diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/NUnit3.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/NUnit3.fs
index d8a8b5a3b92..59fa0dc8a1e 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/NUnit3.fs
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/UnitTest/NUnit/NUnit3.fs
@@ -7,19 +7,20 @@ open System.IO
open Fake
/// Process model for NUnit 3 to use.
-type NUnit3ProcessModel =
+type NUnit3ProcessModel =
| DefaultProcessModel
| SingleProcessModel
| SeparateProcessModel
- | MultipleProcessModel with
+ | MultipleProcessModel with
member x.ParamString =
match x with
| DefaultProcessModel -> ""
| SingleProcessModel -> "Single"
- | SeparateProcessModel -> "Separate"
+ | SeparateProcessModel -> "Separate"
| MultipleProcessModel -> "Multiple"
/// The --domain option controls of the creation of AppDomains for running tests. See [NUnit-Console Command Line Options](http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=consoleCommandLine&r=2.6.4)
-type NUnit3DomainModel =
+type NUnit3DomainModel =
/// The default is to use multiple domains if multiple assemblies are listed on the command line. Otherwise a single domain is used.
| DefaultDomainModel
/// No domain is created - the tests are run in the primary domain. This normally requires copying the NUnit assemblies into the same directory as your tests.
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ type NUnit3DomainModel =
/// The --framework option in running NUnit 3. There are three kinds - VXY, which means either .NET framework or Mono, NetXY (use .NET framework with given version)
/// and MonoXY (Mono framework with given version). You can use Net or Mono to let NUnit select the version.
-/// You can pass any value using Other.
+/// You can pass any value using Other.
type NUnit3Runtime =
/// Uses the runtime under which the assembly was built.
| Default
@@ -84,6 +85,23 @@ type NUnit3Runtime =
/// Option which allows to specify if a NUnit error should break the build.
type NUnit3ErrorLevel = TestRunnerErrorLevel
+/// The --trace option in NUnit3 console runner. Specifies the internal nunit runner log level.
+type NUnit3TraceLevel =
+ | Default
+ | Off
+ | Error
+ | Warning
+ | Info
+ | Verbose
+ member x.ParamString =
+ match x with
+ | Default -> ""
+ | Off -> "Off"
+ | Error -> "Error"
+ | Warning -> "Warning"
+ | Info -> "Info"
+ | Verbose -> "Verbose"
/// The --labels option in NUnit3 console runner. Specify whether to write test case names to the output.
type LabelsLevel =
| Default
@@ -108,8 +126,8 @@ type NUnit3Params =
/// The name (or path) of a file containing a list of tests to run or explore, one per line.
Testlist : string
- /// An expression indicating which tests to run. It may specify test names, classes, methods,
- /// catgories or properties comparing them to actual values with the operators ==, !=, =~ and !~.
+ /// An expression indicating which tests to run. It may specify test names, classes, methods,
+ /// catgories or properties comparing them to actual values with the operators ==, !=, =~ and !~.
/// See [NUnit documentation](https://github.com/nunit/docs/wiki/Test-Selection-Language) for a full description of the syntax.
Where : string
@@ -126,7 +144,7 @@ type NUnit3Params =
/// Controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. See: [NUnit3ProcessModel](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3domainmodel.html).
Domain : NUnit3DomainModel
/// Allows you to specify the version of the runtime to be used in executing tests.
/// Default value is runtime under which the assembly was built. See: [NUnit3Runtime](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3runtime.html).
Framework : NUnit3Runtime
@@ -176,6 +194,9 @@ type NUnit3Params =
/// Default: [TestRunnerErrorLevel](fake-unittestcommon-testrunnererrorlevel.html).Error
ErrorLevel : NUnit3ErrorLevel
+ /// Controls the trace logs NUnit3 will output, defaults to Off
+ TraceLevel : NUnit3TraceLevel
/// The [NUnit3Params](fake-testing-nunit3-nunit3params.html) default parameters.
@@ -185,7 +206,7 @@ type NUnit3Params =
/// - `Where` - `""`
/// - `Config` - `""`
/// - `ProcessModel` - `DefaultProcessModel`
-/// - `Agents` - `None`
+/// - `Agents` - `None`
/// - `Domain` - `DefaultDomainModel`
/// - `Framework` - `""`
/// - `Force32bit` - `false`
@@ -201,6 +222,7 @@ type NUnit3Params =
/// - `ShadowCopy` - `false`
/// - `TeamCity` - `false`
/// - `ErrorLevel` - `Error`
+/// - `TraceLevel` - `Default` (By default NUnit3 sets this to off internally)
/// ## Defaults
let NUnit3Defaults =
@@ -225,7 +247,8 @@ let NUnit3Defaults =
ShadowCopy = false
TeamCity = false
Labels = LabelsLevel.Default
- ErrorLevel = Error
+ ErrorLevel = NUnit3ErrorLevel.Error
+ TraceLevel= NUnit3TraceLevel.Default
/// Tries to detect the working directory as specified in the parameters or via TeamCity settings
@@ -253,6 +276,7 @@ let buildNUnit3Args parameters assemblies =
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Domain.ParamString "--domain="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Framework.ParamString "--framework="
|> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.Labels.ParamString "--labels="
+ |> appendIfNotNullOrEmpty parameters.TraceLevel.ParamString "--trace="
|> appendIfTrue parameters.Force32bit "--x86"
|> appendIfTrue parameters.DisposeRunners "--dispose-runners"
|> appendIfTrue (parameters.TimeOut <> NUnit3Defaults.TimeOut) (sprintf "--timeout=%i" (int parameters.TimeOut.TotalMilliseconds))
@@ -278,23 +302,23 @@ let NUnit3 (setParams : NUnit3Params -> NUnit3Params) (assemblies : string seq)
let args = buildNUnit3Args parameters assemblies
trace (tool + " " + args)
let processTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue // Don't set a process timeout. The timeout is per test.
- let result =
- ExecProcess (fun info ->
+ let result =
+ ExecProcess (fun info ->
info.FileName <- tool
info.WorkingDirectory <- getWorkingDir parameters
info.Arguments <- args) processTimeout
- let errorDescription error =
+ let errorDescription error =
match error with
| OK -> "OK"
| TestsFailed -> sprintf "NUnit test failed (%d)." error
| FatalError x -> sprintf "NUnit test failed. Process finished with exit code %s (%d)." x error
match parameters.ErrorLevel with
- | DontFailBuild ->
+ | NUnit3ErrorLevel.DontFailBuild ->
match result with
| OK | TestsFailed -> ()
| _ -> raise (FailedTestsException(errorDescription result))
- | Error | FailOnFirstError ->
+ | NUnit3ErrorLevel.Error | FailOnFirstError ->
match result with
| OK -> ()
| _ -> raise (FailedTestsException(errorDescription result))
diff --git a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/NUnit3Specs.cs b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/NUnit3Specs.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..194d948c147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/NUnit3Specs.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+using System;
+using Fake.Testing;
+using Machine.Specifications;
+namespace Test.FAKECore.Testing.NUnit3Specs
+ [Subject(typeof(NUnit3), "runner argument construction")]
+ internal abstract class BuildArgumentsSpecsBase
+ {
+ private Establish context = () =>
+ {
+ Assemblies = new[] {"test1.dll", "test2.dll"};
+ Parameters = NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults;
+ };
+ Because of = () =>
+ {
+ Arguments = NUnit3.buildNUnit3Args(Parameters, Assemblies);
+ Console.WriteLine(Arguments);
+ };
+ protected static NUnit3.NUnit3Params Parameters;
+ protected static string[] Assemblies;
+ protected static string Arguments;
+ }
+ internal class When_using_the_default_parameters
+ : BuildArgumentsSpecsBase
+ {
+ It should_not_set_any_trace_value = () =>
+ {
+ Arguments.ShouldNotContain("--trace");
+ };
+ }
+ internal class When_using_non_default_trace_parameter
+ : BuildArgumentsSpecsBase
+ {
+ Establish context = () =>
+ {
+ Parameters = new NUnit3.NUnit3Params(
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ToolPath,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Testlist,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Where,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Config,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ProcessModel,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Agents,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Domain,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Framework,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Force32bit,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.DisposeRunners,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.TimeOut,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Seed,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Workers,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.StopOnError,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.WorkingDir,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.OutputDir,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ErrorDir,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ResultSpecs,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ShadowCopy,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.TeamCity,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.Labels,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3Defaults.ErrorLevel,
+ NUnit3.NUnit3TraceLevel.Verbose);
+ };
+ It should_include_the_expected_trace_argument = () =>
+ {
+ Arguments.ShouldContain(@"--trace=Verbose");
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
index 220c0cc0a74..7ba2b88a1b4 100644
--- a/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
+++ b/src/test/Test.FAKECore/Test.FAKECore.csproj
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@