The public contributions
by users in Luxembourg on 2025/3/14 1:08 AM UTC
. This list contains users from Luxembourg
and citiesLuxembourg
and cities Echternach
There are 138 countries
and 674 cities
can be found here.
There are 911 users
in Luxembourg. You need at least 5 followers
to be on this list.
Don't forget to star ⭐ this repository |
Top Users By Public Contributions | Top Users By Total Contributions | Top Users By Followers |
# | Name | Company | Twitter Username | Location | Public Contributions |
1 |
Julien Gaffuri |
@eurostat | julgaf | Luxembourg, France | 2817 |
2 |
Bruno Rodrigues |
Mesr, Luxembourg | brodriguesco | Luxembourg-City, Luxembourg | 2740 |
3 |
Michael Vogt |
Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat | No Twitter Username | Trier/Luxembourg area | 2163 |
4 |
Chris Weber |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1952 |
5 |
Didier Barzin |
Sourcentis | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1931 |
6 |
Bruno Pacheco |
Luxembourg National Data Service |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1831 |
7 |
Erko Bridee |
No Company | erkobridee | Luxembourg | 1735 |
8 |
Rangel Petrov |
Vetrerie De Mersch | No Twitter Username | Echternach, Luxembourg | 1349 |
9 |
Md Arman Hossen |
No Company | arman_5227 | Luxembourg | 1324 |
10 |
Quentin McGaw |
Hotpath | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1063 |
11 |
Ruben Kostandyan |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 985 |
12 |
Quentin JEROME |
@circl & @0xrawsec | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | 959 |
13 |
Daniele Guido |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 957 |
14 |
Mirek Kratochvil |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Belvaux, Luxembourg | 858 |
15 |
Jack S. Hale |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 810 |
16 |
Andras Iklody |
Circl | iglocska | Luxembourg | 781 |
17 |
Ivan Slepchenko |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 736 |
18 |
Bob Weinand |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 732 |
19 |
Bertrand Lorentz |
@op-ted | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 707 |
20 |
Federico Navarrete |
@supernovaic | FedeStories | Luxembourg | 690 |
21 |
Luciano Righetti |
Circl | righelx | Luxembourg | 643 |
22 |
Morteza Ansarinia |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 635 |
23 |
Guillaume |
@mockoon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 634 |
24 |
Cedric |
Passbolt | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 621 |
25 |
Daniel Gareev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 585 |
26 |
Hriday Bavle |
Gamma-ar | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 570 |
27 |
Pierre Talbot |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 537 |
28 |
Roman Kalyakin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 508 |
29 |
Joe Davies |
No Company | joewdavies | Cardiff / Madrid / Luxembourg | 505 |
30 |
Wim Stalmans |
The Blockchain Academy® | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 503 |
31 |
Hameer Abbasi |
@quansight-labs | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 498 |
32 |
Stéphane Loegel |
Passbolt | No Twitter Username | France / Luxembourg | 464 |
33 |
Aleksandr Beliakov |
@nowina-solutions | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 453 |
34 |
Adrien Bouvais |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 447 |
35 |
Alberto Zancanaro |
University Of Luxembourg | _jesus_az | Luxembourg | 436 |
36 |
Andrej Orsula |
@snt-spacer | University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 431 |
37 |
Alexander Murphy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 428 |
38 |
Sitraka Forler |
Software Engineering Zu Letzebuerg |
ForlerSitraka | Luxembourg | 421 |
39 |
Alain Vagner |
@accessibility-luxem | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 418 |
40 |
Gabriel Felipe Soares |
Open Assessment Technologies | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 411 |
41 |
Jonathan Vuillemin |
@ankorstore | noxekki | Luxembourg | 406 |
42 |
Alex |
Devarno Ltd | No Twitter Username | home ? London : Luxembourg | 395 |
43 |
Stefan Penchev |
No Company | StefanPenc05 | Luxembourg | 394 |
44 |
Phoenix |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 391 |
45 |
Ruslan Baidan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 386 |
46 |
Yaroslav |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 384 |
47 |
Marco BARNIG |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 373 |
48 |
Iván Alfonso |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 372 |
49 |
Agboola Michael Daramola |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 363 |
50 |
Allan Silva |
European Parliament | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 362 |
51 |
Jaime |
Aob | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 348 |
52 |
Yoan Thirion |
Https://yoan-thirion | yot88 | Luxembourg | 344 |
53 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 340 |
54 |
Illya Kysil |
@umeluxsaorg | ikysil | Luxembourg | 339 |
55 |
Necati HAN |
Sopra Steria | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 338 |
56 |
Mészáros Mátyás |
@eurostat | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 324 |
57 |
Gavin Panella |
@enveritas | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 318 |
58 |
Kevin Gonzalez |
Ses Satellites | typekev | Luxembourg | 309 |
59 |
Ionut Mihai Sandu |
Tao | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 308 |
60 |
Vincent Simonin |
Saashup | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 307 |
61 |
Travis van der F. |
No Company | travisfont | Luxembourg / USA | 298 |
62 |
Ali Tourani |
Snt - University Of Luxembourg |
a_tourani | Luxembourg | 290 |
63 |
Nico Bachner |
Clove | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg ⮂ Sydney | 286 |
64 |
Tine Kondo |
@sfeir | tinesoft | Luxembourg | 280 |
65 |
No Name |
No Company | mrpopov_com | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 278 |
66 |
Médéric Hurier (Fmind) | | fmind_dev | Luxembourg | 276 |
67 |
KeePassium |
Keepassium Labs | keepassium | Luxembourg | 269 |
68 |
Philippe Chepy |
No Company | PhilippeChepy | Luxembourg | 266 |
69 |
Michel Albert |
No Company | exhuma | Luxembourg | 263 |
70 |
Frédéric Clavert |
Centre For Contemporary And Digital History |
No Twitter Username | Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 259 |
71 |
Daniel Schömer |
No Company | quatauta | Luxembourg, LU | 255 |
72 |
Armin Rauschenberger | | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 254 |
73 |
Raymond Joseph BISDORFF |
Emeritus University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | G. D. Luxembourg | 245 |
74 |
Kasra |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 243 |
75 |
Mina Naseh |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 240 |
76 |
Nailu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 239 |
77 |
Tales Lima |
No Company | No Twitter Username | luxembourg | 236 |
78 |
LaV |
Saashup | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 236 |
79 |
Loïc Motheu |
@next-gate-tech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 235 |
80 |
Sam Blausten |
@roadiehq | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 230 |
81 |
Vu Tien Khang |
Private | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 228 |
82 |
Charel Felten |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg / Amsterdam | 222 |
83 |
Dzogovic Vehbo |
@saashup | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 220 |
84 |
abdoul fataoh kabore |
No Company | No Twitter Username | France, Burkina Faso, Luxembourg | 220 |
85 |
Elisa Gómez de Lope |
No Company | elisagdelope | Luxembourg - Madrid - Barcelona | 208 |
86 |
Ticruz |
No Company | DucheneThib | Luxembourg | 207 |
87 |
Benoît Godard |
Delaware Belux | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 206 |
88 |
Othmane Mahfoud |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 204 |
89 |
Sofia Papastamkou |
C2dh, University Of Luxembourg |
s_papastamkou | Lille, France - Luxembourg | 204 |
90 |
Olivier Nizet |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 199 |
91 |
Andrey Latyshev |
University Of Luxembourg/sorbonne Université |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg/Paris | 194 |
92 |
Alice Snow |
No Company | Sn0wAlice | Luxembourg | 186 |
93 |
brams |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 186 |
94 |
Andrey Lechev | | No Twitter Username | Olm, Luxembourg | 183 |
95 |
Hugo Jahnke |
Autopass | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 178 |
96 |
Yannis Rousochatzakis |
@op-ted | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 171 |
97 |
Filtoid |
Electro Cat Studios | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 169 |
98 |
Benoît Durand |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 168 |
99 |
Sergei Mikhailov |
@oat-sa | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 158 |
100 |
Thibault Milan |
@smileinnovation | thibaultmilan | Luxembourg | 156 |
101 |
Geoffrey Crofte |
Foyer S.a. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 150 |
102 |
Snt - University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 148 |
103 |
Aaron |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 147 |
104 |
Harry |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 146 |
105 |
Delian Delchev |
Consultant | delian | Bulgaria, Luxembourg | 145 |
106 |
Yi-Nung Tsao |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg | 145 |
107 |
Lucas Zebrowsky |
Mabu Concepts S.a. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 141 |
108 |
oliver |
@next-gate-tech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 137 |
109 |
Diogo S.C. Fernandes |
Tu Delft | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 136 |
110 |
SvenGDK |
No Company | SvenGDK | Luxembourg | 134 |
111 |
Bernard Sadaka |
Icrc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 134 |
112 |
Sasan Jafarnejad |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 133 |
113 |
Sara André |
Empirys | hisarandre | luxembourg | 131 |
114 |
Erik Pillon |
Alphaomega Sa | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 128 |
115 |
Andreï V. Kostyrka |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 124 |
116 |
No Name |
Alumni @ 42 | No Twitter Username | Basque Country || Luxembourg | 119 |
117 |
Emma Schymanski |
Luxembourg Centre For Systems Biomedicine (lcsb), University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Belval, Luxembourg | 117 |
118 |
Alexandre |
No Company | No Twitter Username | France / Luxembourg | 117 |
119 |
David Morais Ferreira |
No Company | dmoraisferreira | Luxembourg | 115 |
120 |
Yannick Welsch |
No Company | ywelsch | Luxembourg | 114 |
121 |
Yannick Poirier |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 113 |
122 |
Jordi Cabot |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology |
JordiCabot | Luxembourg | 111 |
123 |
Federico Raimondi Cominesi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 111 |
124 |
Titcheu Yamdjeu Pierre Wilfried |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 111 |
125 |
Giovanni Prisco |
No Company | GiovanniPrisco1 | Luxembourg | 110 |
126 |
Alessandro Sclafani |
Eib | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 109 |
127 |
Y.S. |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 108 |
128 |
Martin Georgiev | | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Belgium | 107 |
129 |
Sylvere Richard |
No Company | nowheresly | Luxembourg | 106 |
130 |
Atmane TAOUSSI |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 106 |
131 |
Jason Rebelo |
Sncfl | igotinfected | Luxembourg | 102 |
132 |
David Tonhofer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 99 |
133 |
Yuri Golikov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 97 |
134 |
Gabriel |
Snt|spacer | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 97 |
135 |
Martin Simon |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 96 |
136 |
Jean-Claude Feltes |
Ltam | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 96 |
137 |
Sébastien DUPIRE |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 95 |
138 |
Gus Workman |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 95 |
139 |
Tugce Vatansever Gunduz |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 94 |
140 |
Sockthing |
No Company | socklessthing | Luxembourg | 94 |
141 |
Adem Ait Fonollà |
Snt - University Of Luxembourg |
Ait_fonolla | Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 94 |
142 |
Botond Pelyi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 94 |
143 |
Stéphane Este-Gracias |
No Company | sestegra | Luxembourg | 91 |
144 |
arnoeb.eth |
No Company | ArnaudEp20 | Luxembourg | 91 |
145 |
Philippe Collignon |
Starobject | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 90 |
146 |
Raphaël Ollando |
Snt, University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 90 |
147 |
Konstantin Vyatkin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 88 |
148 |
Moustapha Cheikh |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 88 |
149 |
Noel Vieira |
No Company | noelguiavieira | Luxembourg | 87 |
150 |
Pouria Katouzian |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 87 |
151 |
Leo Benkel |
@pure-lambda | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 84 |
152 |
Pierre |
Thales Cyber Solutions Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 83 |
153 |
Hugo Di Paolo |
Fdlv X Bil | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 83 |
154 |
Len Dierickx |
Available | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 81 |
155 |
Prasad ADHAV |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology |
No Twitter Username | Belval, Luxembourg | 81 |
156 |
Hugues Esc_ |
No Company | hugues_esc | Luxembourg | 80 |
157 |
Julien Klaer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 79 |
158 |
Stéphane Royer |
@fundprocess | paillave | Luxembourg | 78 |
159 |
Pierre Bernard |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 78 |
160 |
Leonardo Cruciani |
Università Di Trieste | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, LU | 78 |
161 |
Jan Krynauw |
Alis Exchange | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg & Johannesburg, ZA | 78 |
162 |
No Company | JulianWittische | Luxembourg | 78 |
163 |
Sam Grimee - LX2SG |
Cisco | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 77 |
164 |
Max |
No Company | nourcy | Luxembourg | 77 |
165 |
Eugene Kuzmenko |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Peppange, Luxembourg | 77 |
166 |
Claude Becker |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Switzerland/Luxembourg | 76 |
167 |
Mohammed Ashour |
@spireglobal | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 76 |
168 |
François Honoré (Acsone) |
@acsone | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 76 |
169 |
Nitish |
No Company | thenitishraj | Luxembourg | 75 |
170 |
Djessy Engo |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 74 |
171 |
André |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 74 |
172 |
Fedor Chikhachev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Belval, Luxembourg | 73 |
173 |
Fabiano Zonta |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 73 |
174 |
Mohammed Adams |
No Company | moadams847 | Esch, Luxembourg | 73 |
175 |
claudio |
University Of Luxembourg, Svv |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 73 |
176 |
Aleksandr Pilgun |
University Of Luxembourg | samsancho | Luxembourg | 72 |
177 |
Bertrand Choubert |
European Commission | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 71 |
178 |
Luis del Amo | | delamux | Luxembourg | 71 |
179 |
Yinghua Li |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 71 |
180 |
Jonathan Hiben |
Pwc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 71 |
181 |
Yann Hoffmann |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 70 |
182 |
Kizito Daka |
No Company | zitocod3z | Luxembourg | 68 |
183 |
Caio Mello |
Luxembourg Centre For Contemporary And Digital History (c²dh) |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 68 |
184 |
Michal Habera |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 67 |
185 |
Mickaël Derriey |
@makerxstudio | mderriey | Luxembourg | 66 |
186 |
Raikibul Hasan |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 66 |
187 |
Bereket A. Yilma |
University Of Luxembourg | bek_yilma | Luxembourg | 64 |
188 |
Ezhilmathi Krishnasamy |
Luxembourg University | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 63 |
189 |
Prateek Gupta |
Georgia Tech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 62 |
190 |
Francois Planque |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 61 |
191 |
Mohammad Alaee |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 61 |
192 |
Johannes Herforth |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 61 |
193 |
Julien Ehrhart |
Thales | JulienEhrhart | France / Luxembourg | 60 |
194 |
Piotr Nowak |
Domisoft | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 60 |
195 |
André Luiz Machado |
Oat - Open Assessment Technologies |
AndreLuizKbca | Luxembourg | 60 |
196 |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 59 |
197 |
Mathieu Leclaire |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 58 |
198 |
Adil Kabylda |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 56 |
199 |
Heiko Schütt |
Luxembourg University | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 55 |
200 |
Michel Kremer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 55 |
201 |
Thomas Defise |
Banking Circle | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 55 |
202 |
Dylan Santos |
Sfeir | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 54 |
203 |
Christophe Trefois |
Luxembourg National Data Service |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 53 |
204 |
Hacer Bilü |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 53 |
205 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 53 |
206 |
Johann Bernez |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 52 |
207 |
Not that smart |
Snt | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 52 |
208 |
Hesam Korki |
Lcsb (university Of Luxembourg) |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 51 |
209 |
Thiago Durante |
@startuplandia | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 51 |
210 |
Mats Brorsson |
University Of Luxembourg | matsbrorsson | Luxembourg | 51 |
211 |
No Name |
Luxembourg Institute Of Health |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 51 |
212 |
George Panagopoulos |
No Company | georgepanago5 | Luxembourg | 50 |
213 |
Gregory Wawszyniak Dumont |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 50 |
214 |
Renato Freire |
@nexxtlab | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 50 |
215 |
Sankalp |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 49 |
216 |
Joachim |
Tokeny | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 49 |
217 |
Serge Wagener |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 49 |
218 |
Vitor Arantes |
Esst Sa | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 48 |
219 |
Thomas Binsfeld (ACSONE) |
@acsone | ThomasBinsfeld | Luxembourg | 48 |
220 |
Ludovic Temgoua Abanda |
@hiis-io | No Twitter Username | Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 48 |
221 |
Sousa Ivan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 47 |
222 |
Sebastien Lempens |
Telkea Group | s_lempens | Luxembourg | 46 |
223 |
Alistair Plum |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 46 |
224 |
Dat Nguyen |
Cvi2, Snt, University Of Luxembourg |
vandat2912 | Belval, Luxembourg | 45 |
225 |
Vaibhav Mangroliya |
University Of Luxembourg | VaibhavKKM | Luxembourg | 43 |
226 |
Fränz Friederes |
@wierkstudio | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 42 |
227 |
∞ Lolmy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 40 |
228 |
Eugeniu Costetchi |
@meaningfy-ws | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 39 |
229 |
Davide Corradini |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 39 |
230 |
Ricard |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 39 |
231 |
Ehsan Ranjbari |
Solarcleano | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 38 |
232 |
Alex the Emperor Penguin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 38 |
233 |
Karthick Panner Selvam |
University Of Luxembourg | karthickhps | Luxembourg | 37 |
234 |
Tinouert Alexandre |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Campus de Belval, University of Luxembourg | 37 |
235 |
João Pardal |
@snt-spacer | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 37 |
236 |
Jorge Charry |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 37 |
237 |
No Name |
No Company | sl0wp0ke_LU | Luxembourg | 36 |
238 |
Aayush Garg, PhD |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology (list) |
AayushGarg4real | Luxembourg | 35 |
239 |
Gabriel Romon |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 35 |
240 |
Furkan KURT |
Salonkee | fkurt97 | Luxembourg | 35 |
241 |
Oswaldo Gressani |
Hasselt University | OswaldoGressani | Luxembourg | 35 |
242 |
sophie |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 35 |
243 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 35 |
244 |
Stuart Walker |
Kls | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 34 |
245 |
Yehwei |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 34 |
246 |
Vasilika Klimova |
@cute-geek | Lik04ka | Luxembourg | 33 |
247 |
Johann Großschädl |
University Of Luxembourg | JohGroLux | Luxembourg | 33 |
248 |
Eric Woillard |
No Company | No Twitter Username | France, Belgium, Luxembourg | 33 |
249 |
Affid |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 33 |
250 |
Eduard Gomoliako |
No Company | edyg | Luxembourg | 32 |
251 |
Sven Skyth Henriksen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 32 |
252 |
Eliot Henry |
42 Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 31 |
253 |
Laurent Heirendt |
@nablify | laurentheirendt | Luxembourg | 31 |
254 |
Thomas C. |
@webincompany | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 31 |
255 |
worlds-law |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 31 |
256 |
Elton Morais |
@felix-giorgetti-sar | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 30 |
257 |
DB |
Fujitsu | DjihadBENGATI | Luxembourg | 30 |
258 |
Muhammad Shaheer |
University Of Luxembourg | mshaheerahmed | Luxembourg | 30 |
259 |
Dario Cantella |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 30 |
260 |
Henri Gourvest |
Progdigysoftware Sarl | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 29 |
261 |
Nicolas Hefti |
@continuousphp | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 29 |
262 |
Jérémy |
@luxapps | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 29 |
263 |
Anand Shah |
Aws | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 29 |
264 |
Felix Gasiaux |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 29 |
265 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg / France | 28 |
266 |
Ken Harrison |
Https:// | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 28 |
267 |
Semih Güreşçi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 27 |
268 |
Stefan Winter |
Restena | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 27 |
269 |
Dave |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 27 |
270 |
Julien Del Piccolo |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 26 |
271 |
Michaël Karpe |
Spuerkeess | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 26 |
272 |
Jordan Samhi |
University Of Luxembourg | JordanSamhi | Luxembourg | 26 |
273 |
Julien Boucaron |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 26 |
274 |
No Name |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 26 |
275 |
Maschlax |
@wishmc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 26 |
276 |
Melisa Selin Welfringer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
277 |
Yannick Schaus |
No Company | No Twitter Username | France/Luxembourg | 25 |
278 |
Adrien Peiffer (ACSONE) |
Acsone | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
279 |
Emir Ayar |
Amazon Web Services | eercanayar | Luxembourg | 25 |
280 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
281 |
Carlos Vega |
Luxembourg Institute Of Health |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
282 |
Aleksandr |
Lux | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
283 |
Alex |
No Company | voxcrafter_lp | Luxembourg | 25 |
284 |
Jeremy |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 25 |
285 |
Ayoub |
Enicar | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 24 |
286 |
Andrea |
No Company | a_frittella | Luxembourg | 24 |
287 |
Louis Ewen |
Technical University Of Munich |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg / Munich | 24 |
288 |
mousticke.eth |
@bw-colossos | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 24 |
289 |
Yuejun Guo |
Luxembourg Institute Of Science And Technology |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 24 |
290 |
Danila Rukhovich |
No Company | filapro | Luxembourg | 23 |
291 |
Mohamed Laib |
List | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
292 |
Nil |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
293 |
Sebastien Schaeffler |
Deutsche Börse Group Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
294 |
Daniel Marín |
Cdt | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
295 |
Luis Nascimento |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
296 |
jdh-observer |
@c2dh | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
297 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
298 |
Vigilantia |
Vigilantia | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 23 |
299 |
polarnix |
No Company | No Twitter Username | luxembourg | 22 |
300 |
Pit |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 22 |
301 |
Sean Takats |
@zotero | stakats | Luxembourg | 21 |
302 |
Valentine Ubani Mayaki |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 21 |
303 |
Tamer Khraisha |
Flash Payments | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 21 |
304 |
Christophe Kamphaus |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 21 |
305 |
Torsten Anders |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
306 |
Stan Schymanski |
@list-luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Belvaux, Luxembourg | 20 |
307 |
Alexander Svozil |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
308 |
Praveen Orvakanti |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
309 |
Raoni Lourenco |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
310 |
Ange Chierchia |
@interactagency | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
311 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
312 |
Flaviene Scheidt de Cristo |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 20 |
313 |
Artur Carvalho |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 19 |
314 |
Okyanus Oral |
Snt - Sparc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 19 |
315 |
Ivan Budnyk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 19 |
316 |
nouhin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 19 |
317 |
Dragos STOICA |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 18 |
318 |
Alex Nesovic |
Infocom | alexandrenesov | Luxembourg | 18 |
319 |
reinhardt1053 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 18 |
320 |
Anshul Sharma |
@ankorstore | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 18 |
321 |
Olivier PIERRE |
Neopixl | oxeron | Luxembourg | 18 |
322 |
Olivier Gérardin |
@sfeir | ogerardin | Luxembourg | 18 |
323 |
Nicla M. Notarangelo |
@weo-water | NiclaMN | Luxembourg | 18 |
324 |
Georgios Varisteas |
Flash Payments | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 18 |
325 |
Robin Köstler |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 18 |
326 |
ZahraHashemi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Université de Luxembourg | 17 |
327 |
Marco Rodrigues |
Autodidact | Infra Magicien | It Enthusiast |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 17 |
328 |
Quincy Kwende |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 17 |
329 |
Milad Mirzaei |
University Of Luxembourg | Malo_Mirzaei | Luxembourg | 17 |
330 |
Marco Alecci |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 17 |
331 |
Miguet Gauthier |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 17 |
332 |
Alex Plekhanov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 16 |
333 |
Arnaud Christ |
European Investment Bank | arn_aud | Luxembourg | 16 |
334 |
Ilovemyhouse |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 16 |
335 |
Konstantinos Tsirkou |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 16 |
336 |
Jung Hyun Kim |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 16 |
337 |
Viktor Vincze |
Toptal | wintercounter1 | Luxembourg & Germany | 15 |
338 |
Barış Can Esmer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Germany / Luxembourg | 15 |
339 |
Joseph HALTER |
@openhood | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
340 |
Alexandre |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
341 |
Rodolfo Martins |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
342 |
David Somers |
No Company | omz13 | Luxembourg | 15 |
343 |
No Name |
Docler Holding S.à R.l. |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
344 |
Guillaume STEIN |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
345 |
Xavier-Robert FRANÇOIS |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
346 |
Ashish Meshram (Meet) |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
347 |
Martin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 15 |
348 |
Kiyoshy Nakamura |
Université Du Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 15 |
349 |
Youssouf Drif |
Snt | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 14 |
350 |
Adelene Lai |
Weo | AdeleneLai | Luxembourg | 14 |
351 |
Fén0l |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 14 |
352 |
Julien Pascal |
Bcl | Juli3nPascal | Luxembourg | 13 |
353 |
Mustapha Alaouy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 13 |
354 |
Pantelis Dogoulis |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 13 |
355 |
Romang |
No Company | eromang | Luxembourg | 13 |
356 |
Henri HOYEZ |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 13 |
357 |
Renato Dinis |
Atuals | renato_diniss | Luxembourg | 13 |
358 |
Alexandre L. |
@interactagency | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 13 |
359 |
Jean-Sébastien |
Luxembourg Institut For Science And Technology |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 13 |
360 |
Michel Weimerskirch |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
361 |
Vitalii Velikodnyi |
Software Engineer, Edge Network At @g-core |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
362 |
Peter Gilles |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
363 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
364 |
European-Dynamics-RnD |
European Dynamics Luxemburg Sa |
No Twitter Username | 12, Jean Engling str. L-1466 Luxembourg | 12 |
365 |
Thiago Klein Reque |
Arhs Spikeseed | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
366 |
Steven Ribeiro |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
367 |
Jordan Becker |
@allsquare | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
368 |
Guillaume-Jean Herbiet |
Fondation Restena | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
369 |
Tudor |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
370 |
Vasily Pyatykh |
Docler Holding | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
371 |
Tanguy Orsini |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
372 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
373 |
Tim Strasser |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 12 |
374 |
Adam Cécile |
Letz-it Sarl-s | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
375 |
Bob Fisch |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
376 |
James Rivett-Carnac |
Spire Global | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
377 |
Ricardo Miguez |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 11 |
378 |
Pacifique Cishiku Mukuna |
Sfeir - Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
379 |
Rajat Singh |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
380 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Foetz, Luxembourg | 11 |
381 |
Milos Ojdanic |
University Of Luxembourg | milos_ojdanic | Luxembourg City | 11 |
382 |
Pierre Chauvin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | France / Luxembourg | 11 |
383 |
Anna Schritz |
Luxembourg Institute Of Health |
No Twitter Username | Strassen, Luxembourg | 11 |
384 |
rogozinds |
Home | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
385 |
Kevin |
@luxapps | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
386 |
Alberto |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 11 |
387 |
seyedamir shobeiri |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
388 |
Pedro Entringer |
Meu Rastreio (brazil) | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
389 |
Jonathan Tron |
Openhood | JonathanTron | France / Luxembourg | 10 |
390 |
Jader Martins |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
391 |
Joern Kottmann |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
392 |
Ed |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
393 |
Huseyin Zengin |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
394 |
Erf |
Filedgr | er_falk | Luxembourg | 10 |
395 |
No Name |
Dxc | No Twitter Username | luxembourg | 10 |
396 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 10 |
397 |
Benedetto Lo Giudice |
@draios | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
398 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
399 |
Tamas Besenyei |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
400 |
Bertrand Lorentz |
No Company | bl8 | Luxembourg | 9 |
401 |
Christoph Purschke |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
402 |
Pierrick Vandenbroucke |
@nowina-solutions | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
403 |
Eugen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
404 |
Bacem Etteib |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
405 |
Hemanth Kakarla |
@abinbev @infosys @zf @hpe |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
406 |
Barbara MMCS |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
407 |
Matteo Bucci |
Roommate S.a | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
408 |
Nicolas d'Oreye |
Ecgs/nmnh | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
409 |
Tahar Adam AMAIRI |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
410 |
Steve Muller |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
411 |
Gregorio Mongelli |
Ophrys Engineering S. À R. L. |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
412 |
Parvin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
413 |
JP |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
414 |
Victor0902 |
Cyber Horizons, Inc. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 9 |
415 |
Gildas Cuisinier |
Ctie | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
416 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
417 |
Imil Ziyaztdinov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
418 |
Adrien Pellegrini |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
419 |
Renaud Chardin |
@sfeir | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
420 |
Roberto Bernardelli |
Amazon Eu | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
421 |
Daniel Reynaud |
Fund-channel | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
422 |
Alessio |
Aidd | SuperFalla | Luxembourg | 8 |
423 |
Hugo Costa |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
424 |
Tiago Gonçalves |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 8 |
425 |
Slava Vedenin |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
426 |
seryuroot |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
427 |
Armand Wegnez |
Penseur | _armandwegnez | Luxembourg / London / Paris | 7 |
428 |
Pedro Queirós |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
429 |
Murat Aydogdu |
No Company | by_murat | Luxembourg | 7 |
430 |
Hao Cheng |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
431 |
Andreas |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
432 |
Deloitte | SnyDrive | Luxembourg | 7 |
433 |
Ka |
Ka | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 7 |
434 |
Aman Arora |
@snt-spacer, University Of Luxembourg |
amanarora_09 | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 6 |
435 |
David Raison |
@tentwentyfour | No Twitter Username | Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 6 |
436 |
Mykola Orliuk |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
437 |
João Felício |
Pwc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
438 |
Sam Afshari |
Neatcapital Oü | samafshari | Luxembourg / North Pole | 6 |
439 |
Hadrien Boyer |
Freelance // Ceo Of Byte Bakers |
hadri3n | Paris & Metz, France — Luxembourg, Lux. | 6 |
440 |
Nikhil Bhatia |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
441 |
Daniel Iziourov |
@nebius | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
442 |
Daniel Gray |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
443 |
Tom Pillot |
Police Grand Ducal | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
444 |
Sergii Gulenok |
Okami Technologies Oü | ashenwolf | Luxembourg | 6 |
445 |
Joel Bout |
Oat Sa | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
446 |
Dmitrii Petukhov | | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
447 |
Daniel Murphy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
448 |
No Company | MYBONK_ | El Salavador / Luxembourg | 6 |
449 |
Laura Trivino |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
450 |
Daniel Halasz |
Ankorstore | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
451 |
Lourenco Steve |
Accounttech Sarl | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
452 |
Lucas Schaefer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
453 |
Christophe |
No Company | mccricri | Luxembourg | 6 |
454 |
Limbania Fagalde |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
455 |
No Name |
Its4u | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
456 |
Pontus Öwre |
Shares | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 6 |
457 |
Mustafa Aldemir |
Amazon Web Services | mstfldmr | Luxembourg | 5 |
458 |
Joker2a |
No Company | joker2a1 | Luxembourg | 5 |
459 |
Renato Avellar Nobre |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
460 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
461 |
Alexandre Hublau |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette | 5 |
462 |
Michaël Garrez |
@ankorstore | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
463 |
Julien |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
464 |
Florian Sey |
@neofacto | floriansey | Luxembourg | 5 |
465 |
Jeff Hemmen |
Gov | JeffHemmen | Luxembourg | 5 |
466 |
Jérôme Bogaerts |
@oat-sa | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
467 |
Yohan Jarosz |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
468 |
Frank Lazzarini |
Post Technologies S.a. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
469 |
marvinav |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
470 |
macskas |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 5 |
471 |
Ben Bausch |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
472 |
Amal_AKLI |
Snt | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
473 |
Frank Broy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
474 |
mkoster |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
475 |
No Name |
@awslabs | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 5 |
476 |
Giorgos |
List | No Twitter Username | Belval, Luxembourg | 5 |
477 |
Guillaume Gouessan |
Freelance | No Twitter Username | Paris and Luxembourg | 4 |
478 |
Andrea Fabrizi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
479 |
Oleg Strelenko |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
480 |
Johan Grip |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
481 |
Jeovane H. Alves |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
482 |
Quentin |
@messagebird | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
483 |
Grégory Nain |
@datathings | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 4 |
484 |
Cédric Pigeon (Optitoo) |
Optitoo S.à R.l. | No Twitter Username | Windhof (Luxembourg) | 4 |
485 |
Mengxi He |
Gradel | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
486 |
tweekdev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg && France && Paris | 4 |
487 |
Alex |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
488 |
stenocyb |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
489 |
Philip Shishov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 4 |
490 |
Ilya Arzhannikov |
Artec 3d | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
491 |
Christoph Meier |
Foyer | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
492 |
Daniel Wahl |
No Company | danielwahl_lu | Luxembourg | 4 |
493 |
Altay |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
494 |
Matteo Makovec |
Ntt Data Inc. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 4 |
495 |
Mert Akengin |
$amzn | _space_latte | Luxembourg | 3 |
496 |
Ons Aouedi |
University Of Luxembourg | AouediO | Luxembourg | 3 |
497 |
Thierry |
@geoportail-luxembou | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
498 |
Luc Sinet |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 3 |
499 |
Pierre Tomasina |
No Company | Pierozi | Luxembourg | 3 |
500 |
Halil Erdoğan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
501 |
Hatice Sireci |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
502 |
Arthur Gribet |
Plugandcom | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
503 |
Xavi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
504 |
Christopher Gadzinski |
University Of Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
505 |
kawan16 |
Sfeir | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
506 |
No Name |
@keym-music | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
507 |
Claudio Cimarelli |
Circu Li-ion | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
508 |
Carlo S. Sartori |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
509 |
Benjamin Peyresaubes |
@marketleap-tech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
510 |
OrionDeimos |
Qudit - Quantum Of Particule |
OrionDeimos | Luxembourg | 3 |
511 |
Andrey Gerasimov |
Gcore | Geri4x | Luxembourg | 3 |
512 |
Andrei Zaichikov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
513 |
Sukmanov Bogdan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Belgium / Luxembourg | 3 |
514 |
Łukasz Ozimek |
Letz Code | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
515 |
Marc Weydert |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
516 |
Sébastien Ritz |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Metz (France) | Luxembourg | 3 |
517 |
Bruno Belvedere |
Devoteam | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
518 |
Gene Pavlovsky |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
519 |
MayaLb |
Student At Higher National School Of Computer Science |software Engineering |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
520 |
Vilen Jumutc |
Talkwalker | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
521 |
Gogopro |
European School 2 Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
522 |
Clément Janssens |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Belgium, Luxembourg | 3 |
523 |
Kęstutis Triponis |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
524 |
Sven Cannivy |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
525 |
Florian Philippi |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
526 |
Vincent Castelain |
@elseu | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
527 |
Quentin Francavilla |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
528 |
Andrei Matracaru |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
529 |
Frank Gelhausen |
Luxbyte Sarls | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
530 |
Romain Lafontaine |
Rh Medias | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
531 |
Laimis Šilkaitis |
Bachelor Student At Luxembourg University |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 3 |
532 |
Ümit Kaan Usta |
@amzn Amazon | umitkaanusta | Luxembourg | 2 |
533 |
Ali Mahzoun |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
534 |
Lorenzo Mainetti |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
535 |
Pierre PACI |
Fundsdlt | pierre_paci | Luxembourg | 2 |
536 |
Luis Leiva |
No Company | luileito | Luxembourg | 2 |
537 |
Mir Tanvir Islam |
Amazon | mirtanvirislam | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 2 |
538 |
Bitcoin Inc |
Bitcoin Inc | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
539 |
Ilyass Ben Hakim |
Self Employed | ilyassbhdev | Luxembourg | 2 |
540 |
Antonio Ken Iannillo |
Snt, Unilu | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
541 |
Fabrice Croiseaux |
@intechgrp | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
542 |
Guillaume Bour |
Deutsche Börse Group | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
543 |
Chirag Arora |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
544 |
Balázs Zubák |
Docler Holding | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
545 |
j fer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
546 |
adam | | signed_adam | Luxembourg | 2 |
547 |
Yassine Sedrani |
In Mind Web | 0xynone | Luxembourg | 2 |
548 |
alper bayram |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
549 |
No Name |
La Provençale Sàrl | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
550 |
Yves Glodt |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
551 |
Ehab Hassan Hussein |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
552 |
Shoaib |
Ewostech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
553 |
Daniel Andrés Pérez Pérez |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
554 |
Emmanuel Duplay |
@gomspace | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
555 |
Oghale Ekaba |
Gun | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
556 |
Arthur |
@spear-lu | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
557 |
Alexander Fedorov |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
558 |
Aurélien Savart |
Knytify | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
559 |
Raoul Thill |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
560 |
Silvio |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
561 |
Abel Kevin Ngaleu |
Mistermind | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
562 |
nawfel |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
563 |
Pierre-Olivier VERSCHOORE |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
564 |
George Miscalencu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
565 |
Saifeddine Mahjoub |
Sfeir | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
566 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 2 |
567 |
Marc Backes |
Talkevent Software | themarcba | Luxembourg | 1 |
568 |
Moad HANI |
University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
569 |
Mike K. |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
570 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
571 |
Guilherme Donato |
@gdtic | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
572 |
Loris Laera |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
573 |
Benyamina Mohammed |
@open-minds | bendabizadam | Schengen Luxembourg | 1 |
574 |
Maciej Żurad |
Lmo ( | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 1 |
575 |
Université Du Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Université du Luxembourg 29, avenue JF Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Campus Office, JFK Building, E03-310 | 1 |
576 |
Andrei Bunulu |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Germany | 1 |
577 |
Mauro |
Cap4lab | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
578 |
Hugome |
Luxchan S.a. R.l-s | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
579 |
Xavier A |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 1 |
580 |
Fabian Lauer |
Docler Holding | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
581 |
Maximilian Fünfgeld |
Luxembourg Institute Of Health @lihhub |
mfuenfgeld | Luxembourg | 1 |
582 |
Gabriella Esteves |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
583 |
Michel Barnich |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
584 |
Benoît Frisch |
@befreshlu | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
585 |
Süleyman GÜNDÜZ |
Docler Holding Luxembourg | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
586 |
Mauricio Blum |
No Company | maublum | Luxembourg | 1 |
587 |
Abel Bisch |
Ariman | marcabelbisch | Luxembourg | 1 |
588 |
Fernando Reis |
European Commission (eurostat) | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
589 |
Claude Biver |
No Company | 0xClaude | Luxembourg | 1 |
590 |
Adrian Hacar Sobrino |
Luxprovide | adrihacar | Luxembourg | 1 |
591 |
Aina |
Sesamm | No Twitter Username | Metz - Luxembourg | 1 |
592 |
Arnaud Mazier |
University Of Luxembourg | ArnaudMazier | Luxembourg | 1 |
593 |
Benjamin Noureux |
Sfeir | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 1 |
594 |
Denis Gervalle |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
595 |
Diaa Radwan |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
596 |
No Name |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
597 |
Mohtashem Makhdoomi |
Snt | No Twitter Username | Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg | 1 |
598 |
Silvio Domingos |
Neofacto | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
599 |
Cyril Cecchinel |
Datathings S.a. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | 1 |
600 |
Iman Gowhari |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
601 |
Nath |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
602 |
Fares Qdr |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
603 |
Georges Jentgen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
604 |
Luc |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
605 |
Ozan Cihangir |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
606 |
Philip Pencal |
Alterdomus | philippencal | Luxembourg | 1 |
607 |
J.Ruckert |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
608 |
Pavel Brylov |
@jobtoday | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
609 |
johnwilson911 |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
610 |
Bruno Klein |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
611 |
Anita Lucchesi |
University Of Luxembourg @c2dh ¦ @tropy |
alucchesi | Luxembourg | 1 |
612 |
Patric Bechtel |
Oashi S.à R.l. | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
613 |
Gleb |
Artec3d | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
614 |
Philippe Schmidt (ACSONE) |
Acsone | No Twitter Username | Kehlen (Luxembourg) | 1 |
615 |
Andrey Lebedev |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
616 |
Rickdana |
Clearstream Services | rick_dana | Luxembourg | 1 |
617 |
Roozbeh Qorbanian |
University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
618 |
Mariam Narchemashvili |
Amazon | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
619 |
Roman M. |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
620 |
Amandine D |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
621 |
Dimitris Kiziridis |
Eib | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
622 |
Marco L. Abreu |
No Company | marcolabreu | Luxembourg | 1 |
623 |
Carp-Bezverhnii Maxim |
Nextgatetech | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
624 |
Madhavan Sriram |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
625 |
Mirko Guarnier |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
626 |
David Naramski |
Nowina Solutions | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
627 |
Guillaume "B.B." Van Hemmen |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
628 |
Sascha Herzinger |
Lcsb - University Of Luxembourg |
No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
629 |
Alexandre JACQUOT |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
630 |
Yves Maurer |
No Company | No Twitter Username | Luxembourg | 1 |
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