A simple proposal & vote database contract for Ethereum written in Solidity.
Inherits from DS-Auth and DS-Base.
Should be used by a frontend contract that is set as the database's owner, as defined by DS-Auth, allowing for easily updating frontend logic while keeping a consistent vote tally db.
Solidity Interface:
contract ProposalVoteDb is DSAuth, DSBase {
function addProposal (uint _eip, bytes32 _proposalId);
function getProposalCount (uint _eip) returns (uint);
function setVote (bytes32 _proposal, bytes32 _voter, bool _position);
function getVote (bytes32 _proposal, bytes32 _voter) returns (bool);
function getVoteTallies (bytes32 _proposalId) returns (uint, uint);
Install Dapple with npm install dapple -g
Your project may need to be a Dapple project to install in this manner, but we will add a proper ethpm module eventually.
In your project folder:
dapple init
Run dapple pkg install ipfs://QmNvkFwUn3UikUSXHUGpoJcrf4BQzozD459T2rt1AbZyqY
Import the file into our solidity files:
import "sol-proposal-address-vote-db/proposal-vote-db.sol";