Scalable software Security Module for OpenSSL.
To be a little bit more secure. To be able to scale performance of SSL layer if you need it.
RSA public and private key operations in OpenSSL are relayed via UDP to AcceSSL workers which compute the result and return it to OpenSSL. AcceSSL uses OpenSSL engine mechanism, so your server software needs to support it. Newer versions of Apache HTTP server and nginx support it out of the box.
One worker process can handle multiple clients (i.e. OpenSSL-based servers, like nginx). Also OpenSSL-based servers can utilize many AcceSSL workers. Unfortunately OpenSSL API for RSA operations is synchronous. It means you need at least that many threads/processes in OpenSSL-based server as there are AcceSSL workers to utilize all workers.
Unscientific benchmarks show that you could scale on Amazon EC2 to 50000 1024-bit RSA private operations per second. More benchmarks will follow.
Hopefully a bit more secure than storing your private key on Internet-facing machine. Private keys are stored on AcceSSL workers only, and servers connected to the Internet store only public key. On the other hand the decrypted payload is transmitted in clear text over UDP between OpenSSL client and AcceSSL worker. For more secure setup you could consider physically separate network for AcceSSL traffic.
Using Ubuntu 14.04 as base platform:
install nginx and AcceSSL on Web-server
sudo apt-get install nginx sudo dpkg -i accessl_0.1_amd64.deb
install AcceSSL on another machine that will act as a worker
sudo dpkg -i accessl_0.1_amd64.deb
obtain SSL keys
For the rest of tutorial I'll assume you have public key
on Web-server machine and private key inserver.key
. -
run twice as many workers as there cores on AcceSSL machine
worker -p 10000 -k server.key & worker -p 10001 -k server.key & ... worker -p 1000N -k server.key &
on Web-server machine specifying all the workerssudo accessld -w WORKER_IP:10000 -w WORKER_IP:10001 ... -w WORKER_IP:1000N &
convert your
into a stub-key, that can be loaded by nginx:crt2key server.crt server.stubkey
configure nginx to use AcceSSL
ssl_engine accessl;
in global section (outside any{}
) -
configure nginx site to use certificate and stubkey
ssl_certificate server.crt; ssl_certificate_key server.stubkey;
restart nginx
sudo service nginx restart
Linux 64-bit. Currently tested only on Ubuntu 14.04. Should be able to compile on Mac OS X 10.9
The included Dockerfile runs a single worker on port 10000. To add more workers you would simply run more instances of the image. Example of use. Simply place server.key in the current directory and ensure it is readable by userid 65534 or group 65534, these ID's correspond to the debian jessie nobody/nogroup user/group. Then run:
docker run -d -v `pwd`:/keys:ro jacobalberty/accessl -k /keys/server.key
This will give you a container ready to link to whatever container you want.
Please note the jacobalberty/accessl image is not from or supported by gozdal in any way.
Quite a lot actually.
Affero GPL. Contact me if you'd like another license.