Help about file redirection.
The standard file descriptors of the target process can be controlled using the '-r' and '--tty' arguments.
The --tty argument allows redirecting all standard descriptors to a terminal, specified as an argument to --tty.
The syntax for '-r' argument is:
-r [source:]destination
Where source is one of 'stdin', 'stdout' or 'stderr' and destination is the path to a file. If the source is omitted stdin is used implicitly.
File redirects can also be changed using the 'restart' command.
-h, --help help for redirect
--accept-multiclient Allows a headless server to accept multiple client connections via JSON-RPC or DAP.
--allow-non-terminal-interactive Allows interactive sessions of Delve that don't have a terminal as stdin, stdout and stderr
--api-version int Selects JSON-RPC API version when headless. The only valid value is 2. Can be reset via RPCServer.SetApiVersion. See Documentation/api/json-rpc/ (default 2)
--backend string Backend selection (see 'dlv help backend'). (default "default")
--build-flags string Build flags, to be passed to the compiler. For example: --build-flags="-tags=integration -mod=vendor -cover -v"
--check-go-version Exits if the version of Go in use is not compatible (too old or too new) with the version of Delve. (default true)
--disable-aslr Disables address space randomization
--headless Run debug server only, in headless mode. Server will accept both JSON-RPC or DAP client connections.
--init string Init file, executed by the terminal client.
-l, --listen string Debugging server listen address. Prefix with 'unix:' to use a unix domain socket. (default "")
--log Enable debugging server logging.
--log-dest string Writes logs to the specified file or file descriptor (see 'dlv help log').
--log-output string Comma separated list of components that should produce debug output (see 'dlv help log')
--only-same-user Only connections from the same user that started this instance of Delve are allowed to connect. (default true)
-r, --redirect stringArray Specifies redirect rules for target process (see 'dlv help redirect')
--wd string Working directory for running the program.
- dlv - Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.