- to see the impact of each syst in the expected limit, local run: readDC.py
- to see the impact of each syst in the expected limit, runs on a cluster
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc5_amd64_gcc472
setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc5_amd64_gcc472
cmsrel CMSSW_6_2_0_pre3
cd CMSSW_6_2_0_pre3/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git pull origin master
git checkout V03-05-00
scramv1 b -j 4
cd ../../
get a folder with datacards in:
svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/cmshcg/trunk/summer2013/searches/hww2l2v
load the python and CMSSW settings to have the environment
cd CMSSW_6_2_0_pre3/src
cd -
run the readDC.py
python ./readDC.py /afs/cern.ch/user/g/govoni/work/HWW/limits/datacards/hww2l2v/125
python readDC_and_submit.py datacards
python readDC_and_plot.py datacards
python readDC_and_submit_mu.py datacards
python readDC_and_plot_mu.py datacards
Only a subset of datacards, or veto some of them (run -h ro the help)
python readDC_and_submit_subset.py -f datacards -r nessuno -a QCD*
python readDC_and_plot_subset.py datacards
python readDC_and_submit_mu_subset.py -f datacards -r nessuno -a QCD*
python readDC_and_plot_mu_subset.py datacards