
free (data->type);
+ if (data->extra_params)
+ g_hash_table_destroy (data->extra_params);
memset (data, 0, sizeof (get_data_t));
+ * @brief Retrieves a type-specific extra parameter from a get_data_t.
+ *
+ * @param[in] data The get data to add the parameter to.
+ * @param[in] name Name of the parameter to add.
+ *
+ * @return Value of the parameter or NULL if not set.
+ */
+const char *
+get_data_get_extra (const get_data_t *data, const char *name)
+ if (data->extra_params == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return g_hash_table_lookup (data->extra_params, name);
+ * @brief Sets a type-specific extra parameter in a get_data_t.
+ *
+ * The names and values will be duplicated.
+ *
+ * @param[in] data The get data to add the parameter to.
+ * @param[in] name Name of the parameter to add.
+ * @param[in] value Value of the parameter to add.
+ */
+get_data_set_extra (get_data_t *data, const char *name, const char *value)
+ if (name == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (data->extra_params == NULL)
+ {
+ if (value == NULL)
+ return;
+ data->extra_params
+ = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ }
+ if (value)
+ g_hash_table_insert (data->extra_params,
+ g_strdup (name),
+ g_strdup (value));
+ else
+ g_hash_table_remove (data->extra_params, name);
* @brief Command data for the get_agents command.
@@ -5959,6 +6010,15 @@ gmp_xml_handle_start_element (/* unused */ GMarkupParseContext* context,
"ignore_pagination", &attribute) == 0)
get_aggregates_data->get.ignore_pagination = 1;
+ // Extra selection attribute for configs and tasks
+ if (find_attribute (attribute_names, attribute_values,
+ "usage_type", &attribute))
+ {
+ get_data_set_extra (&get_aggregates_data->get,
+ "usage_type",
+ attribute);
+ }
set_client_state (CLIENT_GET_AGGREGATES);
else if (strcasecmp ("GET_CONFIGS", element_name) == 0)
@@ -5988,6 +6048,14 @@ gmp_xml_handle_start_element (/* unused */ GMarkupParseContext* context,
get_configs_data->preferences = 0;
+ if (find_attribute (attribute_names, attribute_values,
+ "usage_type", &attribute))
+ {
+ get_data_set_extra (&get_configs_data->get,
+ "usage_type",
+ attribute);
+ }
set_client_state (CLIENT_GET_CONFIGS);
else if (strcasecmp ("GET_ALERTS", element_name) == 0)
@@ -6454,6 +6522,15 @@ gmp_xml_handle_start_element (/* unused */ GMarkupParseContext* context,
get_tasks_data->schedules_only = strcmp (attribute, "0");
get_tasks_data->schedules_only = 0;
+ if (find_attribute (attribute_names, attribute_values,
+ "usage_type", &attribute))
+ {
+ get_data_set_extra (&get_tasks_data->get,
+ "usage_type",
+ attribute);
+ }
set_client_state (CLIENT_GET_TASKS);
diff --git a/src/manage.h b/src/manage.h
index bfe3c6555..7bec76b06 100644
--- a/src/manage.h
+++ b/src/manage.h
@@ -383,11 +383,18 @@ typedef struct
int ignore_max_rows_per_page; ///< Whether to ignore the Max Rows Per Page setting.
int ignore_pagination; ///< Whether to ignore the pagination (first and max).
int minimal; ///< Whether to respond with minimal information.
+ GHashTable *extra_params; ///< Hashtable of type-specific extra parameters.
} get_data_t;
get_data_reset (get_data_t*);
+const char *
+get_data_get_extra (const get_data_t *, const char *);
+get_data_set_extra (get_data_t *, const char *, const char *);
get_iterator_resource (iterator_t*);
diff --git a/src/manage_sql.c b/src/manage_sql.c
index 8aa6cf393..f2f0db256 100644
--- a/src/manage_sql.c
+++ b/src/manage_sql.c
@@ -14695,6 +14695,35 @@ alert_task_iterator_readable (iterator_t* iterator)
/* Task functions. */
+ * @brief Generate an extra WHERE clause for selecting tasks
+ *
+ * @param[in] trash Whether to get tasks from the trashcan.
+ * @param[in] usage_type The usage type to limit the selection to.
+ *
+ * @return Newly allocated where clause string.
+ */
+static gchar *
+tasks_extra_where (int trash, const char *usage_type)
+ gchar *extra_where = NULL;
+ if (usage_type && strcmp (usage_type, ""))
+ {
+ gchar *quoted_usage_type;
+ quoted_usage_type = sql_quote (usage_type);
+ extra_where = g_strdup_printf (" AND hidden = %d"
+ " AND usage_type = '%s'",
+ trash ? 2 : 0,
+ quoted_usage_type);
+ g_free (quoted_usage_type);
+ }
+ else
+ extra_where = g_strdup_printf (" AND hidden = %d",
+ trash ? 2 : 0);
+ return extra_where;
* @brief Append value to field of task.
@@ -15061,7 +15090,8 @@ init_task_iterator (iterator_t* iterator, const get_data_t *get)
static column_t where_columns_min[] = TASK_ITERATOR_WHERE_COLUMNS_MIN;
char *filter;
int overrides, min_qod;
- gchar *extra_tables;
+ const char *usage_type;
+ gchar *extra_tables, *extra_where;
int ret;
if (get->filt_id && strcmp (get->filt_id, FILT_ID_NONE))
@@ -15079,6 +15109,8 @@ init_task_iterator (iterator_t* iterator, const get_data_t *get)
free (filter);
extra_tables = task_iterator_opts_table (overrides, min_qod, 0);
+ usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ extra_where = tasks_extra_where (get->trash, usage_type);
ret = init_get_iterator2 (iterator,
@@ -15092,14 +15124,13 @@ init_task_iterator (iterator_t* iterator, const get_data_t *get)
- get->trash
- ? " AND hidden = 2"
- : " AND hidden = 0",
+ extra_where,
current_credentials.uuid ? TRUE : FALSE,
g_free (extra_tables);
+ g_free (extra_where);
return ret;
@@ -18855,8 +18886,8 @@ resource_count (const char *type, const get_data_t *get)
static const char *filter_columns[] = { "owner", NULL };
static column_t select_columns[] = {{ "owner", NULL }, { NULL, NULL }};
get_data_t count_get;
- const char *extra_where;
+ gchar *extra_where;
+ int rc;
memset (&count_get, '\0', sizeof (count_get));
count_get.trash = get->trash;
@@ -18865,41 +18896,49 @@ resource_count (const char *type, const get_data_t *get)
count_get.filter = "rows=-1 first=1 permission=any";
- if (strcmp (type, "task") == 0)
+ if (strcasecmp (type, "config") == 0)
+ {
+ const gchar *usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ extra_where = configs_extra_where (usage_type);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp (type, "task") == 0)
- extra_where = get->trash
- ? " AND hidden = 2"
- : " AND hidden = 0";
+ const gchar *usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ extra_where = tasks_extra_where (get->trash, usage_type);
else if (strcmp (type, "report") == 0)
- extra_where = " AND (SELECT hidden FROM tasks"
- " WHERE tasks.id = task)"
- " = 0";
+ extra_where = g_strdup (" AND (SELECT hidden FROM tasks"
+ " WHERE tasks.id = task)"
+ " = 0");
else if (strcmp (type, "result") == 0)
- extra_where = " AND (severity != " G_STRINGIFY (SEVERITY_ERROR) ")";
+ extra_where
+ = g_strdup (" AND (severity != " G_STRINGIFY (SEVERITY_ERROR) ")");
else if (strcmp (type, "vuln") == 0)
- extra_where = " AND (vuln_results (vulns.uuid,"
- " cast (null AS integer),"
- " cast (null AS integer),"
- " cast (null AS text))"
- " > 0)";
+ extra_where = g_strdup (" AND (vuln_results (vulns.uuid,"
+ " cast (null AS integer),"
+ " cast (null AS integer),"
+ " cast (null AS text))"
+ " > 0)");
extra_where = NULL;
- return count (get->subtype ? get->subtype : type,
- &count_get,
- type_owned (type) ? select_columns : NULL,
- type_owned (type) ? select_columns : NULL,
- type_owned (type) ? filter_columns : NULL,
- 0, NULL,
- extra_where,
- type_owned (type));
+ rc = count (get->subtype ? get->subtype : type,
+ &count_get,
+ type_owned (type) ? select_columns : NULL,
+ type_owned (type) ? select_columns : NULL,
+ type_owned (type) ? filter_columns : NULL,
+ 0, NULL,
+ extra_where,
+ type_owned (type));
+ g_free (extra_where);
+ return rc;
@@ -18917,7 +18956,8 @@ task_count (const get_data_t *get)
static column_t where_columns[] = TASK_ITERATOR_WHERE_COLUMNS;
char *filter;
int overrides, min_qod;
- gchar *extra_tables;
+ const char *usage_type;
+ gchar *extra_tables, *extra_where;
int ret;
if (get->filt_id && strcmp (get->filt_id, FILT_ID_NONE))
@@ -18935,6 +18975,8 @@ task_count (const get_data_t *get)
free (filter);
extra_tables = task_iterator_opts_table (overrides, min_qod, 0);
+ usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ extra_where = tasks_extra_where (get->trash, usage_type);
ret = count2 ("task", get,
@@ -18943,12 +18985,11 @@ task_count (const get_data_t *get)
extra_columns, 0,
- get->trash
- ? " AND hidden = 2"
- : " AND hidden = 0",
+ extra_where,
g_free (extra_tables);
+ g_free (extra_where);
return ret;
@@ -63408,15 +63449,24 @@ type_table (const char *type, int trash)
* @param[in] type Resource type to get columns of.
* @param[in] trash Whether to get the trash table.
* @param[in] filter The filter term.
+ * @param[in] extra_params Optional extra parameters.
* @return The newly allocated WHERE clause additions.
static gchar*
-type_extra_where (const char *type, int trash, const char *filter)
+type_extra_where (const char *type, int trash, const char *filter,
+ GHashTable *extra_params)
gchar *extra_where;
- if (strcasecmp (type, "TASK") == 0)
+ if (strcasecmp (type, "CONFIG") == 0 && extra_params)
+ {
+ gchar *usage_type = g_hash_table_lookup (extra_params, "usage_type");
+ extra_where = configs_extra_where (usage_type);
+ if (extra_where == NULL)
+ extra_where = g_strdup ("");
+ }
+ else if (strcasecmp (type, "TASK") == 0)
if (trash)
extra_where = g_strdup (" AND hidden = 2");
@@ -63536,7 +63586,8 @@ type_build_select (const char *type, const char *columns_str,
extra_where = g_strdup (given_extra_where);
extra_where = type_extra_where (type, get->trash,
- filter ? filter : get->filter);
+ filter ? filter : get->filter,
+ get->extra_params);
if (get->ignore_pagination)
pagination_clauses = NULL;
diff --git a/src/manage_sql_configs.c b/src/manage_sql_configs.c
index 80e0b29fd..0557665eb 100644
--- a/src/manage_sql_configs.c
+++ b/src/manage_sql_configs.c
@@ -2327,6 +2327,28 @@ insert_osp_parameter (osp_param_t *param, config_t config)
return ret;
+ * @brief Generate an extra WHERE clause for selecting configs
+ *
+ * @param[in] usage_type The usage type to limit the selection to.
+ *
+ * @return Newly allocated where clause string.
+ */
+gchar *
+configs_extra_where (const char *usage_type)
+ gchar *extra_where = NULL;
+ if (usage_type && strcmp (usage_type, ""))
+ {
+ gchar *quoted_usage_type;
+ quoted_usage_type = sql_quote (usage_type);
+ extra_where = g_strdup_printf (" AND usage_type = '%s'",
+ quoted_usage_type);
+ g_free (quoted_usage_type);
+ }
+ return extra_where;
* @brief Create a config from an OSP scanner.
@@ -3008,11 +3030,18 @@ sync_config (const char *config_id)
config_count (const get_data_t *get)
+ int rc;
static const char *filter_columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_FILTER_COLUMNS;
static column_t columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_COLUMNS;
static column_t trash_columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_TRASH_COLUMNS;
- return count ("config", get, columns, trash_columns, filter_columns,
- 0, 0, 0, TRUE);
+ const char *usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ gchar *extra_where = configs_extra_where (usage_type);
+ rc = count ("config", get, columns, trash_columns, filter_columns,
+ 0, 0, extra_where, TRUE);
+ g_free (extra_where);
+ return rc;
@@ -3074,20 +3103,25 @@ init_user_config_iterator (iterator_t* iterator, config_t config, int trash,
init_config_iterator (iterator_t* iterator, const get_data_t *get)
+ int rc;
static const char *filter_columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_FILTER_COLUMNS;
static column_t columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_COLUMNS;
static column_t trash_columns[] = CONFIG_ITERATOR_TRASH_COLUMNS;
- return init_get_iterator (iterator,
- "config",
- get,
- columns,
- trash_columns,
- filter_columns,
- 0,
- TRUE);
+ const char *usage_type = get_data_get_extra (get, "usage_type");
+ gchar *extra_where = configs_extra_where (usage_type);
+ rc = init_get_iterator (iterator,
+ "config",
+ get,
+ columns,
+ trash_columns,
+ filter_columns,
+ 0,
+ extra_where,
+ TRUE);
+ g_free (extra_where);
+ return rc;
diff --git a/src/manage_sql_configs.h b/src/manage_sql_configs.h
index 3fca6f5d3..32ef08b9e 100644
--- a/src/manage_sql_configs.h
+++ b/src/manage_sql_configs.h
@@ -72,4 +72,7 @@
+gchar *
+configs_extra_where (const char *);
#endif /* not _GVMD_MANAGE_SQL_CONFIGS_H */
diff --git a/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in b/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
index e0f367a97..ec828b6f9 100644
--- a/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
+++ b/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
@@ -8123,6 +8123,17 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Whether to get tasks using this config
+ usage_type
+ Optional usage type to limit the configs to. Affects total count unlike filter
+ policy
+ scan
@@ -8850,6 +8861,18 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ usage_type
+ Optional usage type to limit configs and tasks to
+ audit
+ policy
+ scan
@@ -20600,6 +20623,17 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Whether to only include id, name and schedule details
+ usage_type
+ Optional usage type to limit the tasks to. Affects total count unlike filter
+ audit
+ policy