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Text Detection using the Vision API


This example uses the Cloud Vision API to detect text within images, stores this text in an index, and then lets you query this index.

This example uses TEXT_DETECTION Vision API requests to build an inverted index from the stemmed words found in the images, and stores that index in a Redis database. The example uses the nltk library for finding stopwords and doing stemming. The resulting index can be queried to find images that match a given set of words, and to list text that was found in each matching image.

For the full code for this example, see the Text Detection Example.


This documentation is designed for people familiar with basic Python programming, though even without any Python knowledge, you should be able to follow along. There are many Python tutorials available on the Web.

This conceptual documentation is designed to let you quickly start exploring and developing applications with the Google Cloud Vision API. You may find it useful to first look through the Label Detection tutorial, which explores use of the Vision API in more detail.

Initial Setup

Enable the Cloud Vision API for Your Project

Before you start this tutorial, see the Getting Started documentation for information about enabling the Cloud Vision API for your project.

Download the Example Code

Download the code from this repository.

If you have git installed, you can do this by executing the following command:

$ git clone

This will download the repository of samples into the directory cloud-vision.

Otherwise, github offers an auto-generated zip file of the master branch, which you can download and extract.

Either method will include the desired subdirectory python/text. Change to the python/text directory under cloud-vision. The rest of the tutorial assumes this as your working directory.

This example has been tested with Python 2.7.

Install the Libraries Used by the Example

Install the python package management system pip if necessary:

$ sudo easy_install pip

Run the requirements.txt file from the zip file that you downloaded:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

to install necessary libraries.

Then, install some data needed for nltk:

$ python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
$ python -m nltk.downloader punkt

(This data will be installed into a nltk_data directory under your home directory.)

Set Up to Authenticate With Your Project's Credentials

Next, set up to authenticate with the Cloud Vision API using your project's service account credentials. See the Cloud Platform Auth Guide for more information. E.g., to authenticate locally, set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to your downloaded service account credentials before running this example:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials-key.json

If you do not do this, you will see an error that looks something like this when you run the script: HttpError 403 when requesting returned "Project has not activated the API. Please enable the API for project ..."

Install and Start Up a Redis server

This example uses a redis server, which must be up and running before you start the indexing. To install Redis, follow the instructions on the download page, or install via a package manager like homebrew or apt-get as appropriate for your OS.

The example assumes that the server is running on localhost, on the default port, and it uses redis dbs 0 and 1 for its data. Edit the example code before you start if your redis settings are different.

Quick Start: Running the Example

If you'd like to get the example up and running before we dive into the details, here are the steps.

  1. Ensure that your redis server is running.
  2. Index a directory of images by passing the image name as an argument to
$ ./ <path-to-image-directory>
  1. Wait for the indexing to finish. The process is resumable, in case the indexing is interrupted.
  2. Query the index to find images that match a given set of keywords. An easy way to do this is from the Python interpreter, as shown below. Pick a word that you know is in your images. If you list multiple words, the conjunction of hits will be returned— that is, images that contain all the given keywords.
$ python
>>> import textindex
>>> index = textindex.Index()
>>> index.print_lookup('cats')
>>> index.print_lookup('cats', 'dogs')

Text Detection Example Walkthrough

We'll walk through this example and its use of the Vision API's TEXT_DETECTION API request, which uses uses OCR to find any text in an image.

Building the Vision API Client, and Processing a Request

We import some standard libraries: base64to encode image files for transmission as JSON text, and httplib2 for creating an Http() object to handle requests and responses.

To use the Cloud Vision API, we'll also import the discovery module within the googleapiclient library. As well, we'll import the GoogleCredentials module within oauth2client.client to handle authentication to the service.

The constructor for the VisionApi class builds the client object.

The VisionApi.detect_text method constructs the API request. The request specifies type TEXT_DETECTION, which tells the Vision API that we're making a request to do OCR on the given image. The image contents are base64-encoded and passed as part of the request. See the Label tutorial for more detail on using the Vision API.

import base64
import os
import re
import sys

from googleapiclient import discovery
from googleapiclient import errors
import nltk
from nltk.stem.snowball import EnglishStemmer
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
import redis

DISCOVERY_URL = 'https://{api}$discovery/rest?version={apiVersion}'  # noqa

class VisionApi:
    """Construct and use the Google Vision API service."""

    def __init__(self, api_discovery_file='vision_api.json'):
        self.credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
        self.service =
            'vision', 'v1', credentials=self.credentials,

    def detect_text(self, input_filenames, num_retries=3, max_results=6):
        """Uses the Vision API to detect text in the given file.
        images = {}
        for filename in input_filenames:
            with open(filename, 'rb') as image_file:
                images[filename] =

        batch_request = []
        for filename in images:
                'image': {
                    'content': base64.b64encode(images[filename])
                'features': [{
                    'type': 'TEXT_DETECTION',
                    'maxResults': max_results,
        request = self.service.images().annotate(
            body={'requests': batch_request})

            responses = request.execute(num_retries=num_retries)
            if 'responses' not in responses:
                return {}
            text_response = {}
            for filename, response in zip(images, responses['responses']):
                if 'error' in response:
                    print("API Error for %s: %s" % (
                            if 'message' in response['error']
                            else ''))
                if 'textAnnotations' in response:
                    text_response[filename] = response['textAnnotations']
                    text_response[filename] = []
            return text_response
        except errors.HttpError, e:
            print("Http Error for %s: %s" % (filename, e))
        except KeyError, e2:
            print("Key error: %s" % e2)

The Vision API returns its response in JSON. If text was successfully discovered, information about the text will be in the textAnnotations field of the first element of the responses list. If text was found, the textAnnotations field itself will hold a list of one or more discovered text blocks. For each text block, it will include the description (the extracted text), as well as other information, like the detected text's bounding box. It will look something like the following:

{u'textAnnotations': [{u'locale': u'eo', u'description': u"...discovered
text....", u'boundingPoly': {u'vertices': [{u'y': 32, u'x': 21}, {u'y': 32,
u'x': 954}, {u'y': 685, u'x': 954}, {u'y': 685, u'x': 21}]}}]}]}

We'll only use the description field in this example.

Building an Inverted Index from the Image OCR results

The Index class builds an inverted index using Redis— indexing the files in which each keyword stem was found— and supports queries on the index. In the extract_descriptions function, we concatenate all the description fields from the textAnnotations response list to create a "document" string containing all the text found in the image. Then, the Index.add() method is called with the filename and the "document".

def extract_description(texts):
    """Returns all the text in text annotations as a single string"""
    document = ''
    for text in texts:
            document += text['description']
        except KeyError, e:
            print('KeyError: %s\n%s' % (e, text))
    return document

def extract_descriptions(input_filename, index, texts):
    """Gets and indexes the text that was detected in the image."""
    if texts:
        document = extract_description(texts)
        index.add(input_filename, document)
        sys.stdout.write('.')  # Output a progress indicator.
        if texts == []:
            print('%s had no discernible text.' % input_filename)

In Index.add(), stems are generated for each non-stopword in the document, and for each stem, the filename is added— using Redis— to the set of filenames associated with that stem (keyword). This builds the inverted index. You can uncomment the "print" statement in Index.add() to see the words found for each image.

The Index.lookup() method then takes a set of search keywords, stems them, queries Redis to find the set of files in which each stem was found, and returns the intersection of the results. Because this tutorial focuses on the Vision API, we won't go through these methods in detail; find them in the example code.

Putting the Pieces Together

Run the script like this to index a directory of images, where at least some of the images have text in them:

$ ./ <path-to-image-directory>

(A "memes" site is a good place to find sample images).

The Vision API client object is created, and the Index() object is created. Then, for each batch of files in the directory that have not already been processed, the get_text_from_files() function is passed these two objects and the unprocessed files. (We're also using Redis to track the files already processed). Any text is extracted and added to the index.

def get_text_from_files(vision, index, input_filenames):
    """Call the Vision API on a file and index the results."""
    texts = vision.detect_text(input_filenames)
    for filename, text in texts.items():
        extract_descriptions(filename, index, text)

def batch(iterable, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE):
    """Group an iterable into batches of size batch_size.

    >>> tuple(batch([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], batch_size=2))
    ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5))
    b = []
    for i in iterable:
        if len(b) == batch_size:
            yield tuple(b)
            b = []
    if b:
        yield tuple(b)

def main(input_dir):
    """Walk through all the not-yet-processed image files in the given
    directory, extracting any text from them and adding that text to an
    inverted index.
    # Create a client object for the Vision API
    vision = VisionApi()
    # Create an Index object to build query the inverted index.
    index = Index()

    allfileslist = []
    # Recursively construct a list of all the files in the given input
    # directory.
    for folder, subs, files in os.walk(input_dir):
        for filename in files:
            allfileslist.append(os.path.join(folder, filename))

    fileslist = []
    for filename in allfileslist:
        # Look for text in any files that have not yet been processed.
        if index.document_is_processed(filename):

    for filenames in batch(fileslist):
        get_text_from_files(vision, index, filenames)

Because we're using Redis to track the files already processed, this script can be paused and resumed; it can also be run multiple times on the same directory, if the Redis database is retained.

Once you've started to populate the inverted index, use the Index.lookup() or Index.print_lookup() methods, as described above in the "Quick Start" section, to list all the indexed files that match a given stem keyword, including the text that was identified in each matched file.

The query results will look something like the following, listing the text detected in each of the images in which the query text was found. E.g., the example below shows a query on the word 'nature'. The query returned all the text found in both the images that contained 'nature'.

$ python
>>> import textindex
>>> index = textindex.Index()
>>> index.print_lookup('nature')
***Image /path/to/image1.jpg has text:
The Nature

***Image /path/to/image2.jpg has text:
9 Grand Teton National Park
nature Hill Inlet, Whitehaven Beach, Queensland, AU
l Photography by OPaul Pichugin (@paulmp)
view all 2669 comments

You can pass a list of query terms, and images that match the conjunction are returned. E.g., the following query would match image2.jpg above: index.print_lookup('nature', 'beaches')