#853 - ‘Mail::Message#set_sort_order` overrides the default message part sort order. (rafbm)
#655 - Sort attachments to the end of the parts list to work around email clients that may mistake a text attachment for the message body. (npickens)
#978 - Fix for invalid chars being left in a string for invalid b_value from encoding. (kjg)
#996 - Fix that multipart/mixed emails with a delivery-status part could be interpreted as bounces. (kjg)
#998 - Fix header parameter parsing (such as attachment names) for values encoded with a blank charset or language code. (kjg)
#1003 - Fix decoding some b encoded headers on specific rubies that don’t account for lack of base64 padding (kjg)
#772 - Normalize encoding matchers (grosser)
#775 - Avoid failed encodings / stop bad charsets early (grosser)
#782 – Make the gem compatible with Rubinius (robin850)
#865 - Allow a body with an invalid encoding to be round tripped (kjg)
#866 - Support decoding message bodies with non-Ruby-standard charsets (jeremy)
#868 - Use the Ruby19.charset_encoder when decoding message bodies (kjg)
#872 - Low-level option to include BCC field in the encoded message (grossadamm)
#901 - Allow mail.text_part = ‘…’ and mail.html_part = ‘<p>…</p>’ (taavo)
#924 - Matcher for having attachments (schepedw)
#956 - Use native String#encode for CR/LF conversion (carsonreinke)
#970 - Support Ruby 2.3+ frozen string literals (twalpole)
#719 - Fix to not extract header content that looks like its field name (kjg)
#789 - Fix encoding collapsing not dealing with multiple encodings in 1 line (grosser)
#808 - Mail::Field correctly responds_to? the methods of its instantiated field (thegcat)
#849 - Handle calling Part#inline? when the Content-Disposition field couldn’t be parsed (kjg)
#874 – Stay under 1000-char SMTP line length limits (pushrax)
#877 - Make Mail::Field == other take the field value into account (kjg)
#907 - Mail::ContentDispositionField should work with nil value (kjg)
#910 - Mail::Address should handle b_value_encoded local and domain parts (kjg)
#918 - Account for possibility of absent delivery-status headers (kjg)
#796 support uu encoding (grosser)
Version 2.6.2 (Unreleased) - Wed Oct 22 13:42 -0500 2014 Benjamin Fleischer <github@benjaminfleischer.com>¶ ↑
#681 - fewer hotspot object allocations (srawlins)
#815 - autoload parsers for load-time speed and memory usage (grosser)
#736 - Mail.new copes with non-UTF8 messages marked as UTF8 (jeremy)
Silence warnings on loading ragel-generated parsers (bf4)
Allow interceptors and observers to be unregistered (zuhao)
Added feature to find the mail in uid (taketin)
Save settings passed to TestMailer#new (svanderbleek)
Allow the setting of envelope from directly (jeremy)
Accept other IETF/IANA-registered Content-Types and Content-Transfer-Encodings (jeremy)
Alias shift-jis charset to Shift_JIS Ruby encoding (jeremy)
Add support for ks_c_5601-1987 charset, aliased to CP949 Ruby encoding (jeremy)
Don’t allow colons in header names (jeremy)
Can assign arrays of Message-IDs to References and In-Reply-To (jeremy)
Setting the html_ or text_part sets a default text/html or text/plain content type (jeremy)
Setting the html_ or text_part to nil removes it (jeremy)
Addresses without a parsable email or display name still format as their raw text (jeremy)
Close pull request 504 - Alias GB2312 charset to GB18030 Ruby encoding (bpot)
Close pull request 399 - Accept :ca_path and :ca_file options for SMTP delivery (ndbroadbent)
Close pull request 389 - Don’t add superfluous message headers to MIME parts (djmaze, jeremy)
Migrate to RAGEL based parser, awesome work by (bpot)
Performance improvements for people parsing email headers (ConradIrwin)
Close pull request 488 - Speed up field construction & comparison (bpot)
Fix for when content looks like field name (kjg)
Don’t change original when you change a copy (TylerRick)
Don’t include separating semicolon in paramter value when sanitizing (bpot)
Fix fencepost encoding problem with binhex strings and only one token (drasch)
Fix sendmail delivery to addresses with a leading hyphen (lifo, jeremy)
Correctly format mbox From headers per RFC4155 (bpot, jeremy)
Fix bogus ‘=’ at the end of some quoted-printable messages (jeremy)
Shouldn’t be fooled into encoding strings on 1.8 by unrelated Encoding constant (emiellohr, jeremy)
Header encoding should be US-ASCII, not the default external encoding (jeremy)
Address elements should return decoded display names by default (jeremy)
Fix up tests that depend on utf-8 external encoding; read fixtures as binary (jeremy)
Capture stderr from Sendmail and Exim deliveries (jeremy)
RFC2822 quoted_string content may be empty (jeremy)
Calling #to_s on a field with a nil value returns an empty string instead of nil (jeremy)
The Received header may contain zero name/value pairs, qmail-style (jeremy)
Fix that setting an attachment with a :mime_type and :encoding would override the :encoding (jeremy)
Fix that declaring an html_part but no text_part would use multipart/alternative anyway (jeremy)
Close pull request 508 - Don’t add an extra CRLF to MIME parts; split MIME parts on correct CRLF boundaries (Aalanar)
Close pull request 506 - Escape backslashes in quoted strings (ConradIrwin)
Close pull request 496 - Correctly handle quoted-printable line breaks (jeremy)
Close pull request 493 - Repair misencoded quoted-printable line breaks (jeremy)
Close pull request 487 - Extract comments from group email addresses (bpot)
Close pull request 481 - Correctly quote filename attributes (bpot)
Close pull request 480 - Support mixed encodings in a single header body (adamvaughan)
Close pull request 471 - Fix Ruby 1.8 build when UTF16/32 default to little-endian (kennyj)
Coping with third-party bugs:
Parse multipart boundary from Content-Type headers containing extra semicolons (jeremy)
Close pull request 389 - Only add Content-ID to inline attachments to appease Outlook (djmaze, jeremy)
Add development gem dependency on rdoc (jeremy)
Refresh Bundler dependencies & setup (jeremy)
Remove i18n dependency and last vestiges of activesupport dependency in specs (jeremy)
Clarify that Sender is a single address, not an address list (jeremy)
Add an MIT-LICENSE file to make licensing clear & obvious; update to 2013 (jeremy)
Close pull request 501 - Tighten up header/body whitespace splitting (ConradIrwin)
Close pull request 499 - Clean up some dead code (ConradIrwin)
Close pull request 489, 495 - Docs typos (JackDanger, francois)
Close pull request 485 - Be explicit about unsupported address parsing (bpot)
Close pull request 484 - Remove #tree specs in preparation for deprecation removal (bpot)
Close pull request 482 - Update address field specs to reflect to #initialize API (bpot)
Close pull request 475 - Shush warning on Object#blank? redefinition (amatsuda)
Close pull request 472 - Clean up UTF8/UTF-8 internals (kennyj)
Close pull request 468 - Remove debug output to STDOUT (tadman)
Fix up spec warnings
Remove un needed require
Ensure spec_helper constants only defined once
Use stub against time instead of DateTime to avoid double redefinition error
Removing double loading of treetop parsers to remove warnings
Making parsers auto compile on spec suite and load in production code to avoid error that caused yank of 2.5.0
Reapply pull request 443 - CC fields with semicolon are now parsed right (paulwittmann)
Yanked 2.5.0
Reverted pull request 443 - CC fields with semicolon are now parsed right (paulwittmann)
Close pull request 406 - Add Mail#eager_autoload! to load all autoloaded files on demand (bpot)
Close pull request 461 - Allow string as delivery_method (skyeagle, radar)
Close pull request 407 - Do not require Net::IMAP or Net::POP if they’re already loaded (bpot)
Close pull request 400 - Raise exception if delivery values or from values are missing completely from an email that is getting delivered (dmathieu)
Close pull request 397 - Support dots in local part of the addresses (eac)
Close pull request 477 - Fixed handling content_type with superfluous spaces (ledermann)
Close pull request 451 - Ignore nil in addresses so things do not blow up when e.g. a user had no email (grosser)
Close pull request 362 - Enable TLS in Ruby 1.8 (kingargyle)
Close pull request 358 - Fix Mail::CommonAddress#value=, Mail::CommonAddress#<< and Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii (mrkn)
Close pull request 350 - Makes mail Header object ennumerable (ged)
Close pull request 369 - Mail::Header#charset is called pretty often during header parser work (bogdan)
Close pull request 368 - Improve existing code by moving some objects to contstant instead of constructing them over and over again. (bogdan)
Close pull request 366 - Headers parsing performance optimization (bogdan)
Close pull request 365 - Add maximum_amount of parsed headers configuration parameter (bogdan)
Close pull request 444 - Fix typo in spec (cczona)
Close pull request 439 - Fix Ruby 1.9 behaviour to match 1.8.7 behaviour on ignoring invalid or undefined characters (ochko)
Close pull request 430 - Unstructured field converts to string before calling encoding on it (brupm mikel)
Close pull request 424 - Use String#to_crlf instead of String#gsub (okkez)
Close pull request 429 - Fix an obvious bug in exim delivery_method (dskim)
Close pull request 425 - Remove Gemfile.lock from generated gem (kbackowski)
Close pull request 414 - Fix typo on “ignoring” (derwiki)
Close pull request 405 - Fix stack overflow (RegexpError) triggered by large emails with an envelope (bpot)
Close pull request 402 - Prevent InReplyTo, Keyword, References or ResentMessageId fields from generating lines longer than 998 chars (pplr)
Close pull request 391 - Fixed failed attachment parsing when file name in headers contains spaces and is not wrapped in quotes (danieltreacy)
Close pull request 385 - Fix Multibyte::Chars#upcase/downcase (technoweenie)
Close pull request 384 - copy dat unicode over from active support (technoweenie)
Close pull request 380 - Split strictly on MIME boundary lines (ConradIrwin)
Close pull request 277 - Fix specific email decoding failure example (yalab)
Close pull request 361 - Support 8bit encoding for ruby 1.9 (bogdan)
Close pull request 346 - Fix two bugs of TestRetriever (ermaker)
Close pull request 337 - Make the behavior of value_decode the same between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. (kennyj)
Close pull request 336 - Fix more warning: possibly useless use of == in void context (kennyj)
Close pull request 293 - make charset and mime type more resliant to bad header values (kmeehl)
Fix failing spec Issue 453 on Ruby 1.9.3
Fix mail reading: don’t raise invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 when reading non-UTF-8 emails (mreinsch)
Close pull request 353 - define NilClass#blank? only if not defined yet (amatsuda)
Close pull request 357 - Fixes #349 an inverted condition on imap open read_only (felixroeser)
Remove duplicated line feed from regexp
Remove unused variable
Updated IMAP documentation
Tweak publisher
Fix security vulnerability allowing command line exploit when using file delivery method
Fix security vulnerability allowing command line exploit when using exim or sendmail from the command line
Change Mail#deliver! to also inform the interceptors
Encodings.value_decode(str): Treat lines with mixed encoding correctly when the line ends with a plain text part.
Fix non ascii character folding problems
Handle multipart mail in Mail::Message#to_yaml / #from_yaml
More warning fixes
Normalize the Parse Error class and messages
Fix for Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert not handling unquoted characters mixed in between quoted strings
Updated treetop to latest version, specs now run approximately 25-30% faster!
Version bump to 2.4.1 and gem release
Speed up reading of messages by about 12x
Added Message#without_attachments! that removes all message’s attachments
Added shoulda-style RSpec matchers
Added support for @ in display name
Added support for the :tls and :ssl options
Added UTF-16 and UTF-32 support
Added Exim as it’s own delivery manager
Added Ruby 1.9.3 compatibility
Fix for Sendmail return-path escaping
Fix for alias for SJIS was changed from shift_jis to windows-31J in Ruby 1.9.3
Fix for undefined method ‘constantize’ error when no ActiveSupport loaded
Fix Mail::Field#== comparison
Fixed Regexp warning: character class has duplicated range
Fixed encoding non-latin names in addresses
Fixed issue with non-7bit attachment filenames
Now define String#blank? only if not defined yet
Decoding text parts using charset from Content-Type field
Per RFC 5322, do not accept emails with consecutive dots
Bunch of bug fixes from contributed pull requests
Travis CI setup and passing on 6 rubies
Upgrade RSpec to 2.8.0
Lots of warnings fixed
Version bump to 2.4.0 and gem release
Remove ActiveSupport from the dependencies, load Active Support if present, or use internals if not
Created v2.2 branch for all 2.2 related commits
Update activesupport require to use inflector - closes #217
Version bump to 2.3 and gem release
Fixed charset warning issue with multipart messages - github.com/arvindsv
Version bump to 2.2.18 and gem release
Mail::Field.new(“Subject: foobar”, ‘iso-2022-jp’) does not set charset - github.com/yalab
Fixed an exception with nil in Reply-To and References field - github.com/dcormier
Version bump to 2.2.17 and gem release
Added support for open SMTP connections and returning the Mail server’s response - github.com/spiegela
RE: not appended to subject when replying to a reply - github.com/prateekdayal
Support not ascii compatible charset mail send - github.com/yalab
Fix for issue 208 “mail.body after mail.add_file truncates message body” - github.com/glongman
Handle bad subject encoding (or “:invalid => :replace” is ineffective for utf-8 to utf-8 encoding) - github.com/choonkeat
Handle blank Received header field - github.com/bcantin
Handle part with missing content type - github.com/bcantin
Handle a “<>” Return field - github.com/bcantin
Performance improvements for 1.9 - github.com/nobu
Fix heavy CPU issues when messages are missing a space - github.com/scsmith
Tighten up allowed encodings - github.com/scsmith
Added to_yaml & from_yaml (as well as to_hash & from_hash) - github.com/srushti
Fix up some comments - github.com/takahashim
Version bump to 2.2.16 and gem release
Update addresses passed into sendmail to escape them (Andy Lindeman)
Version bump to 2.2.15 and gem release
Update field_spec to handle encodings, closes issues 44 and 120 (Luis Lopez)
Version bump to 2.2.14 and gem release
Use default IANA port on the IMAP retriever_method (Adrian Silva)
Updated README to reflect latest ruby versions we test against (mikel)
Only remove tlsconnect if it exists (mikel)
Added backport fix for net/smtp bug (Aaron Patterson)
Changed “Mail#text_part” so that it does not return a plain text attachment (Anton Mironov)
Added in rescue blocks for badly formatted dates as well as encoding problems (Karl Baum)
Fixed warning errors of duplicated regular expressions (Kouhei Sutou)
Removed duplication from Regex’s containing [wd]+ as w contains d (mikel)
Add authentication selection for imap retriever (Björn Albers)
Removing warning on @name not being initialized (mikel)
Version bump to 2.2.13 and gem release
Fixing problems with multibyte filenamed attachment (amatsuda)
Providing IMAP uid and imap object as options to IMAP calls (dball)
Fixing filename for windows (mikel)
Updating requirement on i18n to be more relaxed for now until we nuke ActiveSupport dependency (Mikel)
Version bump to 2.2.12 and gem release
Allow address lists to handle and ignore empty addresses (Donald Ball)
Allow address lists to handle repeating strings of commas (Donald Ball)
Noting pending test for malformed folding whitespace (Donald Ball)
Adding spec to test error email for missing addresses in to header (Mikel)
Bumping i18n dependency to ~> 0.5.0
Version bump to 2.2.11 and gem release
Added test retriever and updated documentation (Donald Ball)
Fix test suite to work in any timezone (Donald Ball)
Added dependency for tlsmail for Ruby 1.8.6 (Donald Ball)
Added new feature, replies for mail message
Fix references header to use CFWS instead of comma as the separator per RFC2822
Version Bum to 2.2.10 and pushed.
Add find_and_delete convenience method for consistency with POP3, document delete_after_find option (Donald Ball)
Documenting the openssl_verify_mode setting (Donald Ball)
Added ruby-1.8.6 back into the list of tested platforms (Donald Ball)
Relax i18n dependency until we remove active support requirement
Version Bump to to include new i18n dependency
Version Bump to 2.2.9 and tag
Updating Gemfile and gemspec to include i18n and sync dependency versions
Added work from Kendall Gifford closing issues #104, #107 and #117
Always encode mailbox names with UTF-7 (github: fasta)
Added updates from Donald Ball (github: dball) to improve 1.8.6 support
Added patch from Ryan Bigg (github: ryanb) for #mark_for_delete
Version Bump to 2.2.7
Release 2.2.7
Added fix for Windows using ‘rb’ flags, thanks to Luis Lavena and dzhang for pointing it out
Fixed up Rakefile to require bundler to run specs and give more appropriate errors messages if this fails
Merged POP3 delete support work from Michael Prendergast
Merged IMAP support work from Fabian Staubli
Replace some missing documentation
Version bump to
Fixed parsing an email with an empty In-Reply-To header (Reported by Eugene Pimenov)
Adding address spec for groupname+domain.com@example.com format emails
Version bump to 2.2.6
Added new way to do versioning for rubygems
Added additional specs for Content-Disposition: inline which are not being encoded correctly - Shawn Pyle
Make sure Mail::Message#attachment? returns true/false - Simone Carletti
Replace hard-coded references to Mail with more generic self references to allow easier inheritance (closes #61) - Simone Carletti
Force encoding on Regexp for Ruby 1.9 to avoid encoding conflicts - Golubev Pavel
Added lazy evaluation to message body: body is not parsed until need. It greatly improves performance with big mails if you don’t need to read the body (yet)
Added Mail.read_from_string as an explicit method (mcansky)
Fixed bounce detection for multipart reports that contain a human readable report status part
Closed Issue #65 found (incredibly) by quetz - major Kudos for bug hunting
Fixed missing trailing CRLF in content type field - Closes issue #57 - Kudos to Henry Flower for finding it
Version bump to
Closed issue #58 - Content Type not parsing unless lower case.
Version bump to
Added Mail::POP3.delete_all, including specs (Martijn Storck)
Lars Pind updates on header folding
Version bump to 2.2.5
Added inline attachment support to mail (mikel)
Updating versioning so we only have one source, VERSION.yml (mikel)
Changed activesupport dependency to 2.3.6 to fix #53, #64, and def #67. (Artem Titoulenko)
Fixing typo in break_down_to.rb. (mikel)
fixing a typo when generating docs. (Andrew Bloom)
Changing rnt to rns throughout mail (mikel)
Handle multiple quoted words in Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to (Eric Kidd)
Ruby 1.9: mark source encoding so it’s usable with -Ks, -Ke, etc (Jeremy Kemper)
Add #include? to mail body for convenience (Maxim Chernyak)
Use Mail::TestMailer.deliveries in README example (John Trupiano)
Allow bundler to automatically build a gem directly from git (Eric Kidd)
Lots of updates on encoding and decoding of headers and unstructured fields. This is now a lot cleaner and nicer. Also more predictable.
Merged encoding branch back into head
Version bump to 2.2.0
Tagged 2.2.0
Created non-ascii header auto encoding for address fields and unstructured fields
Changed default behaviour of mail, if you specify a charset, it will use that charset regardless of what is in the body. Previously, if the body was all US-ASCII, it would set the charset to US-ASCII in preference.
Many internal version jumps from => - unreleased development versions
Version bump to
No longer depend on vendor’d treetop as treetop now has optional loading of parts of the library
Change treetop dependency to 1.4.5
Version bump to
Fixed up preserve case in header fields when assigned from a message closes issue #46
Version bump to
Fixed net/pop3.rb regression for Ruby 1.8.6
Merged in Jeremy Kemper’s updates:
Bump vendored treetop to 1.4.4
Use Mikel’s treetop for cucumber workaround
Use LOAD_PATH for spec_helper instead of relative requires
Force treetop from git so cucumber doesn’t pull in old version
Version bump to 2.1.5
Changed guess encoding to short circuit to binary if the mime type is unknown, should be safe
Renaming spec to match the file for attachment_lists.rb
Adding Message#decoded returns Message#body#decoded if the message is not multipart
Version bump to 2.1.4
Merged in Jeremy/treetop to vendored treetop
Merged in nathansobo/treetop to vendored treetop
Merged in pzbowen/mail into mail - Adds body auto encoding - awesome work
Fixed content-transfer-encoding parser to be more compliant per RFC, also now handles trailing semi-colons correctly
Fixed content-transfer-encoding parser to handle weird “from the wild” misspellings
Added message.errors, header.errors arrays, returns array of [field_name, value, error_object] for each field that failed to parse
Removed bundler require from Rakefile
Keep header name case when failing to unstructured field
Fixed multiaddress bounce messages crashing when calling .bounced? Now just take the first report and return that.
Closes issue 38 - final_recipient method give problem when one bounce email for multiple email ids
Fixing up TODO and Docs
Version bump to 2.1.3
Added TMM1’s patch to not raise errors if a email is not multipart/report
Added html_part and text_part now return the first text/html or text/plain part they find. Order is from top to bottom of the email, all parts, flattened.
Cleaning up register_interceptor and register_observer including documentation
Renamed #register_for_delivery_notification to #register_observer
Renamed #register_for_delivery_interception to #register_interceptor
Adding spec to check for folding of non ASCII words that have been encoded
Updating Message#inspect to be a bit more friendly… it is for us mere mortals after all
Version bump to 2.1.2
Removed old method of setting delivery_method
Added ability for address fields to init on an array instead of just a string.
Version bump to 2.1.1
Now passes a block to the delivery handler, which can just call yield if it want’s Mail to just do it’s normal delivery method
Moved Mail.deliveries into Mail::TestMailer.deliveries. Now only gets mail appended to it if you are sending with the :test delivery_method (only for testing)
Version bump to 2.1.0
Change :deliver! to deliver a mail object, bypassing the :perform_deliveries and :raise_delivery_errors flags, also does not append the mail object to Mail.deliveries, thus the ! (dangerous). The intended use for :deliver! is for people wanting to have their own delivery_handler (like ActionMailer uses) to track and handle delivery failures.
Added :delivery_handler to Message. Allows you to pass an object that will be sent :deliver_mail(self) by the Mail::Message instance when it is sent :deliver and bypasses the usual delivery method.
Changed :perform_deliveries flag to be more consistent with it’s name, mail will not append itself to the Mail.deliveries collection if :perform_deliveries is false
Version bump to 2.0.5
Added :raise_delivery_errors to Mail::Message, if set to false will silently rescue all errors raised by the delivery methods, set to true by default
Version bump to 2.0.4
Added :perform_deliveries to mail, will not actually call deliver on the delivery method if this is set to false, set to true by default.
Added @delivery_notification_observers to mail messages, you can register an observer with mail by calling mail.register_for_delivery_notification(observer) and then when mail is told to :deliver it will call your observer with observer.delivered_email(self). It will call your observer if it actually performed the delivery or not (that is, irregardless of the :perform_deliveries flag)
Added ability to overwrite the Mail.deliveries store with an object of your choice instead of just an array, this is a good way to find out if something actually got delivered as if :perform_deliveries is false, this collection will not get the mail message appended
Version bump to 2.0.3
Made body.sort_parts! recursive, to do the entire body
Added ability to use << on the results returned by the various address fields, ie, mail.to << ‘new@address’ now works
Message now adds multipart/mixed as the content type if nothing is set and there are parts to the message
Added #display_names and #addrs to all address fields. #addrs returns the actual Mail::Address object for each address in the field.
Body should call to_s on given input… incase someone gave it an IO.readlines result (Array)
Version bump to 2.0.2
Major change to attachments, add_file now only accepts {:filename => ‘full/path/to/file.png’} or {:filename => ‘file.png’, :content => ‘string of file content’} you can also now do mail.attachments = File.read(‘path/to/file.png’) which is nice too!
Rewrote all network classes to not use singletons. Means different Mail::Message objects can have different delivery methods.
Added examples for how to send via GMail, MobileMe, Sendmail, File etc.
Version bump to 2.0.0 as Network API changed drastically, now not a singleton class.
Fixed that return-path should only return one address
Version update to 1.6.0 - API change on mail.address_fields to always return arrays
Updated all message.address_field methods to always return arrays, so mail.from #=> [‘one@address.com’] now, is least surprise
Updated handling of empty group lists so it didn’t crash
Version 1.5.3, handling invalid input on fields. Highly recommended update
Updated fields to always try parsing the given data (unless blank). This allows mail to catch invalid input and return UnstructuredFields. Makes mail a lot more resistant to invalid input.
Version bump to 1.5.2
Updated Sendmail and SMTP delivery methods to use return-path if present
Fix up a lot of content-type parsing problems
Updating compat listing
Moving error emails into one directory
Moving error emails into one directory
Initializing @tls variable to remove warnings
Moved default corpus directory
Fixed up git ignore file
Added compatibility list to Readme.rdoc
Fixing encoding of return path to be per RFC 2822, adding angle brackets around the addr_spec
Specs covering return path setting and preserving
Moving the require for tlsmail for Ruby 1.8.6 into mail.rb
Version bump to 1.5.0
Major API change in Message#field_name. This WILL break your applications that use Mail. Message#field_name now returns good, intelligent, default values. You can still access the field object by calling Message# or Message#.
Message-ID, Content-ID, References et al, now return the default value of the message ID without the angle brackets, as per RFC 2822, “Semantically, the angle bracket characters are not part of the msg-id; the msg-id is what is contained between the two angle bracket characters.”
Message class now has getter and setter methods for all the supported field types explicitly. This allows us to return a “default” value for all fields.
All address fields, when called from Message#to or Message#from or the like, return either a string of the address spec (mikel@test.lindsaar.net) if it is a single entry, or an array of address specs if there is more than one [‘mikel@test.lindsaar.net’, ‘ada@test.lindsaar.net’]
Added sorting of parts, default is text/plain, then text/enriched and text/html. Access through Body#set_sort_order and Body#sort_parts! (called from Body#encode automatically)
Version bump to 1.4.2
Updating treetop and mail to initialize uninitialized instance variables to nil
Version bump to 1.4.1
Version bump to 1.4 because now :to_s calls :decoded for all fields and body while :to_s calls :encoded for Message and Header containers. Makes sense… really.
Changed fields to default to :decoded on :to_s, all container objects retain :encoded as the default for :to_s
Fixed parsing error ‘Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re=3A_ol=E1?=’ (has a new line embedded)
Version 1.3.4
Vendor’d treetop
Version 1.3.3
Removed dependency on treetop, don’t need it at runtime
Version 1.3.2
Resolved Ruby 1.9.1-head not working because File.basename only accepts US-ASCII or 8Bit
Version 1.3.1
Resolved Issue #18 - Wrong instance variable name
Resolved Issue #15 - Duplicate block call
Resolved Issue #13 - replacing From field results in from field becoming optional field.
Added POP upgrades from Nicolas Fouché
Added patch to handle multiple from lines in email from Luke Grimstrup
Resolved Issue #12 - Wrong comment in smtp.rb
Changed the way attachments are added so that it does not break depending on the order of the Hash passed in.
Version bump to 1.3.0 - Now works with Edge ActionMailer, MRI 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1, all tests passing
Added check on add_part to make sure if there is already a body, and if so, make a text_part of the body
Fixing up attachment adding and making sure multipart emails always have boundaries
Change Message#attachments to now recursively return all attachments in the email in an ordered flattened array
Added ability for Mail::Message to accept {:headers => {‘custom-header’ => ‘value’, ‘another-custom-header’ => ‘value’}} as a param on init
Adding ability to Mail::Message to add a part via :part(params) with optional block
Fixed up QP encoding forcing underscores into everything with a space
Added ReturnPathField#address
Updating gem loads and active support loads
Changed Mail::Encodings to clean it up, added in unquote_and_convert_to as well as refactor in this area
Added sendmail support from (Simon Rozet)
Changed to bundler for gem dependancies and moved gem generation into rakefile (Simon Rozet)
Bumped to 1.2.6 for sendmail support
Changed Encodings.param_encode(string) so it intelligently encodes and quotes needed items and leaves plain, no special char, US-ASCII alone unquoted.
Resolved Issue #10 - empty/nil cc/bcc field causes exception (Mail::Field::ParseError)
Hacked and mutilated the network section, made it easier to extend out with other delivery and retriever methods. API changed SLIGHTLY with this. Please check the readme
Resolved Issue #8 - Mail::SMTP now delivers to all mail.destinations
Version bump to 1.2.5
Resolved Issue #5 - Message ID not handling multiple periods in left hand side
Resolved Issue #6 - Ordering of add_file and body items causes invalid emails
Resolved Issue #5 - Message ID generation issue
Resolved Issue #7 - README add_file examples don’t seem to work - Updated readme and rdoc in Message#add_file
Added ability to create new email via a hash or hash-like object. <mikel>
Moved all of the Part init into the Message class. Part now just uses Message’s init, also moved all the attachment related functions into Message. As Part is a subclass of message, you shouldn’t see any interface changes here.
a6ef2b4: Fixed Issue #4 - Can’t call encoding on non existant content-transer-encoding header
Handled unstructured field folding “blank” lines
Fixed error in header.rb that created fields into an array, instead of a FieldList, resulting in mail.encode returning a random sort order on the header.
Made unstructured fields attempt to decode their values on :decode
2acb70a: Closes Issue #1 - Handling badly formatted content-type fields <mikel>
2b5d608: Closes Issue #2 - Empty header field values not parsing <mikel>
Version bumb to 1.2.1
Renamed Mail::Message.encode! to Mail::Message.ready_to_send!, deprecated :encode! <mikel>
Rewrote encoding and decoding methods on all classes. Adds a lot of boiler plate code, but allows us to be really precise in each field type that needs custom encoding. Now all encoding is done by the field_type itself. Need to follow through on the body. <mikel>
Bump version to 1.2.0 due to changes of :encoded, :decoded behaviour <mikel>
Tested mail against entire Enron set (2.3gb) and the Trec 2005 set (0.5gb), ~ half a million emails without crashing <jlindley>
Some headers only can appear once, enforce during header parse assignment. <jlindley>
Convert empty bodies into empty arrays instead of nil. <jlindley>
Handle blank content dispositions. <jlindley>
Mention Trec 2005 Spam Corpus in readme <jlindley>
Add ‘rake corpus:verify_all’ to allow parse checks in bulk. <jlindley>
Added handling of multi value parameters, like filename*1*=“us-ascii’en’blah” filename*2=“bleh” <mikel>
Added dependency on ActiveSupport 2.3 or higher <mikel>
handle OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE returning 0 <jlindley>
doing Mail.new { content_type [text, plain, { charset => UTF-8 }] } is now possible (content type accepts an array) <mikel>
Fixed attachment handling, so mail can find attachment from a content-type,
content-disposition or content-location
Added content-location field and parser
Added message.has_attachments? for ActionMailer friendliness
Added attachment.original_filename for ActionMailer friendliness
Birthday, Mail released as a gem… phew