jackdaw |
A keyboard-focused Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) taking some cues from non-linear editors |
ClintTools |
An all-in-one DAW and plugin suite, designed to be a comprehensive solution for music production, with a focus on providing unique and innovative features, for all genres of music |
DawDreamer |
Digital Audio Workstation with Python; VST instruments/effects, parameter automation, FAUST, JAX, Warp Markers, and JUCE processors |
Horizon Digital Audio Workstation |
A digital audio workstation written in c++ and using the Labsound library for audio playback |
Kholors |
A digital audio workstation without tracks and where you edit samples in the frequency domains directly. |
Koblo Studio |
A Digital Audio Workstation with plug-in's designed for collaboration |
LeGrandMechantLoop |
Node-based modular live performance oriented DAW |
Yet Another Digital Audio Workstation (intended to be an improved version of Musec) |
Strauss |
A Digital Audio Workstation / Notation software that attemps to create a more efficient workflow for the modern composer |
A multi-track audio recording and playback application developed using the JUCE Framework |
tsunami |
A simple but powerful audio editor |
VocalShaper |
A JUCE-based Open Source DAW |
DeliriumStudioV |
An Open-Source DAW for Windows, Mac OS X & Linux aimed to make producing and recording better, more accessible and more intuitive. |
DAW36 |
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Open Sound Refenation |
(archived) Open-Source Windows DAW |
soundstation |
A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) |
unDAW |
Aim to add some Digital Audio Workstation capabilities to Unreal Engine 5 |
Maolan Core Library |
DAW written in C++17 |
DigiDAW |
A Cross-Platform Open-Source Digital Audio Workstation |
Sound-Ocean |
A cobantion of koblo and traverso daw |
Traverso-DAW |
A digital audio workstation designed to be an extension of your creativity and workflow |
Zrythm |
A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation |
nano_daw |
minimalistic digital audio workstation |
Smart Audio Mixer |
A modern digital audio workstation using C++/JUCE |
Tomb |
Linux Audio DAW - Multitrack Recording Interface |
Chaotic |
Digital Audio Workstation with extended sequencing capabilities |
GUI-less DAW |
Digital Audio Workstation without graphical user interface implemented using ChucK language |
Anthem |
A modern, multi-workflow DAW designed for creating and editing music and other audio content |
SndHnd |
An alternative DAW focusing on music composition and synthesis as opposed to live recording |
Wavelets |
(abandoned) open source DAW |
Frinika |
A free, multiplatform, complete music workstation software that features sequencer, soft-synths, realtime effects and audio recording |
EchoInMirror |
An open source DAW written in pure Kotlin |
nama |
Multitrack recorder and digital audio workstation |
noisicaä |
An open source DAW for GNU/Linux built around the idea of a modular synthesizer |
MusiKernel2 |
(sources backup) All-In-One Digital Audio Workstation and Plugin Suite |
Stargate |
Innovation-first DAW, instrument and effect plugins, wave editor |
py_headless_daw |
A GUI-less DAW for producing electronic music using python |
LambDAW |
An advanced modular built digital audio workstation |
ChipBox |
A desktop digital audio workstation, heavily inspired by John Nesky's BeepBox |
Dawsome |
A digital audio workstation for all platforms that is libre, gratis, and awesome |
NoiseG8 |
A free and open-source DAW. Created for simplicity and efficiency |
YinYue (LingYue) Digital Audio Workstation |
A versatile music production tool that aims to provide a comprehensive set of music creation tools and synthesizers |
butterDAWg |
FL Studio 20 clone with Electron |
Digital Audio Workstation |
Audio DAW |
Meadowlark |
A powerful recording, composing, editing, sound designing, mixing, and mastering tool for artists |