Releases: grafana/grafana-operator
What's Changed
- Remove goreleaser and update release pipelien name by @NissesSenap in #573
- Added emptyDirs for provisioning directories by @Bobbins228 in #574
- feat: IBM s390x build by @pb82 in #553
- feat: update init container image to 0.0.5 by @pb82 in #582
- Add environment variables configuring setting dashboard namespaces by @fpetkovski in #579
- Unit tests for grafanadashboard using require by @NissesSenap in #581
- Update the operator-sdk to the newest version by @Voigtus in #565
- add github datasource by @vmanley in #584
- fix typo by @incidunt in #587
- #585: changes image to current version in deploy of operator by @Voigtus in #589
- docs: update readme by @HubertStefanski in #577
- Fix some nits in api/integreatly/v1alpha1 by @leo8a in #598
- Create to help users debug grafana-operator by @NissesSenap in #600
- fix: add root CA bundle to docker image (#591) by @dan-j in #594
- Added default_home_dashboard_path by @Bobbins228 in #602
- #556: Adds example GrafanaDatasource for postgres by @Voigtus in #588
- Forwardport from grafana-operator v3 the json data field
for Alertmanager Datasource. by @Cellebyte in #601 - Removed minikube instructions by @Bobbins228 in #605
- fix: add omitempty to dashboard spec json field and generate docs by @HubertStefanski in #606
- Add architecture labels to CSV by @yselkowitz in #611
- [bugfix] add sigv4_auth_enabled to grafana config by @paulczar in #609
- Prepare release of v4.0.2 by @NissesSenap in #616
New Contributors
- @fpetkovski made their first contribution in #579
- @incidunt made their first contribution in #587
- @leo8a made their first contribution in #598
- @dan-j made their first contribution in #594
- @yselkowitz made their first contribution in #611
Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2
v3.10.1 Rebuild to mitigate CVE in base image
-Fix: Update cluster_role_grafana_operator.yaml, Thanks @Cellebyte
-Fix: Use FQDNS for docker repository, Thanks @StevenBarre
- feature: Allow override for Grafana plugins init image, Thanks @kevchu3 #348
- feature: Implement support for custom query parameters in GrafanaDatasources, Thanks @kirchknopfc #350
- feature: Implement support for sigv4 authentication, Thanks @vladimirmukhin #355
- feature: Support pathType and ingressClassName for Grafana config, Thanks @weisdd #356
- feature: Add configmaps to cluster_role permissions #368
- feature: Add containerSecurityContext init-containers, Thanks @NissesSenap #372
- feature: Add HostNetwork configuration, Thanks @alrf #380
- feature: Support auth.okta for grafana.ini parsing, Thanks @joshpaul-okta #382
- feature: Add configuration for volumes and volumeMounts #386
- feature: Support default_theme parameter for for grafana.ini, Thanks @kandeshvari #395
- fix: Prefer DNS over clusterIP for service resolution, Thanks @pb82 #364
- fix: Add missing manifests for 3.x.x, #376
- fix: Fix maxUnavailable and MaxSurge to use percentages as opposed to integers, #383
- fix: ApiVersion in HA example postgres, Thanks @nlarzon #389
- fix: Typo in subscriptionID CRD field causing incorrect parsing of Azure datasources, Thanks @1nd2rd3st #391
- docs: Cleanup examples, Thanks @georgettica #357
- docs: Documentation corrections, Thanks @clayisser #360
- docs: Cleanup documentation around plugin installation and datasources, #386
- docs: Provide openshift and kubernetes specific examples for persistent volume data storage configuration, Thanks @pb82 #396
- docs: Provide examples on the use of environment variables in data sources Thanks @pb82 #398
- update: Grafana patch version to 7.3.10, Thanks @kd7lxl #392
- feature: Conditional serviceaccount creation through
#347 - feature: Support for Login duration and inactivity, thanks @weisdd #345
- feature: Support for Datasource OauthPassThru (Forward OAuth Identity), thanks @weisdd #343
- fix: Removed unused
in Grafana CR, thanks @pacospace #344 - fix: Added permissions tocreate events, thanks @vladimirmukhin #338
-feature: AzureAd configuration for Grafana.ini, thanks @tesharp
-feature: SamlAuth configuration for Grafana.ini, thanks @erezo9
-feature: Service name configuration for Grafana.
-feature: InfluxDB for datasources, thanks @DeanBrunt
-feature: DerivedFields for datasources.
-feature: MaxLines for Loki datasources
-feature: JSON Logging enabled for Grafana.ini, thanks @goof15kw
-feature: Multi-Arch builds (awaiting tokens, but will work soon), thanks @morlay
-improvement: Base Image changed to ubi8/ubi-minimal:8.3
-improvement/fix: Grafana will only update status fields if they have changed from the previous loop, thanks @CathalOConnorRH
-fix: Concurrent map iteration and map write bug in plugin logic, thanks @b1zzu