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gma edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 14 revisions


Nesta is a lightweight CMS, ideally suited to running a small web site or a blog. It’s perfect for people who:

  1. Would rather edit their content in a text editor than in a web browser.
  2. Want to optimise their web site using forward thinking SEO techniques.
  3. Are capable of publishing a page by copying a text file to their web server.

It’s very easy to try it out (see the Installation Overview below).

Installation Overview

These instructions are a brief overview. If you want the full details, see Installing Nesta.

Install Ruby and git. Then install a few dependencies and grab the code:

$ sudo gem install dm-core do_sqlite3 rdiscount sinatra $ git clone git://

Make yourself somewhere to store your content, then create a couple of sample pages (in Markdown format):

$ mkdir -p /tmp/nesta/articles /tmp/nesta/categories $ echo “# Fruit (yum yum)” > /tmp/nesta/categories/fruit.mdown $ echo “Categories: fruit\n\n# Bananas are tasty\n\nYes, bananas are good. Eat them.” \ > /tmp/nesta/articles/bananas.mdown

Now fire up Nesta from the directory that you created when you cloned it:

$ cd nesta && ruby app.rb

Point your web browser at http://localhost:4567/. Changes made to the files (or new files) are picked up automatically.

Next steps:

  1. See Installing Nesta for full installation instructions (including how to setup Google Analytics).
  2. See Nesta File Format for more information on formatting your pages.
  3. See Deploying Nesta for instructions on deploying Nesta to your production web server.
  4. See why Nesta makes a good Content Management System for SEO.
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