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147 lines (122 loc) · 13.1 KB

v7.0.0 (release candidate)

✨ Features

  • More streamlined HTML skeleton and more flexbox-based CSS (as opposed to table-based)
  • No longer a need to call .updateSize() after the page's dimensions have been programmatically changed. All sizing/positioning of events and views will stay updated automatically. Related to the "resizing" bugfixes below.
  • Improve Bootstrap 5 theme color mode, use of semantic color vars (#7465)
  • eventSlicing setting, which controls whether DayGrid can can put fragments of multi-day events with +more links. Defaults to true to preserve v6 compatibility.
  • In Resource Timeline view, resourceAreaHeaderContent above columns now stays fixed during horizontal scrolling (#7779)
  • If resourceAreaWidth or resourceAreaColumns.width specified as percentage, will persist as percentage after user-resize

⌚ Performance

  • Fixed unnecessary event rendering and calling of eventContent when unrelated events change (#3003, #7650)
  • DayGrid/TimeGrid rendering performance gain (#7677)
  • MultiMonth performance gain, solving "Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took <#> ms" violation (#7209)
  • Less layout thrashing (#4906)
  • Less flickering during event rerendering for React connector (#7488)

:accessibility: Accessibility

  • Better table semantics for screen readers (#6641, #7656, #7455)
  • Non-editable events should not be rendered as anchor tags (#7675)
  • List-view weekday navLinks should not have aria-hidden (#7645)
  • List-view accessibility markup less table-like, more list-like. Removed table pseudo-headers and thus removed the eventHint and timeHint locale settings.
  • TimeGrid accessibility markup more table-like, puts timed events in single "row" labelled by timedText setting
  • Add aria-current="date" for "today" highlight (#7502)
  • Use aria-label instead of title attribute (#7584)
  • Aria improvement for view-switcher within toolbar (#7809, #6522)
  • Customizable heading hierarchy level via headingLevel (#6972)
  • Improve MultiMonth title hierarchy via role=list (#7537)
  • Improve +more link popover-like aria attributes (#7567)
  • Improve navLink aria attributes, give role=link (#7567)
  • Give role=button to clickable event elements w/o urls (#7567)
  • Tabbable popover close button (#7157)
  • Navigate popover items with keyboard (#6624)
  • Disabled day cells have broken ARIA references (#7379)
  • Move aria-label/labelledby away from invalid elements to cells (#7566)
  • Invalid role attributes on td/th/tr elements inside a table element (#7568)
  • Event time order different than DOM order, bad for tabbing (#6943)
  • Certain date/time text should be text-selectable (#5628)

All calendar views now pass Axe accessibility testing with the exception of a false-positive scrollbar error (TODO: create demo of workaround)

🖨️ Printing

  • DayGrid
    • Event titles should not repeat each day (#6657)
  • TimeGrid
    • First page blank when multiple pages (#7007)
    • Last event cut-off when multiple pages (#7673)
    • Show all time slot lines (#5465)
      • NOTE: Impossible to achieve multi-page breaking in Firefox, so falls back to flat list of events without slot lines
  • Timeline
  • Resource-Timeline
    • Resource rows no longer break across pages
    • Resource-area columns shrink-to-fit based on percentage, saving more space for timeline

🪲 Bugfixes

  • Responsiveness
    • "More" button (events) on smartphones not working properly (#2991)
    • Toolbar CSS is more robust on smaller screens and more customizable for desired responsive behavior (#4638)
  • Resizing
    • Layout does not resize to new container width after browser resizing (#6407)
    • Resource rows don't adjust height to fit resourceLaneContent (#6103)
    • Resource rows don't render with correct height (#6082)
    • Dynamic calendar width doesn't adjust (#5507)
    • Adjust calendar sizing when scrollbar width changes (or (de)activated) (#5561)
    • Day number in day cells are hidden by vertical scrollbar (#6798)
  • Scrollbars
    • Don't show MacOS/iOS hovering scrollbars in timeline header/left (#5180)
    • Disable hovering scrollbars in header/resourceArea (#6894)
    • Unnecessary scrollbars in day headers (#6047)
  • List View sticky headers lack bottom border (#7778)
  • Vertical Resource views with no resources shows blank resource row (#7377)
  • DayGrid view
    • Better dayGrid height row height, height:auto, and +more link behavior (#6033)
    • Day cells are not always equal height with calendar height set to auto (#5762)
    • Events not rendered when container is resized (#7555)
    • Events overflow below day cell with dayMaxEvents:true and showNonCurrentDates:false (#6749)
    • Events times are cutoff with eventDisplay: "block" when there is not enough space for the title (#6457)
    • Compressed space between events in dayGrid when month-start title (#7184)
  • Resource-Timeline scrolls down when it shouldn't, attempting to preserve scroll state (#4443)
  • The moreLinkClick date is always UTC, not adjusted by timezone plugins (#7314)
  • TimeGrid "all-day" text is better aligned, better split across multiple lines

⚠️ Breaking Changes

v7 is designed to be backwards-compatible with v6, but with the following minor exceptions:

  • API changes
    • windowResize event no longer fires
    • windowResizeDelay setting removed
    • handleWindowResize callback removed
    • The moreLinkClick date will be adjusted to a timezone plugin's offset, no longer unconditionally UTC
    • Removed Angular 12 support
    • Users of @fullcalendar/icalendar must upgrade their ical.js peerDependency to v2 (#7734)
    • Users of @fullcalendar/bootstrap5 must upgrade bootstrap to 5.2.x or newer and explicitly list it as as peerDependency
  • Visual-only changes
    • For all table headers, no longer bold styling by default. To restore, use the following CSS: .fc-header-cell { font-weight: bold }
    • Newlines in allDayText will be displayed as line breaks in TimeGrid
    • Disabled days (via validRange) now display text in TimeGrid and DayGrid header cells. Still no content within body cells.
    • The multiMonthMinWidth pixel value now includes the padding within each month tile
    • For headerToolbar/footerToolbar for RTL calendars, elements within toolbar sections specified as left and right now span right-to-left
    • Bootstrap theme default line-height less chunky
    • TimeGrid overlapping events that previously spanned full column width now have a right margin. This was an accidental regression from v5 -> v6, and the v5 behavior is restored (#6569)
    • The weekNumbers:true setting no longer displays week numbers in certain cases:
      • resourceTimeGridDay view, because x-axis header cell alongside resource names is reserved for a future label
      • dayGridDay view, dayGridWeek view, or any dayGrid-based view with only one row
  • Markup-related changes
    • See for how to upgrade your custom CSS
  • FullCalendar-internal exports
    • DayTable from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/internal' removed
    • DayTableView from '@fullcalendar/daygrid/internal' renamed to DayGridView
    • DayTimeCols from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/internal' removed
    • DayTimeColsView from '@fullcalendar/timegrid/internal' renamed to TimeGridView

⏩ Features Postponed Until v7.1

Unfortunately we didn't have time to do these but will implement them in a follow-up minor release:

  • Improve resource timeline performance with virtual rendering (#5673)
  • Resource open/close animation (#4844)

📜 License Change to Premium Packages

While the STANDARD FullCalendar packages have been, and always will be, licensed under the permissive MIT license, the PREMIUM packages have more complex licensing:

Application Type Company Type v6 Premium License
Closed-source For-profit Custom commercial license
Closed-source Not-for-profit Creative Commons non-commercial license
Open-source For-profit GPLv3 copyleft license
Open-source Not-for-profit GPLv3 copyleft license

In v7, AGPLv3 is replacing GPLv3 as the copyleft license used for open-source projects. If your project's frontend and backend are open-source and AGPLv3-compliant, use the following license key:

schedulerLicenseKey: 'AGPL-My-Frontend-And-Backend-Are-Open-Source'

We've discovered a few instances of for-profit companies using FullCalendar Premium in closed-source projects, claiming to be GPLv3-compliant via the SaaS loophole. By switching to AGPLv3, we are closing this loophole and forcing such companies to either purchase a commercial license or stay on v6.

If you are the author of a GPL'd SaaS project that uses FullCalendar Premium and are concerned that you cannot upgrade to v7 due to the license change, please consider the benefits of switching to AGPLv3 yourself.