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stgruber edited this page Aug 5, 2017 · 20 revisions


Globsim helps you to download reanalysis data from ERA-Interim, MERRA2, and JRA-55 for a target area and to interpolate it to point time series for individual locations (here called 'stations'). This is intended to replace or supplement meteorological observations in remote areas. This page provides high-level information that is required as an entry point to using Globsim. All python code is documented with comment and (doxypyppy?). The sub-directory examples/ contains examples of relevant control files.

Directories and files

Globsim weeks with three differing directories. The source directory is what is contained in this GitHub repository (default: ~/src/globsim). The credentials directory is where your login credential files for the differing reanalyses are found (default: ~/.). The data directory is the location to which data is downloaded and where processed data is found.

Credentials directory

Contains credentials files with login information, see directory examples/.

 .ecmwfapirc  (ERA-Interim credentials)
 .merrarc     (MERRA2 credentials)
 .jra55rc     (JRA-55 credentials)

Data directory

 project_a/              (base directory)
 project_a/jra-55/       (JRA-55 data)
 project_a/eraint/       (ERA-Interim data)
 project_a/merra2/       (MERRA 2 data)
 project_a/par/          (parameter files for data download and interpolation)

Download parameter file

 # This is an example of a Globsim download parameter file
 # Use extension like this: 'project_a.globsim_download'

 # logistics
 data_directory = /home/stgruber/storage/project_a/
 credentials_directory = ~/.

 # chunk size for splitting files and download [days]
 chunk_size = 5

 # area bounding box [decimal degrees]
 bbN = 65.0
 bbS = 64.0 
 bbW = -111.0
 bbE = -110.0

 # ground elevation range within area [m]
 ele_min = 0
 ele_max = 2000

 # time slice [YYYY/MM/DD]
 beg = 2015/07/01
 end = 2015/0702)

 # variables to download [CF Standard Name Table]
 variables = air_temperature, relative_humidity, precipitation_amount, downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air_assuming_clear_sky, wind_from_direction, wind_speed

Interpolation parameter file

This is an example of a Globsim interpolation parameter file. Use extension like this: 'my_stations.globsim_interpolate' station_name, longitude_dd, latitude_dd, elevation_m yellowknife_airport,-114.44234, 62.46720, 207 ekati_airport, -110.60804, 64.70591, 461