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Comments for static sites. Clone of Disqus, but faster, Opensource and sexy.


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Glosa: Comments for static sites.

Clone of Disqus, but faster, Opensource and sexy.

No Maintenance Intended

Amazing reasons to use it

  • Opensource.
  • Very fast, responses between 5ms and 15ms on average.
  • Easy to integrate with static pages.
  • PWA Admin for desktop and mobile or terminal to manage comments: Delete, update, find...
  • Easy to import from Disqus.
  • No database, everything is stored in a JSON.
  • Configuration in a simple YAML.
  • Captcha system included.
  • Receive an email for each new comment.
  • Users are notified by email if they are answered.
  • Multisite: Single server for multiple websites.


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How does it work?


On the one hand we have Glosa who would be our comment server. It feeds in GET and POST requests, and obediently returns JSON. It can only return comments from a url (it sorts comments by url, not ids) or create a new comment (parent or child of another comment). Nothing else. If you want to create a comment previously you will need to ask for the token to confirm that you are not a robot.

Optionally you can receive an email automatically when a new comment is written.

The website, CMS or mobile application, must integrate a logic with Javascript to make the necessary requests and render the comments properly. To make this task easier we have created an example template that you can modify to your needs. You can find the link on this page.


1 web page, share or not a server


3 web pages in different domains or servers



A Glosa is a Spanish word. It is defined as a note, usually brief, that is written in the margin of a text or even between its lines with the intention of clarifying some idea of it.

The software was born with the intention that the author's static blog would no longer depend on an external company (Disqus), and could have control of its content. To make it as easy as possible to deploy, develop and maintain; he programmed in Clojure. And from the beginning it was clear to him that he didn't need a conventional database, plain text was enough.


  1. Make sure you have Java installed.


sudo apt install default-jre

Mac OS

brew install java
  1. Create a file config.yaml with the following content. You can also use config.yaml.example as a base config and change it to fit your needs.
##### General #####
# If it is active it will be accessible to any client
debug: false
# It can be a domain in case of using a proxy:
domain: localhost
port: 4000
# Access for APP
token: mysecret
# It indicates which domain can use it. Debug true so there are no limitations.
domain-cli: ""

##### Notify #####
# Type of notification, currently valid: email
notify: email
subject: New comment
# SMTP, only notify: email
smtp-user: smtpuser
smtp-password: smtppassword
smtp-port: 25
smtp-tls: true

##### Captcha #####
# Currently valid: time
captcha: time

##### Database #####
# Currently valid: plain
database: plain
  1. Download the latest version of Glosa (glosa-{version}-standalone.jar).

  1. Now you can execute glosa.
java -jar target/glosa-{version}-standalone.jar

Great 🎉. You already have your 🔥 own comment server 🔥.

That's it, now you just have to test that it works properly.

curl localhost:4000/api/v1/captcha/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'

It will return a random token


Notification template for email

The first time Glosa is run it will create an HTML template with the name template-email.html. Edit freely.




Only privates.

You need a token to be able to interact (You will find it in your config.yaml). Use a header with Bearer authorization on each request.

Example with mysecret token.

curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" ...


No token is required to interact.

Get Comments

Gets all the comments on one page.

Method: GET

Param Value Description
url string Page where you want to get the comments.

Get from http://glosa.example/best-SO/.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'
Success response
        "id": 4812781236,
        "parent": "",
        "deep": 0,
        "createdAt": 1584266634,
        "thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
        "author": "Lexar",
        "email": "",
        "message": "Do you use Glosa too? It's an amazing technology."
        "id": 4812781237,
        "parent": "4812781236",
        "deep": 1,
        "createdAt": 1584266746,
        "thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
        "author": "Lucia",
        "email": "",
        "message": "I love the article."
Fail response

Last Comments

Get the last 10 comments sorted by date. A pager is available.

Method: POST

Param Value Description
page number Paginator.

I get the last 10 comments.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/latest/1'

Last comments between 30 and 40.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/latest/3'
Success response
        "id": 4812781236,
        "parent": "",
        "deep": 0,
        "createdAt": 1584266634,
        "thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
        "author": "Lexar",
        "email": "",
        "message": "Do you use Glosa too? It's an amazing technology."
        "id": 4812781237,
        "parent": "4812781236",
        "deep": 1,
        "createdAt": 1584266746,
        "thread": "https://glosa.example/best-SO/",
        "author": "Lucia",
        "email": "",
        "message": "I love the article."
Fail response

Add Comment

Add new comment on one page. Require token generated by the captcha endpoint. After saving the comment the captcha token will no longer be valid. At the same time a notification (email) will be sent to the administrator (in the configuration it is called admin), in case it is a sub-comment it will also be sent another notification to the parent of the comment if the address is present.

The steps must be.

  1. Get captcha token.
  2. Add comment.

Method: POST

Param Value Description
parent number If it's a sub-comment, the number of the parent comment. Otherwise leave empty.
author string Author's name.
email string Email that the user will be notified of the responses to his comment. Leave blank if not desired.
message string Message. It can be HTML or plain.
token number Number of the token generated by the captcha endpoint.
thread string Page where you want to save the comment.

Save comment from https://glosa.example/best-SO/.

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
	"parent": "",
	"author": "Juana",
	"email": "",
	"message": "I like it very much.",
}' 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/'
Success response
    "added": true
Fail response
    "added": false

Get captcha token

Get a token to validate that a new comment can be created. It has only one use. It must also be obtained 20 seconds before use or it will not work.

Method: GET

Param Value Description
url string Page where you want to save the comment.

Get token for page https://glosa.example/best-SO/.

curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/captcha/?url=https://glosa.example/best-SO/'
Success response
Fail response
    "error": "Need URL"

Check if he is alive

Simple answer to check that the service is working.

Method: GET

curl 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/ping/'
Success response
    "ping": "pong"

Check if token is valid

Method: POST

Param Value Description
url string Page where you want to save the comment.
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/token/check/'
Success response
    "valid": true
Fail response
    "valid": false


Update Comment

Update a comment for ID. Authorization required.

Method: PUT

Param Value Description
id number Comment ID.
author string Author's name.
email string Email that the user will be notified of the responses to his comment. Leave blank if not desired.
message string Message. It can be HTML or plain.

Update comment with id 1234.

curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
    "id": 1234
    "author": "Alex",
    "email": "",
    "message": "I love the article."
}' 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/
Success response
  "updated": true,
  "id": 1234
Fail response
  "updated": false,
  "id": 1234

Delete Comment

Delete a comment for ID. Authorization required.

Method: DELETE

Param Value Description
id number Comment ID.

Delete comment with id 1234.

curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:4000/api/v1/comments/1234
Success response
  "deleted": true,
  "id": 1234
Fail response
  "deleted": false,
  "id": 1234

Search Threads

Search for all urls containing a certain string ignoring uppercase. Authorization required.

Method: POST

Param Value Description
query string String to search.

Search all threads with tadam.

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer mysecret" 'http://localhost:4000/api/v1/threads/search/tadam'
Success response
    "thread": ""
    "thread": ""
Fail response

Terminal cli

To manage some minor features you can use the manager script which will filter, modify or delete the database. Previously remember to stop Glosa to avoid problems.

You will need to have Node installed on your computer and give it permission to run.

Last comments

./manager last [number of elements]


./manager last 3

Take all comments by thread

./manager get [thread]


./manager get https://glosa.example/best-SO/

Update the text of a comment

./manager update [id] [new message]


./manager update 1234 'I love your article.'

Delete a comment

./manager delete [id]


./manager delete 1234


With Nginx it's pretty quick and easy. You can use it as a reverse proxy, since Glosa contains its own web server (Jetty). You can see an example of configuration that can be useful.


server {        


        access_log /var/log/glosa_access.log;
        error_log /var/log/glosa_error.log;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:4000/;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            proxy_redirect  off;


To create a service in Linux is done like any application in Java. Below you can see an example.

Create a file in the following path: /etc/systemd/system/glosa.service

Add the content.


ExecStart=java -jar glosa.jar


Finally enable and start the service.

sudo systemctl enable glosa
sudo systemctl start glosa

Create your own JAR

  1. Make sure you have openjdk or oracle-jdk installed, clojure and leiningen.


brew install openjdk clojure leiningen


sudo apt install default-jdk clojure leiningen
  1. Clone the repository and enter the generated folder.
git clone
cd glosa-server
  1. Run the following command to build a jar file.

lein uberjar

After this two files should be created in target/. We will use the standalone version: glosa-{version}-standalone.jar.

Dev tools

It needs to be executed at the root of the project and have Leiningen installed.


It checks linguistically and syntaxically if the code is correct.

make lint


Build a JAR ready to distribute.

make build


Distributed in Clojars.

make deploy

Thanks to the power of logo Tadam Framework