diff --git a/help/sonarcube.md b/help/sonarcube.md
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+# Analyze your code with SonarQube
+From the [web page](http://sonarqube.org):
+"The SonarQube® platform is an open source quality management platform, dedicated to continuously analyzing and measuring the technical quality of source code, from project portfolio down to the method level"
+It can analyze a lot of different programming languages, from PHP, Erlang, Css to Cobol. C# can be installed
+with an additional plugin. This must be done on the SonarQube server.
+To support the analysis process on a build server, an additional command line tool called "MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe"
+must be used. The sonar qube module in FAKE provides a function 'SonarQube' to call this tool with the needed parameters.
+This function must be called twice, one time at the beginning of the compilation process and one time after
+compilation has finished. Then the result is collected and send to the SonarQube server.
+## Minimal working example
+ Target "BeginSonarQube" (fun _ ->
+ SonarQube Begin (fun p ->
+ {p with
+ Key = "MyProject"
+ Name = "Main solution"
+ Version = "1.0.0" })
+ )
+ Target "EndSonarQube" (fun _ ->
+ SonarQube End (fun p ->
+ {p with
+ Key = "MyProject"
+ Name = "Main solution"
+ Version = "1.0.0" })
+ )
+ Target "Default" DoNothing
+ "Clean"
+ ==> "SetAssemblyInfo"
+ ==> "BeginSonarQube"
+ ==> "Build" <=> "BuildTests"
+ ==> "EndSonarQube"
+ ==> "RunTests"
+ ==> "Deploy"
+ ==> "Default"
+ RunTargetOrDefault "Default"
+The MSBuild runner is searched in 'tools/SonarQube'. This can be overwritten with the ToolsPath property of the parameters.
diff --git a/help/users.md b/help/users.md
index 1aec67a57dc..f6ef7b72617 100644
--- a/help/users.md
+++ b/help/users.md
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ Some of our users are:
* [Elastacloud](http://elastacloud.com/)
* [Digital Furnace Games](http://digitalfurnacegames.com/)
* [Recognos Romania](http://www.recognos.ro/en)
+* [Centigrade GmbH](http://www.centigrade.de)
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
index cf643712a3f..a8fc5000e69 100644
--- a/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/FakeLib.fsproj
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
diff --git a/src/app/FakeLib/SonarQubeHelper.fs b/src/app/FakeLib/SonarQubeHelper.fs
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+++ b/src/app/FakeLib/SonarQubeHelper.fs
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+/// Contains a task to run the msbuild runner of [Sonar Qube analyzer](http://sonarqube.org).
+module Fake.SonarQubeHelper
+/// The supported commands of Sonar Qube. It is called with Begin before compilation, and End after compilation.
+type SonarQubeCall = Begin | End
+/// Parameter type to configure the sonar qube runner.
+type SonarQubeParams =
+ { /// FileName of the sonar qube runner exe.
+ ToolsPath : string
+ /// Key to identify the sonar qube project
+ Key : string
+ /// Name of the project
+ Name : string
+ /// Version number of the project
+ Version : string
+ }
+/// SonarQube default parameters - tries to locate MSBuild.SonarQube.exe in any subfolder.
+let SonarQubeDefaults =
+ { ToolsPath = findToolInSubPath "MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe" (currentDirectory @@ "tools" @@ "SonarQube")
+ Key = null
+ Name = null
+ Version = "1.0" }
+/// Execute the external msbuild runner of Sonar Qube. Parameters are fiven to the command line tool as required.
+let SonarQubeCall (call: SonarQubeCall) (parameters : SonarQubeParams) =
+ let sonarPath = parameters.ToolsPath
+ let args = match call with
+ | Begin -> "begin /k:\"" + parameters.Key + "\" /n:\"" + parameters.Name + "\" /v:\"" + parameters.Version + "\""
+ | End -> "end"
+ let result =
+ ExecProcess (fun info ->
+ info.FileName <- sonarPath
+ info.Arguments <- args) System.TimeSpan.MaxValue
+ if result <> 0 then failwithf "Error during sonar qube call " (call.ToString())
+/// This task to can be used to run [Sonar Qube](http://conarqube.org/) on a project.
+/// ## Parameters
+/// - `call` - Begin or End, to start analysis or finish it
+/// - `setParams` - Function used to overwrite the SonarQube default parameters.
+/// ## Sample
+/// SonarQube Begin (fun p ->
+/// {p with
+/// Key = "MyProject"
+/// Name = "MainTool"
+/// Version = "1.0 })
+let SonarQube (call: SonarQubeCall) setParams =
+ traceStartTask "SonarQube" (call.ToString())
+ let parameters = setParams SonarQubeDefaults
+ SonarQubeCall call parameters
+ traceEndTask "SonarQube" (call.ToString())